Ashley Madison

France Riots - Their George Floyd Moment


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
Canada is majority white. Toronto is still majority white. Approx. 50%. They will still be the largest group for the foreseeable future imo.

White Canadians are a majority-minority in Toronto. This stat is from 2 years ago:

"The 2021 Census indicates that 55.7 percent of Toronto's population is composed of visible minorities,"

That'll be a 60/40 split within no time.

Life comes at you fast. It changes within a blink of the eye.


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007

The Charter came into existence in 1982 which extended rights to people including LGBTQ. The people that created the Charter were the same color as those that created the Constitution - white. And in 1982 Canada was 93% white majority.

In some countries it's permitted. It's not in Canada because white people extended protections to gays under the Charter.

If Muslims were in charge, and the majority, that's unlikely to have happened.

You currently live under values created and defined by white Canadians. Enjoy it. Hold it near and dear. Because it's the best thing out there.
So true...sadly it is in decline. I can`t imagine what goes thru a 15 yr old kid`s mind daily. Take a look ahead 50 years...good luck. We have immigration without assimilation, people, everyone, is tribal. It `aint complicated.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
Yes the charter came into existence in 1982. Were people's attitude the same towards LGBTQ people back then as it is today? The answer is no. What about race? Gender? No. Values have changed in the last 40 years and these values have been shaped heavily by social change brought on by time and by things like immigration. These are not white values. Case in point, you are a white guy saying many racist and regressive things over many threads. Certainly your values are not reflected in the larger society as many other members here have countered you.
The changes were made when the nation was majority white and reflected the values of its white authors. So yes, values have changed and evolved, and they did so in a virtually all-white nation.

You can split hairs all you want. You live under white canadian values... for now.

I've said nothing racist in any thread. You charge those that you disagree with as racist. Further, you don't know my race.
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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
So what if the country was majority white or if the authors were white back then?

Their values are not shared today by even other white people.
Their values are shared today... the Constitution and Charter are still in effect, and all laws pertain to them.

So clearly those values have no race association.
You can't remove the historical underpinnings and origins for the values that are in full force today. They all derive from white men in the recent past.

Today's values are shaped by a diverse population and they don't have anything to do with white values, which don't even make sense considering how diverse people are on an individual basis regardless of race.
Every value that you enjoy was made possible by the Constitution and Charter. Those are the overarching benchmarks that ALL flows from.

With regard to the present-day attitude regarding diversity and multiculturalism... that again was the result of white Canadians, namely Trudeau's dad, when the nation was practically all-white at 96%.

Canada could have taken the path of nations like Japan, Hungary, China, and looked down on diversity and immigration. It didn't because of the values set forth by "evil" white guys.

Yes, according to you, you haven't said anything racist. Others would disagree.
If facts can be racist, then perhaps you can make the case that I'm racist. If facts cannot be racist, I'm not racist.
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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
The constitution and charter are legal documents derived from and influenced by other legal documents from the UN, Europe and many others. They have no race association just because white men were in power. That is a ridiculous conclusion. It's like saying, white people discovered gravity because Isaac Newton was white.
Discovering and creating are not the same.

The legal documents were created, not discovered.

Newton's accomplishments do not transfer over to other white people or even his own countrymen. It is his and only his. The same applies to present day attitude towards race, gender, sexuality etc., Those attitudes are driven by minorities creating awareness and fighting for their rights, which subsequently informed and educated people. Just because white people were the majority does not mean you can white wash those accomplishments and take credit for them. This is yet another example of your racism.
Your attempt to downplay and whitewash the contribution of the white Canadians that laid the foundation for every value and freedom you enjoy today is astonishing and dare I say, racist.


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
93 we have diversity targets, focus on inclusivity etc., Now you see why that is important because you dont want one demographic group to drown out the others, their perspectives and their values in personal, social and professional life.
Disney HR speak. I was 45 years in the workforce, for several very large companies. Anyone, M/F, white, black, Asian, whatever, that advanced did so on merit only. Only their ability mattered. It looks like this is now being eroded due to woke insanity...this will end with severe consequences. I`d be surprised to see a Disney remake of Tarzan, a black boy raised by apes, in a jungle. No way they are touching that, they know how far they can test people.


Aug 23, 2001

White Canadians are a majority-minority in Toronto. This stat is from 2 years ago:

"The 2021 Census indicates that 55.7 percent of Toronto's population is composed of visible minorities,"

That'll be a 60/40 split within no time.

Life comes at you fast. It changes within a blink of the eye.
Do you have a problem with the rising % of non whites in the GTA?... Be honest.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
No they dont have to leave they are French citizens. They can live there and demand equal rights, treatment and freedom. Its part of of your right as a citizen to do so.

But I do agree that rioting, looting and destroying property is not the way to do it.
A condition of being granted citizenship is obeying the laws of the country
rioting, looting and destroying property is proof positive the granting of citizenship was a mistake


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
The looters, rioters should be charged.
The looters, rioters & arsonist should be charged & if they are migrants - deported after they serve their prison sentence

The root cause of the riots, which is racism, discrimination, police brutality etc., should be addressed so that future riots don't happen.
  1. addressing racism, discrimination, police brutality etc ??? explain in detail how you would accomplish this ?
  2. how quickly will you accomplish this ? ie days, weeks or months ?
  3. you do not know the root cause of the riots,
  4. there is a correlation of recent mass migration followed by civil unrest / crime - securing the boarder maybe a more pragmatic solution than assuming you can implement a utopian societal change overnight


Aug 23, 2001
So true...sadly it is in decline. I can`t imagine what goes thru a 15 yr old kid`s mind daily. Take a look ahead 50 years...good luck. We have immigration without assimilation, people, everyone, is tribal. It `aint complicated.
In Canada?..... I think we assimiliate pretty well. Most of the young professionals I run into these days are non white and they're as "Canadian" as I am. Solid Toronto accents and just get them going on the Leafs and they're 100% Canuck.

France has issues, I understand from the news articles. But that's because businesses don't hire minorities and they find difficulty getting accommodation outside their own areas. So they stay unassimilated.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
]You or I, are nobody to prescribe what France should do with people they charge. Let their law take its course including up to deportation. Bottom line, people who do illegal things should and will be charged.

We do know the root cause of the riots. I know what you are implying. The root cause of the riots according to you is because they allowed all of these non white people to come in. Nothing we haven't heard before. But the root cause is actually the way the people are treated.
if your opinion is that you are not being treated well.... leave
it is not an excuse to riot, loot or to commit arson

I will recommend a book to you that you should read. It was written by this investigative journalist for the NY Times and Washington Post. Her name is Souad Mekhennet. She is a Moroccan/Turkish immigrant to Germany, and currently a German citizen. The book is "I was told to come alone". Give it a read and she addresses her upbringing as a muslim immigrant, the racism she has faced, the issue of terrorism especially amongst Muslim youth growing up in the west, radicalization, crime and the effects of systemic racism on each of these things. It is truly an eye opener and one of the best books I have read. It will give you perspective on why such things happen.
no doubt she will win the Pulitzer prize under the victimhood category

if your opinion is that you are not being treated well.... leave
it is not an excuse to riot, loot or to commit arson

As for racism, discrimination and police brutality, you'd have to look at how Muslim migrants are treated over there. They face employment discrimination, racial profiling, excessive police violence etc., to put it shortly. There is obviously no one solution to it, and I am no social worker or government employee to tell you what exactly France should do. However, France should do something, that much is clear. Perhaps training police officers, implementing laws that make it illegal to discriminate, affirmative action/quotas are a few things they can look at.
i will pass on your foolish suggestions
  1. police officers put their lives at risk to protect society .. their reward , fools demanding they be defunded
  2. implementing laws that make it illegal to discriminate ?? we have laws to punish looters rioters, & arsonists - lets enforce these to the max instead
  3. affirmative action/quotas are discriminatory

good lord man you are expecting societal change to accommodate looters rioters, & arsonists

Also, there is nothing called "mass migration". It is controlled immigration per the numbers approved by the government. Calling it "mass migration", "flooding" etc., are racist terms that dehumanize people.
bullshit - there is a immigration process which is being circumvented

You shouldn't be using such terms.
I will use the terms I choose
You shouldn't be dictating to others

Secondly, there is no correlation between immigration and civil unrest.
What is wrong wth you ?
you just tried to justify why migrants are looting rioting and committing arson

the root cause is actually the way the people are treated.
followed by a Muslim lady playing the victimhood card

Canada had 1 million immigrants last year. I am yet to see any civil unrest.
do not hold your breath

Civil unrest such as this, are due to endemic issues - both cultural and systemic that exist in the country and go unaddressed for a long period of time. It is now high time to fix it.
the solution to this issue is securing the boarders , prison / deportation for rioters, looters and arsonists

civilized people do not riot, loot or commit arson
rioters, looters and arsonists should never be defended

you will continue to defend rioters, looters and arsonists until one of them harms you, your business or your family


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
I see a pattern where you just start copy pasting and repeating the same thing over and over again. It is just not worth engaging. This will be my last reply to you.
It's the "Larue becomes a broken robot" point.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
People dont have to leave. They are citizens. Citizens irrespective of race and religion should be treated equally
citizens are expected to obey the laws of the land

if your opinion is that you are not being treated well.... leave
it is not an excuse to riot, loot or to commit arson

. They are not.
They are not obeying the laws of the land

They are right to ask and infact should.
rioting, looting & committing arson is not asking

Their methods right now may not be right, but the core message is
rioting, looting & committing arson is the message they are sending and that is never acceptable
their core message they are uncivilized barbarians who should be imprisoned and then deported

Oh and it is not an opinion, it is infact reality that you refuse to admit
no i freely admit they are uncivilized barbarians who should be imprisoned and then deported

The more your refuse to admit it, the more you will have these kinds of riots.
blackmail by violence should never be accepted , justified, condoned or forgiven

I wont engage with the rest of your nonsensical, racist drivel. I see a pattern where you just start copy pasting and repeating the same thing over and over again. It is just not worth engaging. This will be my last reply to you.

and once again a Lonnie lefty runs out of factual arguments, calls racism and then runs away
it is straight out of the loonie lefty playbook

i do not care what race looters, rioters / arsonists are
they are uncivilized barbarians who should be imprisoned and then deported
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
The Alcazar Library in Marseille is the largest library in France, containing an archive of one million historically significant documents.
torched by uncivilized barbarians with a core message


uncivilized barbarians who should be imprisoned and then deported
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