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Homeless/junkie solution?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
Modern medicine and the social welfare net in the First World has led to entire generations of people that could barely cope with basic living, to not only survive but procreate en masse. We're several generations deep of welfare bums having dozens of kids living off the government dole.

It's no wonder that the number of mentally ill and homeless populations are skyrocketing.

What did you think was going to happen to all those kids born to lazy drunken addicts that you looked down on when you were in school? Remember them dropping out of school because they couldn't learn basic reading and math, and getting pregnant at 15?

Once again, the the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Nope. UBI is just a fancy way of saying welfare. Money has to come from somewhere. And who determines what amount UBI would be? Would it be the same in Toronto and in Dryden? Why or why not?
Not that I'd expect a government to implement it well but I back the idea. Collapse all social services into one organization would save huge amounts and anyone making enough would just have it taxed back. Done right it would be a libertarian dream where everyone starts with an equal playing field then has the freedom to choose how to deal with it.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Food bank usage is up because food prices have skyrocketed. That's the number one reason. Inflation, rent, housing prices are all up as well. That goes for cities all across Canada. So if you're going to blame all that on Doug Ford, then you're completely out of touch with reality. If you think simply raising the minimum wage will solve all these problems, you haven't a clue at to how the economy works as a whole. Good thing you're not making decisions in Ontario.
Maybe when I retire I'll do an economics paper but my sense is the current financial hardship and inflation are artificial, started by covid lockdowns then jumped upon by corporations as an excuse to raise prices. Sadly many of those industries are too essential for people to simply boycott so the only thing that could address it is government action (and not just raising rates trying to solve current inflation as if it were a different era's recession.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Modern medicine and the social welfare net in the First World has led to entire generations of people that could barely cope with basic living, to not only survive but procreate en masse. ...

Could also discuss some of the massive slums around the world where there isn't that social net. Seems that poor people know how to fuck too.


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
So what's more important to you, having the freedom to make bad choices or live under a repressive government?
I`ve always chosen personal responsibility and accountability, nobody`s fault but mine approach. I don`t share your pov that a government that deals with low life criminals, drug dealers and murderers as being repressive.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Not that I'd expect a government to implement it well but I back the idea. Collapse all social services into one organization would save huge amounts and anyone making enough would just have it taxed back. Done right it would be a libertarian dream where everyone starts with an equal playing field then has the freedom to choose how to deal with it.
Obviously haven’t read the studies where it has been tried. Including Manitoba years ago. Maybe your not old enough to remember but you can Google stuff…

As stated, personally not sold. But the logic has merit.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I`ve always chosen personal responsibility and accountability, nobody`s fault but mine approach. I don`t share your pov that a government that deals with low life criminals, drug dealers and murderers as being repressive.
Personal responsibility only goes so far when the rules of the game are tilted against you.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
A frank appraisal by this poster (quote below). Doubt any of us like the status quo but unlikely any of us have a magical solution. Some members advocate giving more money to the affected, but why do we think that the affected will spend that money wisely?

"This homeless and drug problem really troubles me. Not just that I think it is a blight on society and our city and neighbourhoods. I also have empathy for the human suffering of the homeless and addicted, those with mental health issues etc. And their families. So I have given a lot of thought to possible solutions or mitigation over many years. Despite being otherwise succesful idea man, this is one problem that I really have been unable to come up with even a remotely viable and sustainable solution for. 🤷‍♂️

Ignoring it, deliberately is the only solution that I have been able to come up with to deal with my being bothered by it. Ignoring it is different than denying it."

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
I take ranking of cities with a grain of salt. Sometimes I get the impression they are done by the tourist board in those cities. Here they have San Franc ranked 14th. Here's what San Fran residents say.
'Our City's a Sh**hole': 40% of San Francisco Residents Say They Want Out – PJ Media

World's Best Cities - Best Cities (
One reason why I wish I could find San Fran/GTA comparisons from some weeks ago. It’s not pretty.

And I get the impression some think it just happens overnight. Instead of looking 20-30 years down the road.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
And incase anyone is interested in broadening their minds a bit.

Again, not personally sold but.

Drives me a little batty sometimes when in this digital age. So much information is available.

Also, when Alberta really went in the shitter some years ago. What researchers found was exactly what I described. Low income earner spend all their money. And they spend it inside their community and with the same demographic. They don’t go to Starbucks for $7.00 mocha lattes. They go to mom/pop greasy spoons.

There is merit to it. I guess you might need a basic understanding of economics and local economies.


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
One reason why I wish I could find San Fran/GTA comparisons from some weeks ago. It’s not pretty.

And I get the impression some think it just happens overnight. Instead of looking 20-30 years down the road.
The first time I visited San Francisco, 1980, there was a small amount of homeless living in several park areas, very close to the hotel I was in at Fisherman`s wharf. I was there twice more in the following 20 years and there were far more than previous visits. What was more interesting was the amount of prototype Charlie Manson looking dudes wandering around LA and Tucson I saw in 1980 as well. I`d expect it is a total shitshow currently.
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