Are you still working on that post about smoking not causing lung cancer?
this is deflecting
Are you still working on that post about smoking not causing lung cancer?
Not really. It is you ateempting to defclect from the overwhwlming consnus among real scientists. It is the same level of ostrich like behavious on the part of you and your fellow deniers and obfuscators.this is deflecting
Oh, I am quite sure these are headlines that exist somewhere.Cool list, totally unsourced and totally fake.
Not really. It is you ateempting to defclect from the overwhwlming consnus among real scientists. It is the same level of ostrich like behavious on the part of you and your fellow deniers and obfuscators.
Your news paper clippings are just spam dude.
If the debate is what should be done about climate change and how soon should those actions be, then there is a discussion to be had.
But if you deny there is climate change in the first place, then there is nothing to talk about because you denying science is not a discussion.
That totally sounds like the reply of someone in a cult.pot meets kettle
claiming i am in a cult is you projecting climate alarmists like yourself fit the definition of cults and cult members
i and other members here post multiple evidence showing that climate alarmism is based on fear mongering and brainwashing and censorship of those who don't buy into the climate religion. instead of looking at the facts you instead dismiss them respond with more propaganda and insults claiming they are all science deniers and accusations of shills for the fossil fuel industry(while refusing to stop using gas and other fossil products).
you are not interested in dialog and debate all you do is post propaganda here
If you're going to insult me man up and reply to the posts we both know you are reading.that's frankfooter all right
he would burst in to flames if he were ever truthful
Not sure where you got your information from, but long exposure to 2,000 CO2 ppm levels leads to headache, dizziness, difficulty
acceptable exposure limit (PEL) of 5,000 ppm over an eight-hour period is independent of source/use of co2
a greenhouse has plants which absorb C02 so you can frolic all you want in a greenhouse and co2 will not exceed 1000 ppm by a whole lot
a submarine will have scrubbers & o2 generators to ensure Co2 does not exceed 5,000 ppm & O2 levels do not drop below 19.5% & make the sailors lightheaded while they are doing nuclear missile drills
That totally sounds like the reply of someone in a cult.
Take the post about Greta, you posted about a tweet she made when she was 15 as if it somehow was a) a prediction, b) a statement by a scientist and refused to debate the point further when I pointed out where it came from and what the article says. That's the move of someone who won't respond and debate and instead 'dismisses' all contrary evidence to their faith.
If you want to prove you're not in a cult feel free to see if we can have an actual debate about the science and the evidence.
Lets start with
Evidence - do you deny that the global temperature has risen by about 1.2ºC, as predicted by scientists, since the start of the industrial revolution?
Science - do you or do you not believe that the greenhouse effect exists and can affect the climate?
If you reply with yet another cut and paste reply it'll be confirmation that you can't argue the subject at all.
I did not say they weren't newspaper headlines. But headlines are useless. Reading headlines and then thinking you know the info in the article is silliness.
Has the temperature ever risen 1.2ºC in about 50-75 years before?more projecting and more insults from Franky when he cannot refute those who disagree with his climate alarmist ideology
the global temps rise and falls for thousands of years the temps are NOT static
Has the temperature ever risen 1.2ºC in about 50-75 years before?
If so, what was the cause?
How do you explain the rise in temperature?
Why do you think it won't keep going up, as predicted?
Can you discuss the issue honestly?
co2 levels in submarines - Google SearchNot sure where you got your information from, but long exposure to 2,000 CO2 ppm levels leads to headache, dizziness, difficulty breathing.
Exposure exceeding 2,000 ppm most people have to stop working, and ability to even think is severely reduced.
Around 5,000 ppm body’s functions will be seriously disrupted, causing loss of consciousness and confusion.
There is absolutely no way sailors could function being on a submarine for even 1 day when the CO2 levels are 5,000 ppm
"Around 5,000 ppm body’s functions will be seriously disrupted, causing loss of consciousness and confusion."5000- 7000 ppm
The main contaminant of submarine air is CO2. In ordinary buildings 1000 ppm is usually considered as a maximum concentration. This value is not based on health effects but on the rate of ventilation. In submarines, higher CO2 concentrations are permitted, usually 5000- 7000 ppm.
do not tell me you did not immediately think 2020 must be hotter than 2017 when you saw the image's
subliminal advertising is nothing new. this was intentional
the evil conspiracy. ... you can blame Michael Mann for that
polar bears, hockey sticks, acidification of the oceans, barrier reef bleaching , sea level rise, more hurricanes, tornados & more wildfires
all climate alarmism fabrications which have been proven false
The climate alarmists will promote any misleading story so long as it scares the public. Absolutly despicable behavior
if you want to call it the evil conspiracy., that is your choice, but do not think for a second, this intentional misleading of the publics is not occurring
there is nothing adorable about it.
what is wrong with you ??
Thats news to me, but interesting
Now you don't believe in the entire field of paleoclimatology?the earth is MILLIONS OF YEARS OLD according to mainstream scientists
people started recording temperatures in the last 100-200 years
read a book on earth science and related fields
' earth science' Search Results for Toronto Public Library
Why do you think this is relevant?Eco-protester who sabotaged George Osborne's wedding is a hypocrite ex- librarian who took trip to Thailand months after declaring a 'climate emergency' in Somerset