Jordan Peterson says Ontario psychologist licence may be suspended over public statements


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
That's double talk Frank.
You make your best case instead of thinking you're going to hand out research assignments.
362 posts and I get this nonsense "You don't accept the findings of the CPO, who know the profession and what Peterson said?" And now I have to do more research? Seriously, that's an early post in this thread that should've been directed more to general audience.
Incidentally, don't try to track me here and target your responses. That's a form of trolling whether you understand that or not.
No, Wyatt, its not double talk.
This has happened in other threads where you've stated you won't read legit sources that are handed to you.
You did it again in this thread.

You were given the CPO statements, multiple quotes and references from Peterson's tweets and statements.
Your response was 'Are you trying to say it's wrong to ask questions of authority?'

I'd say asking questions when you've been given the answers to your questions repeatedly is just a reminder that you refuse to check anything that runs against your own confirmation bias.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Seriously?!?!.... Dinesh?!?!?!....

The dude who did the ludicrous "200 Mules" dum-dum movie?!

That and the Shapiro shit is just proof that these assholes grift together and use each other's stunts to grift further. The issue with Doc Pee is he's no longer a legit professional. He's joined ranks with the liars and simp-milkers.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
What would you like me to do find a way to scrub the countless polls on the internet that support this finding because you feel there is inherent bias?

I can offer a anecdote of my own. I manage large teams and I always have to be cognizant of female managers to female staff dynamics. Guys, they don't give a shit about liking their boss, being friends with their boss, etc. They just get past that. I would say it's getting better because women are getting better at what I call team dynamics. No, we don't all have to be buddies to do the job. Still, I can take a group of male employees (including the female employees of course) who aren't friendly out for drinks. Women employees are more finicky about interpersonal relationships with female co-workers.

This is a generalization of course just like yours.

By the way, this seems like a bit of projection: "Women prefer working with women because we are not afraid to be vulnerable with each other, which creates more trust". Somehow the polling doesn't pick this up. I don't think you can find one study that supports your POV.

This video is in regards to a study in Australia. This female Australian researcher found that 80% women preferred working for men. So I know it's not just an American thing. In fact, she said ".......if you go to the literature, there's huge studies all replicating these findings. Gallup in the U.S. has tracked this for sixty years and we're still not shifting the data too much."

Oh look!... A morning talk show pretending to be science!

😧 :LOL: 😺 🐸 🙀 :geek: 😸😹😧


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Yeah! She's a grifter!! 😉
Well, what would you call it?

I could surf Tiktok and look for dumbass Proud Boy and Oathkeeper types and hardcore anti vaxxers and post them in a silly thread on TERB and call it a silly name..... and I do.

But I wouldn't suggest it's mainstream GOP / right of centre thinking. (Most Republicans don't quite yet publicly state that they believe the Lizard-aliens run America. Although who knows, give it a couple of years.... )
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Oh look!... A morning talk show pretending to be science!

😧 :LOL: 😺 🐸 🙀 :geek: 😸😹😧
I suppose you can dismiss decades of studies on the internet if it doesn't fit your worldview.

Unlike Frank's line of reasoning above, I also referenced the key point out of the video so one didn't have to sit through a video clip. In any event, the woman cites Gallup.`Perhaps she's making it all up for television.
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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
mandrill is of the persuasion that men and women are identical in all respects other than physical strength.

Temperament, personality, interests, mating strategies, are identical.

Of course, his position is nonsense, but first hand experience and scientific data won't move change his opinion. These well established differences manifest themselves in the job market, academics, dating market, relationships, law, and every facet of life. But it's ideologically essential for him to be right, even when he's obviously wrong.
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I would call it entertainment with a POV. One can take from it what one wants.
From which she derives a significant income. And which is presented under false pretences. But it's not grifting. Of course not.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
mandrill is of the persuasion that men and women are identical in all respects other than physical strength.

Temperament, personality, interests, mating strategies, are identical.

Of course, his position is nonsense, but first hand experience and scientific data won't move change his opinion. It's ideologically essential for him to be right, even when he's obviously wrong.
There are truth seekers who are curious about the world and how it works no matter where that takes them. Then there are truth keepers who believe they know and defend the truth. No one fits into one category all the time, but you do see the dominant characteristics in some.

Truth keepers can also come at things from right wing dogma. Several of the posters labeled "right wing" here are fairly pragmatic in my opinion. Truth keepers don't care for pragmatism either. In the TERB stew, pragmatists just interfere with the truth.

Truth keeping seems like an oppressive burden to shoulder while navigating this world.
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
From which she derives a significant income. And which is presented under false pretences. But it's not grifting. Of course not.
Okay fine. If I use that definition, then I would say Rachel Maddow is a grifter. I don't mind if you mention Tucker Carlson.

I still think Rachel and Tucker are simply entertainers, but a lot of people take them at face value.

By the way, did anyone see that CNN is considering replacing their prime time line-up with a comedic news program?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
CNN... that's a network I haven't heard about in awhile.

But I have to give them their due. Something remarkable happened recently. I saw one of the dumbest "news" hosts, Don Lemon, actually be truthful for once. Is he still on CNN? If he keeps talking like he did in this clip, he might get fired.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
There are truth seekers who are curious about the world and how it works no matter where that takes them. Then there are truth keepers who believe they know and defend the truth. No one fits into one category all the time, but you do see the dominant characteristics in some.

Truth keepers can also come at things from right wing dogma. Several of the posters labeled "right wing" here are fairly pragmatic in my opinion. Truth keepers don't care for pragmatism either. In the TERB stew, pragmatists just interfere with the truth.

Truth keeping seems like an oppressive burden to shoulder while navigating this world.
A truth seeker would have checked out the CPO findings, standards and comments directly and without people feeding them links here.
A truth keeper would believe they know the truth and don't need outside confirmations like facts or evidence. Which makes them more 'faith based'.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
I'm curious. Does anyone suspect that some of the progressive members have more than one handle here on TERB?

I've noticed that in the last several months some progressive newcomers have emerged and often they sound exactly like well-known established members. Now that would be a potential ban on MERB and other sites. Here on TERB it's pretty much anything goes.

One might ask why would anyone bother. It's simple. The echo chamber gets bigger and louder.
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Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
Some of the people on this thread should be checked out by Jordan Peterson.

To much sea lioning.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
A truth seeker would have checked out the CPO findings, standards and comments directly and without people feeding them links here.
A truth keeper would believe they know the truth and don't need outside confirmations like facts or evidence. Which makes them more 'faith based'.
Frank, what you clearly won't understand or more aptly allow is that I have likely read more links and watched more videos in this thread than most everyone here. I simply have not seen compelling evidence that Peterson has violated COP professionals standards other than the COP says so. If someone can point to some specific standard, I am all ears.

I find Peterson outspoken and political. I'm not always in agreement. However, even if the COP disagreed with his opining on vaccines, mask mandates, etc. you have to ask are the Canadian physician associations sanctioning doctors with similar views. Perhaps, the COP has a firm position on the trans community. Again, all ears.

You can't compel anyone to give credence to your cited references. That's life on TERB.

This is the post below in entire context where you seemed to lock on to me out of all the posters here in support of Peterson. Saying "I just don't know" is a figure of speech that projects magnanimity and openness to hearing different opinions. However, it would be a mistake to consider it ignorance.

There might be some bias of a social nature. He's not as flexible on social issues as some would prefer. I think everyone brings some bias.

I just don't know if anything he says or advocates is really black and white a violation of his profession. Certainly haven't seen anything too specific from his detractors here. But you see, that's just my bias as opposed to there's.

Having said that, how many here have called out Peterson's making a buck (a lot of bucks). Couldn't there possibly be quite a few in the profession and the COP Board who don't like Peterson's popularity and his viewpoints based on personal bias?
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Frank, what you clearly won't understand or more aptly allow is that I have likely read more links and watched more videos in this thread than most everyone here. I simply have not seen compelling evidence that Peterson has violated COP professionals standards other than the COP says so. If someone can point to some specific standard, I am all ears.

I find Peterson outspoken and political. I'm not always in agreement. However, even if the COP disagreed with his opining on vaccines, mask mandates, etc. you have to ask are the Canadian physician associations sanctioning doctors with similar views. Perhaps, the COP has a firm position on the trans community. Again, all ears.

You can't compel anyone to give credence to your cited references. That's life on TERB.

This is the post below in entire context where you seemed to lock on to me out of all the posters here in support of Peterson. Saying "I just don't know" is a figure of speech that projects magnanimity and openness to hearing different opinions. However, it would be a mistake to consider it ignorance.
So in other words..... you know more about Psychologist Ethics than the Psychologist Ethics people do. Because you've done your own research.

Good to know.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
mandrill is of the persuasion that men and women are identical in all respects other than physical strength.

Temperament, personality, interests, mating strategies, are identical.
I didn't really say this, did I?

But have your little joke with your buddy, Earp. 🐸
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