Canada considering banning Fox News from cable packages


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2022
I'm trying to figure out if these posts are from a bot or AI or a non English speaker using AI translation.
Except for the screen grabs I'd say its AI translation/replies.
Things like 'kitty porn' earlier.

But not someone who is first language is English.
Hey hey hey! Stolen Valour is a very intelligent man! He's one of only 8 Regimental Commanders that have ever existed in the history of MARSOC! He spent 6 out of his 8 years in special forces in combat, but to be Regitmental Commander he still had to go to Staff College so I'm sure he's very well educated!

We're probably just too dumb to realize what he meant. No wait, not dumb: we're just cowards, that's it. Have it got it all right, Stolen Valour?

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Oh, So you admit the US government regulates what's on TV, Stolen Valour? So regulating some things is ok and doesn't make you "communist" (as if Communists where the only ones that operated propaganda), only if things you don't think should be regulated are regulated. Got it. At least we know what your standard is. Regulation isn't bad, unless the regulator is forbidding something you don't agree with. Have I got that right, Stolen Valour? You're the arbiter of what regulation is perfectly fine and what makes a country equivalent to North Korea?

But let's be clear: the FCC doesn't limit its rules to what's illegal, despite what you imply in your post.

The FCC does impose certain restraints and obligations on broadcasters. Speech regulations are confined to specific topics, which usually have been identified by Congress through legislation or adopted by the FCC through full notice-and-comment rulemaking or adjudicatory proceedings. These topics include:
  • indecency,
  • obscenity,
  • sponsorship identification,
  • conduct of on-air contests,
  • hoaxes,
  • commercial content in children's TV programming,
  • broadcast news distortion,
  • accessibility to emergency information on television, and
  • inappropriate use of Emergency Alert System warning tones for entertainment or other non-emergency purposes.

When a note says that something didn't pass the company's censors, what it's usually saying is that it did not comply with the regulator. If the company just felt it wasn't appropriate for it's brand, then it wouldn't show it at all. When a company shows it in every other country except the US but says it didn't pass the censors, they're saying they would've gotten in trouble if they showed it in the US. Or do you think company's just hate money? 🤣 C'mon Stolen Valour, are you really that thick?

🤣 Says the guys who initially said the US didn't regulate what was on TV and then to go back and editted his post to add kiddie pretend was banned to pretend like he didn't make an assinine statement. Still waiting on you to clear up that assumption you made about me claiming to have a list secondary degree. Did you find where I said that yet, Stolen Valour? Maybe your RCMP drinking buddies who "monitor" threads can help you find it.

Piddle Puppy just got served.

Combat dog

Active member
Feb 17, 2023
Hey hey hey! Stolen Valour is a very intelligent man! He's one of only 8 Regimental Commanders that have ever existed in the history of MARSOC! He spent 6 out of his 8 years in special forces in combat, but to be Regitmental Commander he still had to go to Staff College so I'm sure he's very well educated!

We're probably just too dumb to realize what he meant. No wait, not dumb: we're just cowards, that's it. Have it got it all right, Stolen Valour?
See that is the problem, you assume….I never wrote all my combat time was in the military. Short story, a person that is only trained to kill people does not have exactly many job opportunities in the civilian world. Therefore, many of us go to what you might say is called the dark side, we become very well paid security contractors that governments like canada and others, including the US, pay to perform duties that will give plausible deniability, or the countries just don’t have the skill set. For example, Prince Coward was not protected by his normal security team, because the team did not have experience in a war zone. When I was in the military a FNG (google it) showed up after completion of basic MARSOC training. Although he had no real experience in combat, he thought he knew everything, so much so, he was nicknamed popper. He would always pop off. Unfortunately, his head was blown off. You remind me of him, you pop off without knowing the subject matter and assume things that are not fact. Please do the world a favor and don’t have kids, your DNA has a retarded gene.


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
See that is the problem, you assume….I never wrote all my combat time was in the military. Short story, a person that is only trained to kill people does not have exactly many job opportunities in the civilian world. Therefore, many of us go to what you might say is called the dark side, we become very well paid security contractors that governments like canada and others, including the US, pay to perform duties that will give plausible deniability, or the countries just don’t have the skill set. For example, Prince Coward was not protected by his normal security team, because the team did not have experience in a war zone. When I was in the military a FNG (google it) showed up after completion of basic MARSOC training. Although he had no real experience in combat, he thought he knew everything, so much so, he was nicknamed popper. He would always pop off. Unfortunately, his head was blown off. You remind me of him, you pop off without knowing the subject matter and assume things that are not fact. Please do the world a favor and don’t have kids, your DNA has a retarded gene.
You remind me of George Santos, he also had a complicated past

Combat dog

Active member
Feb 17, 2023
You remind me of George Santos, he also had a complicated past
No matter what I post, documents or awards, you people that live in a tiny fish bowl and have no real life experience, will say I am a fraud. I chalk it up to your government’s pacifist policies. The only real people that you know who have fought in battle, are in video games. Think about it, King Charles wears medals and everyone assumes he earned them, because you’re told to believe it, you do. I don't need to prove myself to people that only read about war and think…. wow! No worries gentlemen, you’re safe and sound from battle, you’re Canadian and as such, you have the US in your corner. Not because people in United States respect Canadians, it is more likely due to the geographical location. Some people get lucky in life and can live, via, a keyboard and video game, some cannot. Regardless of what I have previously written, I know there are some Canadians who are not cowards and will fight if called upon. They are probably in the baby boomer generation. Now before I sign off, I want each and everyone of you that were critical of me to think, why? Is it because you googled something? Is it because in your mind it did not make sense? Is it because you have so much experience in these matters, you know I am a liar? When my father returned from Vietnam, he told me that people spit on him, and called him all kinds of bad names, for serving his country. Because I was a kid I could not relate to those stories. Now thanks to everyone that wrote I am a liar that does not know me, or my past, I totally understand his feelings, but for a different reason. My left bicep is gone and I have 22 titanium screws in my back, I must’ve dreamt it was from combat. In the same dream, I remember seeing a young FirstLieutenant, getting awarded a silver star. Almost immediately afterward, an old crusty sergeant major told the lieutenant, take it to Starbucks and see if it will buy you a cup of coffee. I understand!


Hardened Member
Nov 12, 2021
Some people get lucky in life and can live, via, a keyboard and video game
Is he talking to himself? :ROFLMAO:

When my father returned from Vietnam, he told me that people spit on him, and called him all kinds of bad names, for serving his country.
If Americans felt that way imagine what the Vietnamese think of Americans raping, pillaging, destroying and brutalizing their country in the name of "fighting communism" and "bringing democracy and freedom" for 6 long years.

My left bicep is gone and I have 22 titanium screws in my back, I must’ve dreamt it was from combat.
Its probably gone because you favor your left and relentlessly jerk off to military nonsense.

BTW didn't you say you were recently in Afghanistan as a "muslim rescuer"? If your bicep and back are gone how did they even let you into a combat zone with such disability? Never mind. You must have jerked off to that idea with your left hand. Not that it actually happened. :ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2022
See that is the problem, you assume….I never wrote all my combat time was in the military. Short story, a person that is only trained to kill people does not have exactly many job opportunities in the civilian world. Therefore, many of us go to what you might say is called the dark side, we become very well paid security contractors that governments like canada and others, including the US, pay to perform duties that will give plausible deniability, or the countries just don’t have the skill set. For example, Prince Coward was not protected by his normal security team, because the team did not have experience in a war zone. When I was in the military a FNG (google it) showed up after completion of basic MARSOC training. Although he had no real experience in combat, he thought he knew everything, so much so, he was nicknamed popper. He would always pop off. Unfortunately, his head was blown off. You remind me of him, you pop off without knowing the subject matter and assume things that are not fact. Please do the world a favor and don’t have kids, your DNA has a retarded gene.
Just shut the fuck up. You're not Liam Neeson and as a real veteran who lost friends I'm fucking tired of your Stolen Valour. Fuck off faker. I'm done with you and your bullshit. Maybe it's the beer talking since I'm in the bag, but it's not funny anymore. You absolute fake, pretend, poser, asshole. Just fuck off and shut the fuck up. Literally zero vets glorify this shit you because it hurts to talk about and that's the number one reason why i know you're a lying fraud.

PS. Someone who commands an entire regiment is qualified for a large variety of civilian jobs. The problem is you couldn't decide if you wanted to lie about being hero or an officer and you muffed them. But if you command a regiment you you can sit on the board of any number of companies.

So again, fuck off with your lies Stolen Valour. Actual people have died, real lives are ruined, and you sit there and pretend? Seriously. Fuck you.
Last edited:

musky guy

Well-known member
Mar 19, 2018
Scary times when a government can decide what people see and hear! If it is true, people should ask themselves why!
trudeau has already done it before he got into power we had sun tv. which was a conservitive news channel. they hated trudeau and for good reason as soon as he got into power they were banned from the airwaves and forced to the internet. all for the unforgivable crime of telling the truth. ezra levant rebel media.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
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musky guy

Well-known member
Mar 19, 2018
Nope, I enjoy CBC, and Global and others but I think Rebel Twat News is bullshit, nonsense, and partisan hackery for far-right radical sheep.
well i am old enough to remember the days of walter cronkrite dan rather peter jennings. the good old days when they just told you what was happening in the world for an hour a day and that was it. not like the last twenty years when brainwashing propaganda is on the airwaves 24 .
,7 i have seen alot in my 62 years and i can think for myself.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
well i am old enough to remember the days of walter cronkrite dan rather peter jennings. the good old days when they just told you what was happening in the world for an hour a day and that was it. not like the last twenty years when brainwashing propaganda is on the airwaves 24 .
,7 i have seen alot in my 62 years and i can think for myself.
Dude, Rebel News is dumdum, bizarre, fucked up, rightie propaganda.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
well i am old enough to remember the days of walter cronkrite dan rather peter jennings. the good old days when they just told you what was happening in the world for an hour a day and that was it. not like the last twenty years when brainwashing propaganda is on the airwaves 24 .
,7 i have seen alot in my 62 years and i can think for myself.
So do you believe Rebel News doesn't have a radical right-wing propaganda agenda and only reports news as Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather would do? They are totally fair and unbias in their stories?

musky guy

Well-known member
Mar 19, 2018
So do you believe Rebel News doesn't have a radical right-wing propaganda agenda and only reports news as Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather would do? They are totally fair and unbias in their stories?
like fuck they just tell the truth
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
like fuck they just tell the truth



stop stop, please stop


you are going to make me piss myself, STOPPPPPPP

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Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I agree with Combat Dog on The Royal Family.

If King Numbnuts wants a lavish coronation he should have paid for it, not the UK tax payers. The Royal Estate is worth a quarter of a trillion dollars while Charles personal fortune stands at $720 million. The cost of the coronation is spiraling out of control, not due to the ceremony itself, "the nobility" is gorging themselves on luxuries paid for by the general public. They have been making out like thieves since David Cameron's austerity measures. The UK public deserves to know what the gravy train of entitlement is costing them, the total bill is being kept private to spare Charles III blushes. The worst part, a ruthless usurper is now Queen

Lee Anderson is a hardcore Brexit supporter.

A number of Commonwealth Nations are making moves toward a Republic. Jamaica is first up, they say becoming a Republic is a necessity. To them, The Royal Family represents racial privilege built on slavery.

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Hardened Member
Nov 12, 2021
I agree with Combat Dog on The Royal Family.

If King Numbnuts wants a lavish coronation he should have paid for it, not the UK tax payers. The Royal Estate is worth a quarter of a trillion dollars while Charles personal fortune stands at $720 million. The cost of the coronation is spiraling out of control, not due to the ceremony itself, "the nobility" is gorging themselves on luxuries paid for by the general public. They have been making out like thieves since David Cameron's austerity measures. The UK public deserves to know what the gravy train of entitlement is costing them, the total bill is being kept private to spare Charles III blushes. The worst part, a ruthless usurper is now Queen

Lee Anderson is a hardcore Brexit supporter.

A number of Commonwealth Nations are making moves toward a Republic. Jamaica is first up, they say becoming a Republic is a necessity. To them, The Royal Family represents racial privilege built on slavery.

The Royalty is an anachronistic institution anyway. Although almost impossible Canada should move to become a republic as well. Why exactly is our head of state a person from another country? lol.
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