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Justin was right after all


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2022
The report was rigged. Paul Rouleau is a liberal hack. He played a major part in John Turners election campaign in 1983 so that right there shows he has a history of propping up losers.

The Freedom Convoy was a HUGE success. It showed the world how weak sauce turdeau and his lapdogs are- and he was rightfully ridiculed for weeks buy hundreds of millions of righteous people.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
The report was rigged. Paul Rouleau is a liberal hack. He played a major part in John Turners election campaign in 1983 so that right there shows he has a history of propping up losers.

The Freedom Convoy was a HUGE success. It showed the world how weak sauce turdeau and his lapdogs are- and he was rightfully ridiculed for weeks buy hundreds of millions of righteous people.
Exactly, Rouleau is a true liberal.

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Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
So...according to the Conservative members of this board, it really doesn't matter what the report says, Trudeau was wrong....I see.

Here's the thing. Canadian justices are not selected based on their political leanings. While this man did work for John Turner nearly 40 years ago, there is no evidence of any bias or partisanship. In fact, he said that all political levels failed to prevent this. Now, there are levels of blame. Dougie Ford got slammed for basically not getting involved, while Trudeau got slammed for inflaming the situation.

This was a mess from the get-go. And while y'all wanna shit on Trudeau, I agree and understand why this was not a typical protest. There was a violent armed faction with demands to forcibly remove the PM from office. They were occupying space in a manner that made the lives of thousands of people intolerable, with crazy noise and harassment. And the police should be the ones who get the most blame here, because if they treated this like any other protest, it would never have festered like it did.


Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
Of course Justin was right, his only mistake was not using it sooner and not instructing police to be a little bit more rough and nasty. A few well placed bruises would have been justified as well.
I'm happy that they were able to break up the occupation without anyone being injured. I don't agree with those idiots on virtually anything. I do think they have a right to protest, but this was beyond the pale. We all know what would have happened if this was an Indigenous protest. They would have had the RCMP, OPP and OPS ready to use water cannons and what not...


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
The report was rigged. Paul Rouleau is a liberal hack. He played a major part in John Turners election campaign in 1983 so that right there shows he has a history of propping up losers.

The Freedom Convoy was a HUGE success. It showed the world how weak sauce turdeau and his lapdogs are- and he was rightfully ridiculed for weeks buy hundreds of millions of righteous people.
Are you wearing the Trumptard MAGA hat when you come up with a "RIGGED" Report?

You guys hate the facts. First the 2020 USA Elections were Stolen as they were "RIGGED" and now this Report!!



Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
So...according to the Conservative members of this board, it really doesn't matter what the report says, Trudeau was wrong....I see.

Here's the thing. Canadian justices are not selected based on their political leanings. While this man did work for John Turner nearly 40 years ago, there is no evidence of any bias or partisanship. In fact, he said that all political levels failed to prevent this. Now, there are levels of blame. Dougie Ford got slammed for basically not getting involved, while Trudeau got slammed for inflaming the situation.

This was a mess from the get-go. And while y'all wanna shit on Trudeau, I agree and understand why this was not a typical protest. There was a violent armed faction with demands to forcibly remove the PM from office. They were occupying space in a manner that made the lives of thousands of people intolerable, with crazy noise and harassment. And the police should be the ones who get the most blame here, because if they treated this like any other protest, it would never have festered like it did.
Wait til the rest of the anti Justin , anti vax, anti mask, anti lockdown crowd start piping in. This will be an entertaining thread. LOL


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
I cannot wait to see my fb feed…


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
The report was rigged. Paul Rouleau is a liberal hack. He played a major part in John Turners election campaign in 1983 so that right there shows he has a history of propping up losers.
1983? So what?

As a young, successful self-made guy I was a member of the PC’s “500 Club” during the Mulroney era. Probably raised several hundred thousand bucks for the PC party back then. Got DIRECT access to anyone in the Mulroney government anytime I wanted. I was truly died in the wool conservative.

Now, with 30 years of wisdom since then,you guys call me a libtard.

And yet, I have no political identity in my mind nor heart. I just decide on an issue by issue basis.

You think a JUDGE who has had decades of training and experience to be impartial and decide on the facts has the same political ideology as he did in the John Turner era? Or about he’s going to risk his reputation?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
My only issue with this continues to be the ability of the govt to freeze financials without any sort of recourse. This can affect innocent people is catastrophic ways. And could be used by a more nefarious govt against legitimate protesters.

That is always the danger of suspending civil rights. Its one thing to clear bad actors but there is a slippery slope here that needs to be addressed.

I continue to think the world is heading to be in a worse place. And it is in these times that we need to be wary of creeping authoritarianism, even if for benign reasons. This time they said it was ok, but lets not celebrate that, and instead treat it as the last possible solution every time.

And be wary always of its use.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
Many of the convoy protestors from Alberta have gone back to work in the oil sands and their bank accounts became unfrozen. They should thank Trudeau for sanctions on Russian oil. The very few remaining conspirators, cannot be helped as they are so far deep stuck in the rabbit hole.
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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
The report slams DoFo for hiding in his cottage and leaving it for Justin to deal with.
Dumb DOFO was really scathingly attacked in the report. He did not understand that there were Provincial Measures that could have been adopted in the first place that would have not necessitated the Federal Government's use of the Emergency Measures. The alt right wingers on this Board and their idol Pee pee will never accept that fact!!
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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Pee Pee makes a fool of himself and doesn't back away from his donut meeting with the freedum twats and throws in nonsense not related to todays decision. He's just an angry man who is jelly of Justin.

Pee Pee Poohlievre is taking a page out of Trump's "Fake Media", when posed an obvious question by CBC that he did not directly respond to. Instead he right away labelled CBC as the "Biased Media" to distract from answering that question. You can listen to it again at this precise time in that link that you added:

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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
So...according to the Conservative members of this board, it really doesn't matter what the report says, Trudeau was wrong....I see.

Here's the thing. Canadian justices are not selected based on their political leanings. While this man did work for John Turner nearly 40 years ago, there is no evidence of any bias or partisanship. In fact, he said that all political levels failed to prevent this. Now, there are levels of blame. Dougie Ford got slammed for basically not getting involved, while Trudeau got slammed for inflaming the situation.

This was a mess from the get-go. And while y'all wanna shit on Trudeau, I agree and understand why this was not a typical protest. There was a violent armed faction with demands to forcibly remove the PM from office. They were occupying space in a manner that made the lives of thousands of people intolerable, with crazy noise and harassment. And the police should be the ones who get the most blame here, because if they treated this like any other protest, it would never have festered like it did.
I think the report is pretty reasonable.
He falls on the side of "it passed the bar" but points out reasonable people can disagree because it sure as fuck didn't sail over the bar with flying colours.

It was a mess, and in the end a call was made that is defensible, but not above criticism.

That sounds about right to me.
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