Canada considering banning Fox News from cable packages


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2022
Read what you sent
Need me to quote from it?

"Along with this imagery, viewers were also subjected to a character dressed as Adolf Hitler. As it was impossible to censor enough of this episode to make it acceptable, it was instead banned from being viewed on American TV."

Manu of those were banned because they would never pass government regulation.

But hey, maybe ask the government if they regulate TV.

"Federal law prohibits obscene, indecent and profane content from being broadcast on the radio or TV."

The government agrees: they regulate TV.

Edit: You can also read when Fox sued the FCC over regulation and lost.

So tell us again, Stolen Valour, which countries regulate TV?

I'm still waiting for you to show where I said I had a post graduate degree.
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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2022
Maybe you should go to school
That's what I said: the US banned it everywhere. They banned it out of existence. Or do you think the US would pressure Arab satellites to not carry it but freely let it be broadcast on its own networks? Does that seem logical, Stolen Valour?


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2022
When TRUMP is POTUS again in 2024 with an unrigged election I hope he follows though with Tucker Carsons sarcastic comment about invading chinada to liberate its citizens and make Canada a democracy again by overthowing the trudeau regime. Then make Tucker Carson the anchor of The National (broadcast from Florida where he resides) and his multi million dollar salary funded by seizing and appropriating the assets of all the big government extremists who supported trudeaus reign. The CBC will be completely funded only by those big government extremists seized assets- then completely abolished when all of their assets are depleted.

Then appoint Pierre Poilievre Prime Minister to lead and restore democracy with his first action criminalizing the liberal party for being cunts.

That would make Canada great again.

Combat dog

Active member
Feb 17, 2023
That's what I said: the US banned it everywhere. They banned it out of existence. Or do you think the US would pressure Arab satellites to not carry it but freely let it be broadcast on its own networks? Does that seem logical, Stolen Valour?
No, if it was still broadcasted, the US citizens would be FREE to watch it. Unlike Canada where your government controls what people watch.
Does that sound logical coward.
I must say I have learned a lot about why Canada is so fucked up, full of cowards and teetering on communism. Maybe after the country completes the transition it will change the red leaf to yellow. Unfortunately, the United States will probably get there sometime as well, there are way too many people that have children that think like you. Dear God, you cannot even differentiate between a legislative ban and a television network deciding not to air a program. The funny part is, you think it is synonymous.….. that means the same thing. I bet you were one of those type of people that wake up on Monday and identify as a woman, and on Tuesday, identify as a vegetable. Unfortunately, for me, I have a lot of friends that went to war and died, because Canada did not do their fair share, which is the reason I think the majority of Canadians are fucking cowards and live off of the American taxpayer. Now go make your mother, proud, paint yourself in rainbow colors, and scream about equality.
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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2022
These people understand more about the topic than you and I. Your argument is so dumb that it's like saying "I know more about space travel than NASA because I'm angry."

You're not banning anything. The state legislatures are. C'mon at least TRY to make arguments here. You're making a fool of yourself.
1. Institutional capture & your confirmation bias. It's been true in the past and likely true today. Besides, similar medical organizations in the Scandinavian (very liberal & tolerant) disagree. You do know there are other countries out there right?
2. Then why did you say - and I quote -


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2022
No, if it was still broadcasted, the US citizens would be FREE to watch it. Unlike Canada where your government controls what people watch.
Does that sound logical coward.
I must say I have learned a lot about why Canada is so fucked up, full of cowards and teetering on communism. Maybe after the country completes the transition it will change the red leaf to yellow. Unfortunately, the United States will probably get there sometime as well, there are way too many people that have children that think like you.
Ah, so what you're saying is that the US is going to dictate what citizens of other countries can watch, but not their own. If that were true, that's not exactly better. But it's not. Some of the reasons they wanted it taken off the air were because it violated it's rules in decency, which are the rules the FCC uses for censorship as per the Fox lawsuit I linked.

But again, the government's own website admits they regulate TV, so all you're doing is digging a deeper hole, Stolen Valour. Especially after you tried to bash on Canada for regulating TV after your baseless assumption that the US doesn't.

I'm also not sure what this has to do with communism. Are you saying right-wing dictators don't attempt to control the media, Stolen Valour?

I'm still waiting on the link to where I said I had a post secondary degree, Stolen Valour, or are you saying you made a baseless accusation there?

It's really unfortunate that you ranted about people making baseless accusations and assumptions in a post where you made two of them. Especially since I'm not letting you get away with pretending you didn't. Maybe go talk to your dad, or those RCMP guys you had drinks with, and see if they can help you figure out where you went wrong.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
No government has the right to control what their citizens read. They do it in China and Russia… Canada. BTW, who determines what is hate and misinformation?
Fox was proven to lie about about election results and “facts” they knew to be false. It does not take a rocket scientist to determine that to be hate speech… or understand why it is.

They helped cause a a riotous insurrection at the American Capitol where people lost there lives. A very dangerous right wing organization.

We also don’t air any Russian Propaganda or Chinese State media channels…. for the same reasons.

Maybe someday, they will can be a trusted news organization again… but far more heads would have to roll, and leadership would need to change.

They did this to themselves. Nobody else is to blame here. No guns were held to Tucker’s or Rupert’s heads.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Fox was proven to lie about about election results and “facts” they knew to be false. It does not take a rocket scientist to determine that to be hate speech… or understand why it is.

They helped cause a a riotous insurrection at the American Capitol where people lost there lives. A very dangerous right wing organization.

We also don’t air any Russian Propaganda or Chinese State media channels…. for the same reasons.

Maybe someday, they will can be a trusted news organization again… but far more heads would have to roll, and leadership would need to change.

They did this to themselves. Nobody else is to blame here. No guns were held to Tucker’s or Rupert’s heads.


Combat dog

Active member
Feb 17, 2023
Al-Etejah TV and Al Manar TV off the top of my head. Do you need more, Stolen Valour?
Yeah, I will take your word for it, Coward you cannot even comprehend simple English! Plus, shouldn’t you be more concerned about the royal misfits, than America? It just hit me, Charles and his band of inbred misfits have their chests covered in medals. You must think those were earned? I remember Harry when he played war, some in my unit was assigned to protect him for photo shoots and after they returned from the assignment, Harry was nicknamed prince coward, maybe you’re related!

Combat dog

Active member
Feb 17, 2023
Need me to quote from it?

"Along with this imagery, viewers were also subjected to a character dressed as Adolf Hitler. As it was impossible to censor enough of this episode to make it acceptable, it was instead banned from being viewed on American TV."

Manu of those were banned because they would never pass government regulation.

But hey, maybe ask the government if they regulate TV.

"Federal law prohibits obscene, indecent and profane content from being broadcast on the radio or TV."

The government agrees: they regulate TV.

Edit: You can also read when Fox sued the FCC over regulation and lost.

So tell us again, Stolen Valour, which countries regulate TV?

I'm still waiting for you to show where I said I had a post graduate degree.
I already acknowledged child porn, if it’s illegal, it cannot be on TV. In simple terms it must be written in law… child porn, not a fucking fake news or real news broadcast. You really cannot be that stupid. Now the article one more time my mentally challenged yellow friend. The link you attached referenced 15 shows that were banned in the United States, none indicated do United States government banned the shows. For example, see the attached, it is listed as one of the 15. You specifically quoted the program that reference Adolf Hitler! I even circled it for you. Just so you understand, a dub company is a PRIVATE COMPANY paid to do voice overs. If you you are a sample of an average Canadian, I understand why the government needs to make decisions on your behalf. There you go making assumptions once again.



Hardened Member
Nov 12, 2021
Canada is so fucked up, full of cowards and teetering on communism.
Yup we are teetering on communism.

And combat dog is teetering on the verge of insanity. :ROFLMAO:
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Combat dog

Active member
Feb 17, 2023
Fox was proven to lie about about election results and “facts” they knew to be false. It does not take a rocket scientist to determine that to be hate speech… or understand why it is.

They helped cause a a riotous insurrection at the American Capitol where people lost there lives. A very dangerous right wing organization.

We also don’t air any Russian Propaganda or Chinese State media channels…. for the same reasons.

Maybe someday, they will can be a trusted news organization again… but far more heads would have to roll, and leadership would need to change.

They did this to themselves. Nobody else is to blame here. No guns were held to Tucker’s or Rupert’s heads.
Canada evidently needs to control what its society hears and sees, because after reading some of these posts, it is evident that a good portion of the population believes the first thing they hear or see, and cannot think for themselves. Propaganda does not need to be spoken or seen, it can be from information withheld. Nancy Pelosi referred to it as an insurrection to get stupid peoples attention, and it took off. The entire thing was politically motivated and I am not talking about the protesters. It is the only time I have ever heard of a policeman, killing an unarmed woman for climbing through a window. The cop got away with it, because he is black, and she is white. In the United States for a police officer to use deadly force, they must articulate with specific articulable facts why they were afraid for their life or great bodily injury. Pelosi covered up the murder, and one day she will rot in hell.


Hardened Member
Nov 12, 2021
It is the only time I have ever heard of a policeman, killing an unarmed woman for climbing through a window. The cop got away with it, because he is black, and she is white.
If a white guy tried to climb the said "window", then a white cop would have shot him under the same circumstances. No politics there. Infact I think the police were very restrained. Restraint that they normally dont show with black people. Must have been because the majority of protestors were white.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I already acknowledged child porn, if it’s illegal, it cannot be on TV. In simple terms it must be written in law… child porn, not a fucking fake news or real news broadcast. You really cannot be that stupid. Now the article one more time my mentally challenged yellow friend. The link you attached referenced 15 shows that were banned in the United States, none indicated do United States government banned the shows. For example, see the attached, it is listed as one of the 15. You specifically quoted the program that reference Adolf Hitler! I even circled it for you. Just so you understand, a dub company is a PRIVATE COMPANY paid to do voice overs. If you you are a sample of an average Canadian, I understand why the government needs to make decisions on your behalf. There you go making assumptions once again.
I'm trying to figure out if these posts are from a bot or AI or a non English speaker using AI translation.
Except for the screen grabs I'd say its AI translation/replies.
Things like 'kitty porn' earlier.

But not someone who is first language is English.


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
Canada evidently needs to control what its society hears and sees, because after reading some of these posts, it is evident that a good portion of the population believes the first thing they hear or see, and cannot think for themselves. Propaganda does not need to be spoken or seen, it can be from information withheld. Nancy Pelosi referred to it as an insurrection to get stupid peoples attention, and it took off. The entire thing was politically motivated and I am not talking about the protesters. It is the only time I have ever heard of a policeman, killing an unarmed woman for climbing through a window. The cop got away with it, because he is black, and she is white. In the United States for a police officer to use deadly force, they must articulate with specific articulable facts why they were afraid for their life or great bodily injury. Pelosi covered up the murder, and one day she will rot in hell.
I’m a little confused. So a cop is guarding the premises and an intruder with an unruly mob behind her is climbing through the window. A cop raises his weapon and commands her to stop. She does not obey. What exactly is he supposed to do? Pelosi Schmelosi is he allowed to stand his ground or not?


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2022
I already acknowledged child porn, if it’s illegal, it cannot be on TV.
Oh, So you admit the US government regulates what's on TV, Stolen Valour? So regulating some things is ok and doesn't make you "communist" (as if Communists where the only ones that operated propaganda), only if things you don't think should be regulated are regulated. Got it. At least we know what your standard is. Regulation isn't bad, unless the regulator is forbidding something you don't agree with. Have I got that right, Stolen Valour? You're the arbiter of what regulation is perfectly fine and what makes a country equivalent to North Korea?

But let's be clear: the FCC doesn't limit its rules to what's illegal, despite what you imply in your post.

The FCC does impose certain restraints and obligations on broadcasters. Speech regulations are confined to specific topics, which usually have been identified by Congress through legislation or adopted by the FCC through full notice-and-comment rulemaking or adjudicatory proceedings. These topics include:
  • indecency,
  • obscenity,
  • sponsorship identification,
  • conduct of on-air contests,
  • hoaxes,
  • commercial content in children's TV programming,
  • broadcast news distortion,
  • accessibility to emergency information on television, and
  • inappropriate use of Emergency Alert System warning tones for entertainment or other non-emergency purposes.
I even circled it for you. Just so you understand, a dub company is a PRIVATE COMPANY paid to do voice overs. If you you are a sample of an average Canadian, I understand why the government needs to make decisions on your behalf.
When a note says that something didn't pass the company's censors, what it's usually saying is that it did not comply with the regulator. If the company just felt it wasn't appropriate for it's brand, then it wouldn't show it at all. When a company shows it in every other country except the US but says it didn't pass the censors, they're saying they would've gotten in trouble if they showed it in the US. Or do you think company's just hate money? 🤣 C'mon Stolen Valour, are you really that thick?

There you go making assumptions once again.
🤣 Says the guys who initially said the US didn't regulate what was on TV and then to go back and editted his post to add kiddie porn was banned to pretend like he didn't make an assinine statement. Still waiting on you to clear up that assumption you made about me claiming to have a post secondary degree. Did you find where I said that yet, Stolen Valour? Maybe your RCMP drinking buddies who "monitor" threads can help you find it.
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