It will not happen because of the hypocritical Republicans who are more concerned about a woman's womb then the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans, thanks to their retarded and antiquated gun laws, including the 2nd Amendment. You are the one whining about the Democrats and Biden and as usual pinning the blame at them, although we know that Biden was the one who headed the Committee in the nineteen nineties that passed that legislation banning assault weapons. The Republicans were the ones to repeal it and then some Republican States even abolished the restrictions for those who were mentally unstable, Typical Butler!!So you think the only way to get gun control in is repealing the 2nd amendment.
Ok so that will never happen. Ever. So then quit whining about it. Because its not a few GOP politicians who oppose that. Its half the nation.
But I believe they can legislate in federal gun control measures. They just don't want to. They would rather fundraise from it then actually solve it.