Justin was right after all


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Really? ITS THE CBC OUTING THE GOVERNMENT. He questioned whether they are wrong. So Bver, is the CBC wrong to report on this?
When the CBC poses cutting edge questions to all parties including the opposition leader like Pee Poilievre, why the hell then does he call them "biased". Especially, as you are stating that they are now "Outing the Government". I, in no way have stated that the CBC are wrong in disclosing anything, or show me where I did so? Only you seem to object when the Conservatives are also involved in the mix!!


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
So it's a final or analysis report and not a preliminary? I'd love to know how you reached that conclusion. Have you seen the report? Because you quote CBC as a source Ave they have made it very clear that gave not confirmed it seen the report the Global News is citing.

How do you know these are facts? Again, have you seen this report? How do you know what it contains?

Why Trudeau ignored it won't be in the report. That would be determined by an investigation. So else it won't answer that. As to who got money, in sure that will be revealed after the investigation is complete once they confirm who recieved money.

The report in question may contain other information critical to the security of the state. It may contain names of Canadian operatives, or information We don't know because, again, we haven't seen it. Unless you answer that your face to the questions above, in which case I'd love to know why you don't just leak the information if you're that sure if it.

And why do you say "another" investigation? If this is a preliminary report, there may have been no analysis. What if the CSE intercepted a phone call between a Chinese official and the Chinese Embassy and this is a preliminary report on that which has not been validated by multiple sources and other agencies, like CSIS, couldn't corroborate it? What is it's a counter-intelligence operation by MSS precisely designed to undermine and interfere with Canadian elections by getting people like you all wound up and eager to crucify any politician that is named?

Of course, this may be an analysis or final report, and it may paint a very damning picture. It also may contain no Official Secrets and be sanitized for release. We don't know. You're demands ignore that there are cases that perhaps we need an investigation or it can't be released, whereas I have no doubt an investigation into it will ensure any relevant information does come out eventually, because our opposition government will ensure there are answers. We have a very healthy representative democracy in Canada, despite what the "I have no rights anymore!" crowd will tell you. I do not doubt that if there are improprieties, other parties will ensure it gets out.

But again, you seem hell-bent on wanting to make sure certain people are condemned for actions that, as far as your and I actually know for a fact, may not have ever occurred. So I'll deflect your own question back at you: why would you want that?

Same reason I don't decide anyone accused or suspected of a crime is guilty until the facts come out: it's unfair to condemn people on suspicion or incomplete information.

Do you really think all this came out without a ton of proof that the government is trying to hide? Hence the leak. To apply pressure. And it's working.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
When the CBC poses cutting edge questions to all parties including the opposition leader like Pee Poilievre, why the hell then does he call them "biased". Especially, as you are stating that they are now "Outing the Government". I, in no way have stated that the CBC are wrong in disclosing anything, or show me where I did so? Only you seem to object when the Conservatives are also involved in the mix!!
So obtuse


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2022
Do you really think all this came out without a ton of proof that the government is trying to hide? Hence the leak. To apply pressure. And it's working.
If it's a final report, why hasn't Global News leaked out? I believe Global News has seen a report. But I have no reason to assume it can't be a preliminary report. And a preliminary report would be newsworthy. But that doesn't mean it's final or should be released.

Your logic that there must be something to it applies in reverse: if they aren't releasing it than it must not be final and conclusive.

You're grasping at straws because you clearly want to push your agenda of condemning anyone with suspected ties to China regardless of reality.

I'll wait for the investigation, thanks. Because I know the Opposition will not let this be buried. And your demand you are entitled to know doesn't change the fact that anyone like me, who is a veteran that understands National Security issues and/or has experience in military intelligence, will tell you that you're desire to crucify people doesn't overrule the Official Secrets Act.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
If it's a final report, why hasn't Global News leaked out? I believe Global News has seen a report. But I have no reason to assume it can't be a preliminary report. And a preliminary report would be newsworthy. But that doesn't mean it's final or should be released.

Your logic that there must be something to it applies in reverse: if they aren't releasing it than it must not be final and conclusive.

You're grasping at straws because you clearly want to push your agenda of condemning anyone with suspected ties to China regardless of reality.

I'll wait for the investigation, thanks. Because I know the Opposition will not let this be buried. And your demand you are entitled to know doesn't change the fact that anyone like me, who is a veteran that understands National Security issues and/or has experience in military intelligence, will tell you that you're desire to crucify people doesn't overrule the Official Secrets Act.

you are asking why a media firm will not release a report that you are unsure even exists

the bigger question is why Justin Trudeau placed a higher priority on persecuting the whistle blower over calling a public enquiry ?
why does he refuse to do the right thing and assure Canadians our elections have integrity ?

the Justin Trudeau scandals just continue to pile up and will not stop as he is stupid and corrupt
he needs a different occupation
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
If it's a final report, why hasn't Global News leaked out? I believe Global News has seen a report. But I have no reason to assume it can't be a preliminary report. And a preliminary report would be newsworthy. But that doesn't mean it's final or should be released.

Your logic that there must be something to it applies in reverse: if they aren't releasing it than it must not be final and conclusive.

You're grasping at straws because you clearly want to push your agenda of condemning anyone with suspected ties to China regardless of reality.

I'll wait for the investigation, thanks. Because I know the Opposition will not let this be buried. And your demand you are entitled to know doesn't change the fact that anyone like me, who is a veteran that understands National Security issues and/or has experience in military intelligence, will tell you that you're desire to crucify people doesn't overrule the Official Secrets Act.
Global is reporting that they saw an unredacted copy, which means that someone in the government leaked it to them.
CBC just had an interview with a conservative who had run previous reports and said that it has to remain secret and that the committee members are heavily checked to make sure nothing gets out.
These are bipartisan reports but sensitive.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
So far the one with real ties to China and in the Election interference is this Ontario PC Vincent Ke, who had to resign:

Toronto MPP steps down from Ontario PC caucus amid allegations

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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2022
It’s all fine and dandy until it happens to you and it will happen to every single one of one day. Trudeau was hiding out just as much as ford was. They’re both pussies and don’t know how to deal with dissenting opinion. Conservatives being compared to a group of people that committed genocide in world war 2 is deeply offensive.
You're talking about the convoy protests? Because they were comparing the Liberal government to a group of people that committed genocide in WWII, which is also deeply offensive. I will say, though, it's interesting how so many Conservatives, who for years ranted about how "snowflakes" are always playing the "victim" card, are now constantly playing the victim card.

How come no one wants to talk about the Chinese influence in our political system? Instead, we want to argue over some bullshit protesters whom overstayed their welcome but only did so because the PM called us racist and misogynistic.
No one wants to talk about it? It's been front page news for days and there's been plenty of people discussing it here. What kind of Tucker Carlson gaslighting nonsense are you trying to pull here?


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
So far the one with real ties to China and in the Election interference is this Ontario PC Vincent Ke, who had to resign:

Toronto MPP steps down from Ontario PC caucus amid allegations

ROTFLMFAO!!! This is the clearest confirmation of the Chinese involvement in subverting our elections. You think that you're scoring some kind of a political point, but, since Ontario is part of Canada, you've just offered 100% proof that the story is real -Justin colluded with a foreign power and that's why he's stonewalling. Thanks!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
ROTFLMFAO!!! This is the clearest confirmation of the Chinese involvement in subverting our elections. You think that you're scoring some kind of a political point, but, since Ontario is part of Canada, you've just offered 100% proof that the story is real -Justin colluded with a foreign power and that's why he's stonewalling. Thanks!
ROTFLMAO, explain how Trudeau "colluded" with China when clearly it was a Conservative MPP who did so?? Trudeau is not stonewalling if he is appointing an independent rapporteur to investigate this whole interference. Obviously, you as a right winger always catches the bull by the tail......... Hilarious!!

We see in the USA that when there is collusion there is an independent investigation appointed by the DOJ to investigate, and not a "Public Enquiry". Why should this be any different?
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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
ROTFLMAO, explain how Trudeau "colluded" with China when clearly it was a Conservative MPP who did so?? Trudeau is not stonewalling if he is appointing an independent rapporteur to investigate this whole interference. Obviously, you as a right winger always catches the bull by the tail......... Hilarious!!

We see in the USA that when there is collusion there is an independent investigation appointed by the DOJ to investigate, and not a "Public Enquiry". Why should this be any different?
It doesn't matter what party, ROTFLMFAO!!!! China is targeting Chinese/Canadian politicians and turning them into 5th Column....and Justin is trying to cover it up! Justin is doing China's bidding, Xi"s little bitch. 😆


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Obviously we are seeing the right wingers constantly bashing Trudeau for his so called "scandals", including the Aga Khan vacation. But when something similar occurred for the present leader of the Conservative party, none other than Pee Pee.......... well it was no big deal as it was $8000 less than that reported in"error":

Canadian MPs accepted $620K worth of free travel from third parties, foreign entities in 2017
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73 MPs, including Conservative finance critic Pierre Poilievre, accepted free travel worth thousands

The trips to Taiwan, which styles itself as the Republic of China, were some of the most costly on the sponsored travel list, while the purposes given for these trips were vague.

According to Dion's report, Pierre Poilievre, the Conservative finance critic, accepted over $21,600 worth of free travel for him and his then-girlfriend, now wife, Anaida Galindo, to visit the southeast Asian country in January 2017.

A spokesperson for the Conservative Party later disputed the figure, saying a staffer made an error when filing reports with the commissioner and claiming Poilievre's air transportation cost was actually $8,000 less than reported.

Poilievre said he traveled to "further cooperation between Canada and Taiwan."

When asked to further explain his motivations, Poilievre said it's important for legislators to "learn how people and governments do things in other democratic countries so we can take the best ideas home."
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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
It doesn't matter what party, ROTFLMFAO!!!! China is targeting Chinese/Canadian politicians and turning them into 5th Column....and Justin is trying to cover it up! Justin is doing China's bidding, Xi"s little bitch. 😆
OIC, so using your logic, then Trump was Putin's little bitch? Or is this two different sets of jcpro rules?? ROTFLMAO!! 😂

How is Trudeau trying to coverup when he is doing exactly what was done for the Russia Collusion Investigation by appointing an Independent Rapporteur to investigate the Chinese Interference in the Elections and how to address them in the future?

We know that when the Robocalls affected 2011 Elections, then there was just the Elections Commissioner to investigate that Elections although there were calls for a Full Public Enquiry. But guess who was in charge of deciding under a Harper Government. Of course Pee Pee, who was then contented with just the Commissioner''s report!!

Listen to Pee Pee's very very brief question time to reporters and how he ran away after answering and saying that the "Elections were fair", then refusing to take follow up questions!! ROTFLMAO!!

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
OIC, so using your logic, then Trump was Putin's little bitch? Or is this two different sets of jcpro rules?? ROTFLMAO!! 😂

How is Trudeau trying to coverup when he is doing exactly what was done for the Russia Collusion Investigation by appointing an Independent Rapporteur to investigate the Chinese Interference in the Elections and how to address them in the future?

We know that when the Robocalls affected 2011 Elections, then there was just the Elections Commissioner to investigate that Elections although there were calls for a Full Public Enquiry. But guess who was in charge of deciding under a Harper Government. Of course Pee Pee, who was then contented with just the Commissioner''s report!!

Listen to Pee Pee's very very brief question time to reporters and how he ran away after answering and saying that the "Elections were fair", then refusing to take follow up questions!! ROTFLMAO!!

Justin is stonewalling a full, open any non partisan inquiry into Chinese interference in our elections. Justin's a Chinese bitch.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
ROTFLMFAO!!! This is the clearest confirmation of the Chinese involvement in subverting our elections. You think that you're scoring some kind of a political point, but, since Ontario is part of Canada, you've just offered 100% proof that the story is real -Justin colluded with a foreign power and that's why he's stonewalling. Thanks!
So you think Doug Ford's conservatives were funded by the Chinese and subverting our democracy?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Justin is stonewalling a full, open any non partisan inquiry into Chinese interference in our elections. Justin's a Chinese bitch.
No proof of that, unless you can show us that so called "proof"!!

The only one we all know who was a bitch of a foreign Government is of course Trump being that of Russia. LOL!!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
The only election cheaters we see that went to prison were all Conservatives under Harper's watch:

The cheaters on Harper's watch

In 2008, it was a Conservative MP, Dean Del Mastro, who would play the role of Conservative cheater. Del Mastro was convicted last November on three counts of violating Canada’s election laws, also having to do with spending limits. This week, a judge sentenced him to a month behind bars, another four months of house arrest, and a $10,000 fine.

Del Mastro is appealing and on Friday was released from jail on $5,000 bail until that appeal is heard.

In 2011, it was a Conservative campaign worker, Michael Sona, who was convicted of cheating in the Ontario riding of Guelph. His crime involved robocalls in an effort to prevent people from voting.

Also alleged to have cheated in 2011: The campaign of former Conservative MP Peter Penashue, where there are yet more charges of campaign overspending and attempts to hide those infractions after the fact. The trial of Penashue’s campaign manager continues in August.

Now we see a Conservative MPP from Ontario who actually colluded with the Chinese Government. So the Rapporteur will probably dig up more Conservative MPs. Pee Pee must be very nervous with it!!
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