Hmmm, didn't know BBC was Twitter.....Unfortunately the dimwits on here are incapable of critical thinking.
They get all their info from twitter.
Germany and France are still buying energy from Russia and it will never stop.

Germany says it is no longer reliant on Russian energy
New sources of energy mean Germany is no longer dependent on Russia, Germany's finance minister said.

France Crude Oil Imports From Russia - June 2023 Data - 2008-2022 Historical
Crude Oil Imports from Russia in France decreased to 66 Thousand Tonnes in August from 300 Thousand Tonnes in May of 2022. Crude Oil Imports from Russia in France averaged 588.97 Thousand Tonnes from 2008 until 2022, reaching an all time high of 1546.00 Thousand Tonnes in May of 2010 and a...
You really need to buy a critical thinking cap because I believe you drink a lot of Kool-Aid but that's ok, enjoy it. Of course, one cannot expect a country to go completely cold turkey on energy but slowly but surely it's changing and Russia is being slowly but surely disemboweled financially.
ps... I'd be careful with the name-calling young man. Just a friendly suggestion but please feel free to carry on.