Yup. Yes, I believe I have an authentic connection with my SB. Many of you will claim that I am naive but it's there.
Sure, the money is important to her but it's not the only thing.
Can you not get the same with an SP?????
I mean let’s not fool ourselves, and think it’s ever going to lead to some kind of relationship ( I suppose that does once in blue moon occur with both SB/SP)
I’ve spent the past 18 months trying to find a few I “click” with. Just now transitioning from trying many out, to ok, time for repeats. While the arrangement is transactional with the right “SPs” , there is zero reason things can’t move from purely transactional to friendly familiarity.
obviously I’m not going to name names. But more than one have suggested ways we can spend time “off the clock”………good luck with that with SBs…with some I know their real names, have been shown pics of their children, etc, etc. point here, is that you can get “the same” with SPs.
Too much work imo when you can get the same with the right SPs. And as much as we or some gripe about poor service/attitude. What we think there aren’t SBs out there with zero intentions of EVER going the distance. Just taking guys for their $$$ and time?
man, if I was a hot 19-30 year old girl and had no qualms playing guys like a fiddle……I’d be fleecing them left, right, center and 9 ways to Sunday on SB.