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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
I do not need to prove shit to you, or anyone else on this board. My DD 214 will stand up on its own. I am simply attempting to give a different viewpoint to a culture (Canada) that has not experienced prolonged war fighting, other than in video games. People will believe what they want to believe. However, I will briefly describe my experience. I spent four years in Force Recon, which later became MARSOC. I spent another four years a regimental commander MARSOC. I then went to work for a company called Blackwater, which later became Triple Canopy. During all that time, I deployed to IRAQ 1 and Iraq 2 and then Afghanistan For a total of 52 combat deployments with almost 72 months in war zones. I currently know several operators in Ukraine. Now call me names and say BS, it will make you feel better
Yeah well my DD 215 says
I am the very model of a modern Major-General
I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral
I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical
From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical
I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical
I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical
About binomial theorem I am teeming with a lot o' news
With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse

I am also much like the Language Simp a hyper polyglot gigachad alpha male who is attractive to all women... and men.

Perhaps best of all, my mom says I'm cool.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2022
I do not need to prove shit to you, or anyone else on this board. My DD 214 will stand up on its own. I am simply attempting to give a different viewpoint to a culture (Canada) that has not experienced prolonged war fighting, other than in video games.
Sure. There wasn't a war in Afghanistan we participated in, nor were we in Gulf1. Oh wait...

What's interesting is you frequently go on about how western media and intelligence is lying about Russian capabilities, and yet the Canadian intelligence community has a history of not toeing the US line, even when other members of 5eyes do. Afterall, that's why we weren't in Iraq: we were debunking US/UK claims that Saddam had WMDs. Given your stance on Russia, I would have thought you would applaud Canada for not being involved in the bullshit Iraq War rather than looking down at us for focusing on Afghanistan instead.

People will believe what they want to believe. However, I will briefly describe my experience. I spent four years in Force Recon, which later became MARSOC. I spent another four years a regimental commander MARSOC.
So 2002-2010, given that MARSOC stood up in 2006. You were "a" regimental commander? Don't you mean "the" regimental commander? There has only ever been one Regiment in MARSOC (initially MSOR and now MMR). And if your were the Regiment Commander, surely you were with the HQ group and didn't go on many combat deployments. Between 2006 and 2019, all of MARSOC did 300 deployments (not all of them combat). With 3 Raider Battalions, that's 100 each over 19 years.

I then went to work for a company called Blackwater, which later became Triple Canopy.
There was no PMC called Blackwater in 2010. It had rebranded the year before. It's also strange wording to say it "became" Triple Canopy. Certainly it became XE Systems which became Academi. But it merged with Triple Canopy; it didn't "become" Triple Canopy. Nomenclature matters in the military, and why you would be lazy with it when you're trying to establish your pedigree I can't imagine.

Kind of like how I'm accused of saying I was part of the "security and intelligence services", but I didn't use that term because nomenclature matters and any veteran would immediately find it suspicious if I had used the word "services". I was specific with my nomenclature because I know these things matter, and it's curious that you aren't.

During all that time, I deployed to IRAQ 1 and Iraq 2 and then Afghanistan For a total of 52 combat deployments with almost 72 months in war zones. I currently know several operators in Ukraine. Now call me names and say BS, it will make you feel better
52 is an astronomical number, especially for someone with a short career. You know that right? Are you saying you are one of if not the most experienced US combat veteran alive today? And you spend your time on an escort review board based on Toronto despite not posting about escorts?


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Well, it is possible.

After all, we also have a "leader of large teams", a 'billionaire capitalist titan of industry and commerce', a 'gas station attendant cum geo-political savant' and assorted other well credentialed sorts on TERB, right here, right now.
He had a guy claiming to be in the Canadian Air Force but his stories didn't match up chronologically speaking. At least when he was outed he left and never came back.
Unlike Loki's wife who kept making these claims and kept getting called on it by people who knew the fields she was talking about when google fu just doesn't give you the details you need.
Or guys who have lots of girlfriends and wives but spend all day on terb posting around the clock huge posts getting into all sorts of arguments because that is what real life Charlie Sheen's/Hugh Hefners do. Sure I do it also but I don't have a life and I don't post anywhere near that volume.
Etc, etc.

Anything is possible, and there is one guy here who is sus but his stories are at least possible and he is otherwise reasonable so I give him a pass, if he is a fake, at least he has the respect for us to make it plausable.

As for Combat dog, he screams troll, so I think I will go ahead and call BS.

I do not need to prove shit to you, or anyone else on this board. My DD 214 will stand up on its own. I am simply attempting to give a different viewpoint to a culture (Canada) that has not experienced prolonged war fighting, other than in video games. People will believe what they want to believe. However, I will briefly describe my experience. I spent four years in Force Recon, which later became MARSOC. I spent another four years a regimental commander MARSOC. I then went to work for a company called Blackwater, which later became Triple Canopy. During all that time, I deployed to IRAQ 1 and Iraq 2 and then Afghanistan For a total of 52 combat deployments with almost 72 months in war zones. I currently know several operators in Ukraine. Now call me names and say BS, it will make you feel better
1: I don't need to prove shit to you or anything else on this board
Proceeds to try to prove shit to us. Well that's a lie
2: He claims to have a DD214, well I can claim to have a 24 inch dick. Is he really that stunned and out of touch to think that claiming he has something establishes that he has something. Also even if he did have a legit DD214, you can get that for cooking meals or delivering mail. My father got an honorable discharge from the RCAF as a radar tech, he served during the Korean War. Never left Canada and the US [for training], be he would have whatever the RCAF version of the DD214 is. That would give him about as much insite into the Ukraine war as it would insight into the evolution of the market economy in the Southern colonies
If he was military and not a slobbering door knob, he would know this.
3: Oh and the person who said he doesn't have to prove shit than makes claims of being a super ninja pirate. Again if he has a clue, he would understand that these claims mean utterly nothing.
Someone who thinks that his comments establish anything would not have the intellect to be in Force Recon or be a regimental commander.

I am kinda reminded of Fuji who made all sorts of claims of all his girlfriends and wife and how awesome everything was, but I'd point out that if that was the case he wouldn't spend all day posting pages of bullshit arguments on terb and who knows where else. His counter would be, but it true, me no lie. I'd point out that this doesn't mean anything as it's a claim that is not backed up by anything. Rather than admit that he was trying to prove the unproveable, he kept at it, over and over. Fighting the logically unwinnable fight rather than just going, yeah it looks that way, but I can't prove it. Makes one wonder how he could have the financial success he claimed.

OTOH, I could believe him being a marine, if so never making it to the E-4 Mafia. His posting has crayon eater written all over it. Or again, maybe much like Loki's wife, he is just playing a character. Poe's law.
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Kingston recon
Feb 12, 2020
I do not need to prove shit to you, or anyone else on this board. My DD 214 will stand up on its own. I am simply attempting to give a different viewpoint to a culture (Canada) that has not experienced prolonged war fighting, other than in video games. People will believe what they want to believe. However, I will briefly describe my experience. I spent four years in Force Recon, which later became MARSOC. I spent another four years a regimental commander MARSOC. I then went to work for a company called Blackwater, which later became Triple Canopy. During all that time, I deployed to IRAQ 1 and Iraq 2 and then Afghanistan For a total of 52 combat deployments with almost 72 months in war zones. I currently know several operators in Ukraine. Now call me names and say BS, it will make you feel better
The more you post the more you prove you are clueless about anything outside the US.
You served in Afghanistan and say Canada has not experienced prolonged war fighting, since you were there, you would know more than 40,000 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members served in Afghanistan as part of the NATO International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) from 2001 to 2014 and that 158 Canadian Forces members and one Canadian diplomat died during the intervention.
When the US pulled out of Afghanistan, CAF went back in to evacute civilians, including US citizens under Operation AEGIS.
CAF SOF conducted operations into cities, towns and villages as part of this evacuation effort.
You would also know that 3 of the top 5 longest recorded confirmed sniper kills were by Canadians.
None of the top 5 were Americans.
Research Canadas war history before you post about it.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
How did you become a military strategist? Let me guess, you play video games
There is nothing I said that was wrong. You have nothing to you resort of ad hominum attacks.

ANd not that I can prove it, but I pretty much lived in a university library before I got my first MS DOS machine. Library of Congress D, U and sometimes V section were the closest things I had to friends.

But yeah, you were a regimental commander. Sure brah whatever.

Actually your general commentary and this

QUOTE="PeteOsborne, post: 7922282, member: 302014"]
The more you post the more you prove you are clueless about anything outside the US.
You served in Afghanistan and say Canada has not experienced prolonged war fighting, since you were there, you would know more than 40,000 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members served in Afghanistan as part of the NATO International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) from 2001 to 2014 and that 158 Canadian Forces members and one Canadian diplomat died during the intervention.
When the US pulled out of Afghanistan, CAF went back in to evacute civilians, including US citizens under Operation AEGIS.
CAF SOF conducted operations into cities, towns and villages as part of this evacuation effort.
You would also know that 3 of the top 5 longest recorded confirmed sniper kills were by Canadians.
None of the top 5 were Americans.
Research Canadas war history before you post about it.

At the very least proves beyond any shadow of the doubt that you were never an officer let alone a regimental commander of super ninja pirates.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Why doesn't this surprise me coming from the scumbags who run the Kremlin?

Russia blames US for alleged Kremlin drone attack - BBC News

Well that's just foolish, everyone knows it's Justin Beiber who is behind the attack. If it wasn't for the Beebs, we would all live in peace and listen to Twice and Blackpink all day.
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Combat dog

Active member
Feb 17, 2023
Yup we have not experienced prolonged war fighting. Because we aren't warmongers unlike the US.


Your statement is partially correct, Canada is not warmongers, but it is not because of moral character, it is because they are a pacifist nation that relies on the US for defense. The US has its faults, but at least the US does not condone sex trafficking. I have killed many people that I did not know and most were only doing their job. I am sure many had families. Does it bother me,….. every day! However I was doing my job exactly how I was taught. I have been to 46 countries and not one is perfect, but few modern countries condone the exploitation of women that must lick someone’s ass for $30 to support her family. Put that in context and give it thought. Would you like your sister or daughter to do it to support your parents? What would you think about the scum that paid the $30 and then wrote details of the event on a public forum? Unfortunately there are a ton of people that scream about social justice, equality and civil rights, but don’t think twice about victimizing a young women. You previously attempted to correct me for writing illegal alien, you crossed out alien and added… people. A few days later you wrote I was jealous because in the US I cannot pay a girl $30 “to eat ass.” If appears you are a social justice warrior as long as it is convenient for you. Which is worse, calling a person alien, or victimizing a young women? If you’re going to talk the talk, walk the walk. Just like all those that believe Putin is a monster and Twitter is news, but refuse to go fight for the Ukrainian people. It is easy, from the safety of your desk to condemn something you don’t understand, but think is horrible, and do nothing other than type. now, google the word hypocrite.

Combat dog

Active member
Feb 17, 2023
There is nothing I said that was wrong. You have nothing to you resort of ad hominum attacks.

ANd not that I can prove it, but I pretty much lived in a university library before I got my first MS DOS machine. Library of Congress D, U and sometimes V section were the closest things I had to friends.

But yeah, you were a regimental commander. Sure brah whatever.

Actually your general commentary and this

QUOTE="PeteOsborne, post: 7922282, member: 302014"]
The more you post the more you prove you are clueless about anything outside the US.
You served in Afghanistan and say Canada has not experienced prolonged war fighting, since you were there, you would know more than 40,000 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members served in Afghanistan as part of the NATO International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) from 2001 to 2014 and that 158 Canadian Forces members and one Canadian diplomat died during the intervention.
When the US pulled out of Afghanistan, CAF went back in to evacute civilians, including US citizens under Operation AEGIS.
CAF SOF conducted operations into cities, towns and villages as part of this evacuation effort.
You would also know that 3 of the top 5 longest recorded confirmed sniper kills were by Canadians.
None of the top 5 were Americans.
Research Canadas war history before you post about it.
At the very least proves beyond any shadow of the doubt that you were never an officer let alone a regimental commander of super ninja pirates.
Divide 40000 solders by 13 years and then determine the percentage (158) that died from the 40000 that served in Afghanistan……..039%. The vast majority that went were support personnel not combat solders, which accounts for the low casualty rate. I was actually in Afghanistan 6 weeks ago and helped rescue two former interpreters. I have 35 confirmed sniper kills, the longest is about 600 meters. Distance is only significant in the movies and is more about luck than anything else. Now go back to your library, read about war and then live your life vicariously through other people


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2022
Your statement is partially correct, Canada is not warmongers, but it is not because of moral character, it is because they are a pacifist nation that relies on the US for defense. The US has its faults, but at least the US does not condone sex trafficking. I have killed many people that I did not know and most were only doing their job. I am sure many had families. Does it bother me,….. every day! However I was doing my job exactly how I was taught. I have been to 46 countries and not one is perfect, but few modern countries condone the exploitation of women that must lick someone’s ass for $30 to support her family. Put that in context and give it thought. Would you like your sister or daughter to do it to support your parents? What would you think about the scum that paid the $30 and then wrote details of the event on a public forum? Unfortunately there are a ton of people that scream about social justice, equality and civil rights, but don’t think twice about victimizing a young women. You previously attempted to correct me for writing illegal alien, you crossed out alien and added… people. A few days later you wrote I was jealous because in the US I cannot pay a girl $30 “to eat ass.” If appears you are a social justice warrior as long as it is convenient for you. Which is worse, calling a person alien, or victimizing a young women? If you’re going to talk the talk, walk the walk. Just like all those that believe Putin is a monster and Twitter is news, but refuse to go fight for the Ukrainian people. It is easy, from the safety of your desk to condemn something you don’t understand, but think is horrible, and do nothing other than type. now, google the word hypocrite.
Try again, Regimental Commander Operator Combat Dog.

If you've got a problem with prostitution, you sure picked a strange place to spend your time. But then given how you're blatantly just here to insult Canada in an attempt to get a rise, you're clearly just a shitty troll.


Hardened Member
Nov 12, 2021

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
So you are here to book girls while complaining about prostitution on an escort review board :ROFLMAO:
This one blew my mind. Are you saying that there could be no prostitution without sex trafficking? It's one of the oldest professions. How did they ever do it before enslaving foreigners and transportating them over distances became possible?


Kingston recon
Feb 12, 2020
At the very least proves beyond any shadow of the doubt that you were never an officer let alone a regimental commander of super ninja pirates.
Divide 40000 solders by 13 years and then determine the percentage (158) that died from the 40000 that served in Afghanistan……..039%. The vast majority that went were support personnel not combat solders, which accounts for the low casualty rate. I was actually in Afghanistan 6 weeks ago and helped rescue two former interpreters. I have 35 confirmed sniper kills, the longest is about 600 meters. Distance is only significant in the movies and is more about luck than anything else. Now go back to your library, read about war and then live your life vicariously through other people
Another bullshit post.
775,000 US personel were deployed over 20 years with 2,400 KIA, do the math.
You do know at what ranges CAF SOF practice sniper shots at don't you?
Just a hint it is over 2,000 meters.
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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2022
I have 35 confirmed sniper kills, the longest is about 600 meters.
The Marines had only announced moving Snipers out of infantry Battalions and into Scout Battalions in FORECON and MARSOC in March of 2023. If you were a USMC Scout Sniper you would've been assigned to an infantry battalion, not FORECON or MARSOC. You may have been seconded or organised into a Tiger Team, but that's not what you said. Also Sniper is an enlisted MOS so you couldn't have been both an operational sniper and a Regimental Commander.

I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt before and say maybe you really are just highly experienced, but you've stepped in it now. 100% Stolen Valour.

Combat dog

Active member
Feb 17, 2023
The Marines had only announced moving Snipers out of infantry Battalions and into Scout Battalions in FORECON and MARSOC in March of 2023. If you were a USMC Scout Sniper you would've been assigned to an infantry battalion, not FORECON or MARSOC. You may have been seconded or organised into a Tiger Team, but that's not what you said. Also Sniper is an enlisted MOS so you couldn't have been both an operational sniper and a Regimental Commander.

I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt before and say maybe you really are just highly experienced, but you've stepped in it now. 100% Stolen Valour.
You are wrong, I went to Sniper School during my time in Force Recon, before assignment to MAROC. Regardless, just because a primary MOS is changed does not mean everything learned goes away. For example, snipers just don’t sneak and shoot, they engage hand to hand and everything in between. The problem with zero military training is, people like you think combat is black and white. A fucking cook will shoot the enemy, a truck driver will blow up a bridge. To address your enlisted comment, many people go to school in the military, obtain a degree and become an officer….AND many operators, enlisted as well as officers assigned to SOC, go to sniper school. Every SOCOM unit works as a team, depending on assignment a team will consist of as little as 4 people. All four are , or should have the same training. Officers don’t go to jump school, or divers school…..they just give commands….nonsense, YOU ARE 100% STUPID AND WATCH WAY TOO MUCH TV.
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Combat dog

Active member
Feb 17, 2023
This one blew my mind. Are you saying that there could be no prostitution without sex trafficking? It's one of the oldest professions. How did they ever do it before enslaving foreigners and transportating them over distances became possible?
Do you honestly believe the Asians have discounted prices because they are nice? most do it to survive and support family, not because the want a BMW. I did not say they are forced, although some are, they do it out of necessity unlike someone such as Florence Yi.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Hmmm. Are you people trying to prove or disprove validity of claims on the anonymous prostitution board? Now I have seen everything. 😆🤣😂
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Combat dog

Active member
Feb 17, 2023
The only reason I selected this board is because it will reach all segments of Canadian society, unlike a forum about flowers as an example. I knew the most active players are typically the most stupid and loudest. My only goal was to provide information to a passive culture, not only about real life war shit, specifically Ukraine, but about how people exploit Asian women. I know I made some of the more intelligent people, at least think, which was my goal. The rest think they can drive well because they play grand theft auto and refuse to accept reality. Hopefully one of those individuals will discover a loved one eating ass for $30. Go back to reading the news on Twitter and paying someone’s daughter $30 to lick your butt and then preach about social justice. Just remember karma!


Hardened Member
Nov 12, 2021
I do book girls, but not the ones that cost 200 with a 30 up charge to eat ass.
I am pretty sure your broke ass cant even afford the 200. :ROFLMAO:
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Hardened Member
Nov 12, 2021
This one blew my mind. Are you saying that there could be no prostitution without sex trafficking? It's one of the oldest professions. How did they ever do it before enslaving foreigners and transportating them over distances became possible?
I didn't say it. Combat dog did.
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