Ashley Madison

Who brought the Coke to the White House?


Aug 23, 2001
The WH has the best security in the world. AS MJG suggested, just drug test the 500 suspects. Why the FBI is closing the investigation tomorrow, is beyond me. What's the rush?? It it was Anthrax or a pipe bomb found in the white house, I don't think the secret service or FBI, would be rushing this investigation, to end tomorrow!!

Also, who knows if they're really 500 suspects?? It could just be members of the Biden family, namely Hunter. Then the FBI says this cop out statement, "this investigation is one of top secret security."

I personally think this whole thing is a coverup. Like I said before, "I wonder who leaked that cocaine was found in the WH, in the first place??
But if you actually drug tested 500 suspects, how would that prove that 1 of them had coke 2 weeks ago?..... It wouldn't.

And it would be unconstitutional. You can't randomly test people.
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Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
If this was Trump's WH and a bag of cocaine was found near the situation room, the fake corporate media would be covering it 24/7 and calling for his impeachment.
Probably not. There wouldn't likely be the histrionics of blaming Don Jr. or Donny himself. Let's face a few facts:
  • The Secret Service is not lying or withholding info, despite what the GOP wants you to believe.
  • Is it possible that the coke is Hunter's or his sisters? Sure. But there is no evidence!
  • The area where this was found can be accessed by White House visitors, like apparently hundreds per day.
  • The coke was found at a time when President Biden was at Camp David...
  • It is possible that someone who came for business at the WH had it call out of a bag or purse.
Also, the world is not like CSI. They don't have the ability to pull prints or DNA off of everything, nor have the ability to track down its owner in a reasonable time. So, basically everyone should calm the fuck down about this.


Aug 23, 2001
If this was Trump's WH and a bag of cocaine was found near the situation room, the fake corporate media would be covering it 24/7 and calling for his impeachment.
No, they wouldn't. Because the 90% of the general public who don't follow right wing bullshit pages on Twitter and Fox News don't give enough of a fuck about any of this to even bother following it. Most non righties don't sit around speculating whether Donny Jr is shoving blow up his asshole or whether Donny Sr snorts lines off Rudy Giuliani's ass crack. Because most other people have lives and jobs and are reality based.

The only people who wank off about this trash are righties.
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Aug 23, 2001
Must be the same security company that services the New York prison where Epstein was kept.......
No, one is the prison service and the other is WH security.

The only think that they have in common is that you whine about both.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
If this was Trump's WH and a bag of cocaine was found near the situation room, the fake corporate media would be covering it 24/7 and calling for his impeachment.
If there was anything to this story TMZ would have found and published cell phone footage of it long before now. If TMZ hasn’t found it then it doesn’t exist.

Case Closed
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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
Mitch: It’s over. Just accept the L; don’t be like Trump.

You guys literally never learn from your mistakes because every time you lose it just adds a new layer to your conspiracy theories and tales of persecution.
This case is far from over. Hunter Biden's "sweetheart" plea deal, is going to be vigorously challenged!!
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Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
This case is far from over. Hunter Biden's "sweetheart" plea deal, is going to be vigorously challenged!!
That sounds like bs too; but as far as Coke Gate goes, the case is now closed. The Secret Service don’t know who did it and unless some new info comes out we never will.

Guys like you will undoubtedly keep peddling conspiracy theories over this but that won’t make it true.

PS: As far as Hunter’s plea deal goes, it appears his sentence was more severe than others would receive for similar offences but you guys will keep claiming otherwise. 🙄
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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010

Gee, I wonder why they are so uncurious on figuring out how cocaine got into the most secure location on the planet? But wait, it gets better. Secret Service spokesman Anthony Gugliemi said they declined conducting interviews because the interviews could infringe on individuals’ civil rights. Funny how the Biden admin is suddenly worried about not ‘infringing’ on people’s civil rights. Cover up.
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Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Mitch: I honestly don’t understand how you guys can continue to support Trump after all of the obvious criminal shit he has done and then shamelessly carry on about the Biden Crime Family…LOL. I don’t get it…do you guys not recognize the obvious irony here?

Your guy is under indictment with more charges pending. Hunter Biden is not even a public official and you guys are obsessed with him.


Aug 23, 2001
Holy shit, Mitchy!

You mean to say that they found weed at the White House TWICE!!!?????..... I see (and sniff) more weed than that walking along Queen West for a block on a Saturday afternoon ffs!

And coke?!.... Any club in TO, there's people snorting coke in the washrooms right now, I guarantee. Who gives a shit?!

WTF will they find next?!.... An empty can of beer in the WH trash?!?!?!
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