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International Holocaust Remembrance Day


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You love making up your own reality when your arguments have been exposed as farcical hatred.

Israel controls Jerusalem according to the peace treaty with Jordan. Israel has ceded religious management of Al Aqsa/Temple Mount to the Jordanian WAQF. The WAQF allows non-Muslims to visit at certain specified hours. This is just another case where you ignore what Arab Muslims say.

Amazing you claim it is supporting equal rights to say the Muslim caretakers aren't allowed to give Jews permission to walk around Judaism's holiest site on occasion and instead you push religious incitement. Another example is you believing there is "Palestinian land" but no such thing as "Jewish land". Just like you demand Palestinian self determination (while ignoring what they want) and rejecting self determination for Jews.

And just like your unwillingness to listen to or give agency to Arabs; Jordan and Israel signed a peace treaty giving Israel control of the West Bank. That treaty says that a Palestinian state is to be negotiated based on that land. Sadly you keep supporting groups like Hamas who choose violence and reject the idea of pushing both sides to negotiate peace.
This 'visit' was against the rules of the treaty, which is why it was reported as 'storming' the Al Aqsa and why it was called out internationally.
I support treaties, which means that both sides are supposed to abide.
One side doesn't get to declare unilaterally that they are making a 'peaceful visit' with the backing of the army whenever they like.

You claim to support the two state solution but also refuse to abide by any treaties, support constant land theft and colonization and apartheid rule.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Of course you think it's wrong that Israel tried to arrest terror suspects and think it's a good thing that Palestinian gunmen shot at them. I'm sure you guys are salivating at the death toll as it feeds your hate campaign.
Unlike you, I don't think its a good thing when anyone gets shot.
Which is why I support BDS as the only way to end the violent apartheid rule you keep supporting.

Why do you defend this?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
This 'visit' was against the rules of the treaty, ...
Wow that's another stupid claim. Thanks for confirming your hatred doesn't care about reality and thanks for confirming your belief that you don't actually care about equal rights or what the Islamic WAQF says. Why do you think Jews should be banned from walking around outside at their holiest site?

Unlike you, I don't think its a good thing when anyone gets shot.
Except when they are Jews in the West Bank in which case you only comment on why they are there (another example of your 'equal rights'.

And no, I don't have a problem when police trying to arrest suspects (who bragged all over social media of their attacks) and shooting back when the terror suspects shoot at them.

p.s. I notice that instead of commenting on Lions Den posts celebrating their attacks on the arrest team or the pictures Al Jazeera posted with armed gunmen attacking them, you desperately try and demonize Israel by showing civilians running away. Being a civilian doesn't mean you can attack people with impunity.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Wow that's another stupid claim. Thanks for confirming your hatred doesn't care about reality and thanks for confirming your belief that you don't actually care about equal rights or what the Islamic WAQF says. Why do you think Jews should be banned from walking around outside at their holiest site?

Except when they are Jews in the West Bank in which case you only comment on why they are there (another example of your 'equal rights'.

And no, I don't have a problem when police trying to arrest suspects (who bragged all over social media of their attacks) and shooting back when the terror suspects shoot at them.

p.s. I notice that instead of commenting on Lions Den posts celebrating their attacks on the arrest team or the pictures Al Jazeera posted with armed gunmen attacking them, you desperately try and demonize Israel by showing civilians running away. Being a civilian doesn't mean you can attack people with impunity.
Now you are openly against the two state solution, declaring that Jewish Israelis have rights to take what the want and go where they want in the land you used to say should be Palestine.
Today, after shooting 82 people, Israel also announced more illegal settlements, all a war crime.

You still argue that Palestinians living in what should be Palestine don't have the right to self defence against a foreign occupying army and that right only applies to settler colonialists stealing land from the native population.
Of course you don't have a problem with Israel shooting 82 Palestinians and killing 11.
You never have a problem with Israel killing Palestinians.

Israel should end the occupation or end apartheid.
They need to deescalate yet all you do is defend them when they kill Palestinians.

Why would you defend this kind of crap?

How are you any different than those Israelis handing out candies and dancing for joy?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Now you are openly against the two state solution, declaring that Jewish Israelis have rights to take what the want and go where they want in the land you used to say should be Palestine.
WTF are you yammering on about? Are you too upset at having your bullshit claims about supporting equal rights exposed that your ability to post sensibly broke? Even Al Jazeera shows that this was a violent gun battle, not a massacre of civilians like you are trying to use claims of to demonize Israel.

And I've been pretty clear that I oppose settlement construction and want a negotiated solution that both sides can agree on. You just hate the idea that I think terror groups like Lions Den killing civilians is a far more serious problem than building houses that can be turned over in a peace deal like Israel has already done repeatedly.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
WTF are you yammering on about? Are you too upset at having your bullshit claims about supporting equal rights exposed that your ability to post sensibly broke? Even Al Jazeera shows that this was a violent gun battle, not a massacre of civilians like you are trying to use claims of to demonize Israel.

And I've been pretty clear that I oppose settlement construction and want a negotiated solution that both sides can agree on. You just hate the idea that I think terror groups like Lions Den killing civilians is a far more serious problem than building houses that can be turned over in a peace deal like Israel has already done repeatedly.
82 Palestinians shot, 11 killed.
No Israeli injuries.

That's a slaughter, not a battle.

If you don't want the native population to resist your illegal occupation you should end the occupation or give them full human rights, including the vote.
Instead, this is what's happening.

So now you've got apartheid, international condemnation and a possible rebellion by the people Israel is occupying.
Whatcha gonna do now?



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
82 Palestinians shot, 11 killed.
A whole bunch of Palestinian gunmen shoot at Israeli arrest teams. Israel is fully within it's rights to shoot back.

There are two possibilities.
1) Israel tries to arrest terror suspects
2) Israel assassinates terror suspects

That's it. I know you prefer secret option C where Palestinians are allowed to attack Jews without consequences but that is just part of your psychopathic view on race relations.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
A whole bunch of Palestinian gunmen shoot at Israeli arrest teams. Israel is fully within it's rights to shoot back.

There are two possibilities.
1) Israel tries to arrest terror suspects
2) Israel assassinates terror suspects

That's it. I know you prefer secret option C where Palestinians are allowed to attack Jews without consequences but that is just part of your psychopathic view on race relations.
Option 3)
Israel ends apartheid or the occupation.

Why is that not an option in your books?
Why do you keep pushing for more death and more apartheid?
Why do you think the only possibilities are for Israel to kill more people?



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Option 3)
Israel ends apartheid or the occupation.
Yet you oppose pressuring both sides to negotiate and continually endorse the continuation of violence.

You keep going on about Gaza rockets and Palestinian attacks being somehow "self defence" and you have obsessively demanded the Palestinian enter a One State peace they detest. You have zero interest in peace and human rights but simply push your hatred about Jews being in the Middle East.

More importantly, how do you plan to change the opinion of the Palestinian public?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Yet you oppose pressuring both sides to negotiate and continually endorse the continuation of violence.
Only the occupying power can decide when to end the occupation.
Stop blaming the victims.

There have been no negotiations for nearly a decade and Israel is still today trying to colonize more of Palestine.
The Israeli government has zero interest in the two state solution.

If you want to change the attitude of Palestinians and Israelis you need to stop backing apartheid, the occupation and violence.
You need to support BDS and sanctions that can end apartheid peacefully.



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Only the occupying power can decide when to end the occupation.
Stop blaming the victims.
Ah, more elitist racism claiming that Palestinians aren't capable of making their own decisions. It's pathetic that your solution is for Israel to invade Gaza, Nablus, and Jenin to force Palestinian factions like PIJ, Hamas, and Lions Den to accept peace alongside Jews (and then complain every time Israel tries to arrest terrorists).

Peace requires both sides agreeing to it. Sadly a century of Palestinian leaders pushing extremism has half of the Palestinian population supporting violence.

You're right though, there needs to be international pushback to force both sides to NEGOTIATE peace but you would rather support the 51% of Palestinians who think armed action will somehow make their lives better.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Ah, more elitist racism claiming that Palestinians aren't capable of making their own decisions. It's pathetic that your solution is for Israel to invade Gaza, Nablus, and Jenin to force Palestinian factions like PIJ, Hamas, and Lions Den to accept peace alongside Jews (and then complain every time Israel tries to arrest terrorists).

Peace requires both sides agreeing to it. Sadly a century of Palestinian leaders pushing extremism has half of the Palestinian population supporting violence.

You're right though, there needs to be international pushback to force both sides to NEGOTIATE peace but you would rather support the 51% of Palestinians who think armed action will somehow make their lives better.
Apartheid is elitist racism, not supporting the Palestinian BDS movement.
Supporting BDS and sanctions to end apartheid is standing up against racism.

Peace doesn't require both sides to act in an occupation.
Its up to the occupying power to end the occupation.

You keep trying to blame the victims of a 53 year old occupation for the occupation and apartheid.
They aren't the one with jets, tanks, drones and nukes.

The racism here is the 19th century racist colonial movement you back that has created an apartheid state.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
... elitist racism,...
Do you really believe your bullshit? You really are deep in the "white man's burden" viewpoint.

Obviously you don't care what Palestinians want and it is absolutely stupid you pretend to advocate for Palestinian rights by demanding Israel unilaterally enforce a peace. You're just a trash racist who thinks he's superior to anyone in the middle east.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Obviously you don't care what Palestinians want and it is absolutely stupid you pretend to advocate for Palestinian rights by demanding Israel unilaterally enforce a peace. You're just a trash racist who thinks he's superior to anyone in the middle east.
I back BDS, which is what Palestinians want.

This is what Palestinians want.

The First Anti-Apartheid Palestinian National Conference Call Towards a Global Front to Dismantle Israel’s Regime of Settler-Colonialism and Apartheid

We, the participants in the first Palestinian National Conference against Israel’s regime of settler-colonialism and apartheid, starting with the Anti-Apartheid Department of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the sole legitimate representative of our people, in partnership with the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement, the Palestinian NGO Network, the Palestinian Ministry of Justice and the Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council (PHROC), and with the participation of legal experts, journalists, political activists, academics and supporters of our cause, gathered in this conference to escalate our coordinated and strategic struggle to expose and dismantle Israel’s system of settler colonialism, apartheid and military occupation oppressing our Palestinian people as a whole, in the homeland and in the diaspora, since the 1948 Nakba.

This call forms the foundation and political, human rights, diplomatic, media and alliance basis for building a global front to end apartheid and settler colonialism: to work with all who advocate for universal human rights and Palestinian rights to build this Arab and international front:

The rights of the Palestinian people in accordance with international law, particularly the UN Charter, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (especially the first common article between them), as well as the relevant UN resolutions, are indivisible and constitute the cornerstone of our legitimate liberation struggle.

In this declaration and call, we affirm the following political, human rights, diplomatic and alliance issues:

a. The participants in the conference and the signatories to this call confirm what Palestinian and international human rights organizations, as well as UN Special Rapporteurs have stated regarding the applicability of the crime against humanity of apartheid, as defined in international law, to the system and policies imposed by Israel on the entire Palestinian people since Israel’s establishment in 1948.

b. The international community, especially the UN, bear legal responsibility to enforce Israel’s compliance with international law by taking all necessary measures, including lawful sanctions pursuant to Chapter VII of the UN Charter, to end Israel’s military occupation, including the settlements and wall (in accordance with relevant UN resolutions, especially Resolution 2334), and to dismantle its settler-colonial regime, of which apartheid is a tool and manifestation.

c. The dismantling of Israel’s regime of settler-colonialism and apartheid is an indispensable condition for the Palestinian people to exercise its full legitimate and inalienable rights as stipulated in international law. Foremost among these rights are: the right to self-determination of the entire Indigenous Palestinian people on its national territory; the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their original homes and lands and to receive reparations (as stipulated in UNGA Resolution 194); the right to establish an independent, sovereign Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital; the national rights as well as the right to comprehensive equality of our people in the 1948 areas (including recognition of their Arab-Palestinian national identity); and the right to sovereignty over our natural resources.

d. The Israeli apartheid system is a tool of the Zionist settler-colonial project in Palestine, which established the State of Israel on the ruins of the Palestinian homeland and displaced most of the Indigenous Arab-Palestinian people during the Nakba of 1948, which started soon after the unjust partition decision of 1947. This project’s plans were implemented through the ethnic cleansing of the Arab-Palestinian people to consolidate Israel’s settler-colonial control over the largest possible area of our homeland.

Since the Nakba, the foundations of Israeli apartheid were operationalized through laws, policies, and practices, especially those aimed at denying Palestinian refugees and displaced persons their right of return to their homes, lands, and properties, thereby entrenching their dispossession, fragmentation, and domination. These laws, most notably the 2018 Nation-State of the Jewish People Basic Law, have aimed at obliterating Palestinian rights and undermining the Palestinian identity. After 74 years, Israel’s gradual ethnic cleansing of Palestinians continues, through the continuous "Judaization" operations in the Galilee and the Negev, and settlement operations and annexation of Palestinian lands in the West Bank, especially in Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley, which confirms that the Nakba continues.

e. Zionism, which arose in the context of European imperialist and colonial expansion, is the intellectual and ideological basis of settler-colonialism in Palestine. It is a racist, genocidal ideology that encourages terrorism and fascism, as our people has witnessed for 74 years.

f. The Israeli regime of settler-colonialism, apartheid and military occupation depends for its survival and strength on the complicity of states, corporations and institutions that deal with it as if it were normal. It also depends on normalization with some Arab regimes and institutions, establishing regional security and military alliances under its leadership to enhance its regional hegemony. The Israeli regime of oppression is not only a threat to the Palestinian people and the fraternal Arab peoples. It is also a threat to millions around the world, as it test its doctrines, its repression mechanisms, and its military and security products on Palestinians then exports them to tyrannical and dictatorial regimes worldwide.

Based on the above, the conference:

Calls on governments, parliaments, and political parties, in the Arab world and globally, to contribute to dismantling Israel’s regime of settler-colonialism and apartheid, starting with imposing a comprehensive military and security embargo on it; ending all commercial and financial agreements with it; and banning all products of companies complicit in its occupation, colonization, and apartheid. It also calls on all governments to treat the Israeli occupation’s political, security and military leaders as war criminals by trying them and banning them from entering their countries, and by putting pressure on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to try them as well.
Calls on the peoples of the world and their democratic and progressive forces that uphold peace with justice to strengthen the growing global state of solidarity with the Palestinian people and our just cause by supporting - and actively participating in - the global, Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. Effective solidarity with our people’s liberation struggle begins with working in every arena to end the complicity of governments, companies and institutions with the Israeli apartheid regime.

Calls on all fraternal and friendly states and regional organizations -- particularly the League of Arab States, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the African Union -- to support this call in word and in deed, including by supporting the Palestinian demand in the UN General Assembly to activate its special mechanisms to investigate and dismantle the apartheid regime, including the Special Committee and Center against Apartheid, which contributed to the dismantling of the apartheid regime in South Africa in the past.

Reaffirms its full support for the Palestinian initiatives aimed at referring to the ICC the files of war crimes perpetrated by Israel’s occupation and colonial regime against the Palestinian people. It calls for supporting the Palestinian request for a legal advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice to determine the nature of the Israeli occupation as a racist settler-colonial system.

Calls for the formation of intersectional national, Arab and international alliances with movements for racial, environmental, social and other forms of justices to promote joint struggle and to contribute to:

- Establishing a global front against Israeli apartheid, and prosecuting and holding Israel accountable for its racist crimes against the Palestinian people.
- Preventing the passage of laws that prohibit or suppress freedom of expression related to advocating Palestinian rights or condemning Zionism and Israel’s colonial and racist regime, especially those repressive legislations that target the BDS movement and Palestinian civil society organizations.

Calls on progressive Jewish groups around the world to confront the frenzied attempts by Israel and the Zionist movement worldwide to induce legislation and policies that deliberately conflate the rejection of Zionism and opposition to the Israel’s regime of settler-colonialism and apartheid on the one hand with racism and hatred against Jews on the other. Since its establishment, the PLO has always distinguished between the two and built alliances with the anti-Zionist Jewish forces as an ally in the struggle against colonialism, oppression and racism in all its forms, including anti-Semitism.

Calls for the establishment of an international legal coalition of specialized human rights organizations to prosecute Israel’s occupation and its criminals in international and legal forums, based on international jurisdiction.

Calls for launching both official and popular Palestinian, Arab and international campaigns to designate the racist and fascist parties that make up the government of the settler-colonial and apartheid state of Israel as terrorist organizations and to prohibit dealing with them.

Calls for supporting and intensifying the role of official and popular Palestinian diplomacy in pressuring the UN, states and political parties worldwide to designate Israel as an apartheid state and, accordingly, to impose on it legal, military-security, commercial, financial, academic, cultural and sports sanctions, just as was done against the defunct apartheid regime in South Africa.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Do you really believe your bullshit? You really are deep in the "white man's burden" viewpoint.
Independent Jewish Voices Canada on the apartheid you keep defending.

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East.


It won't be long until the liberals join the NDP and Greens in calling out the apartheid you keep defending.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I back BDS, which is what Palestinians want.

This is what Palestinians want.
And BDS does not endorse peace. It does not endorse the One State farce that only 26% of Palestinians support. Not to mention that leading democracies have condemned BDS as counterproductive and a home for racists.

You only support the 51% of Palestinians who think armed action is the best solution and the 50% who support attacks on Israeli civilians inside Israel.

And you continue the racist denial of Palestinian agency, stupidly claiming that they shouldn't have any say in what peace looks like. Instead you excuse their leader's rejection of peace by demanding Israel unilaterally act (while also condemning Israel for acting without consulting the Palestinians).

All you have is transparent racism that you try and disguise with idiotic strawmen and the pretence of morality.

p.s. keep up with your tokenistic praise of Jews who you agree as important voices with while dismissing all Jews you disagree with simply because they are Jews.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
And BDS does not endorse peace. It does not endorse the One State farce that only 26% of Palestinians support. Not to mention that leading democracies have condemned BDS as counterproductive and a home for racists.

You only support the 51% of Palestinians who think armed action is the best solution and the 50% who support attacks on Israeli civilians inside Israel.

And you continue the racist denial of Palestinian agency, stupidly claiming that they shouldn't have any say in what peace looks like. Instead you excuse their leader's rejection of peace by demanding Israel unilaterally act (while also condemning Israel for acting without consulting the Palestinians).

All you have is transparent racism that you try and disguise with idiotic strawmen and the pretence of morality.

p.s. keep up with your tokenistic praise of Jews who you agree as important voices with while dismissing all Jews you disagree with simply because they are Jews.
That's a lot of bile, basketcase.
Your posts have really turned into Gish Gallop.
Total nonsense that's not even worth responding to directly.

BDS stands for the end of apartheid, that will lead to peace.
Apartheid is racism, for you to defend apartheid then accuse others of racism is really f'd in the head.

Its time for you to take a stand against terrorism for once.
The source of the problem is an illegal occupation and illegal settlements and settler terrorism.



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
That's a lot of bile, basketcase.
Show me one statement from BDS that endorses a peace plan. Meanwhile I can show you plenty of statements from democracies that condemn BDS as counterproductive and a home for racists.

I also have Palestinians polling showing a distressing support for violence and the definition of terrorism. I know you think Palestinians are too far beneath you to have opinions but...

p.s. It's pretty damn pathetic to see you post demanding condemnation of terrorists while still trying to pretend Lion's Den's posted videos of attacks on civilians aren't terrorism.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Show me one statement from BDS that endorses a peace plan. Meanwhile I can show you plenty of statements from democracies that condemn BDS as counterproductive and a home for racists.

I also have Palestinians polling showing a distressing support for violence and the definition of terrorism. I know you think Palestinians are too far beneath you to have opinions but...
View attachment 215525
View attachment 215526

p.s. It's pretty damn pathetic to see you post demanding condemnation of terrorists while still trying to pretend Lion's Den's posted videos of attacks on civilians aren't terrorism.
Sure, their peace plan is to end apartheid and essentially allow Palestinians to live with full human rights.
This is their plan for peace, one I fully support.
One that if you were honest and were against violence and terrorism, you'd support.
But you only support apartheid and settler colonial violence.

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