In the 21st century, anti-Zionism means anti-Semitism


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Canary Mission is an Israeli funded organization that specializes in trying to destroy the lives of students who support Palestinian rights.

Notice franky refuses to condemn a violent anti-semitic group Within Our Lifetime that are threatning Jews in NYC He then go off topic and cite other anti-semitic groups like ifnotnow and quoting Nihad Awad a known anti-jewish hate monger

New report highlights ties between IfNotNow and anti-Semitic pro-Palestinian group

(July 30, 2019 / JNS) The progressive Jewish activist group IfNotNow has generated several headlines in the past year by challenging mainstream American Jewish organizations on its support for Israel, and more recently, for its campaign to bait 2020 Democratic presidential candidates to condemn the so-called “occupation” of the disputed territories by Israel.

While these moves may seem outside of the mainstream consensus on Israel, more troubling evidence has emerged on the group’s ties with the virulently anti-Semitic organization American Muslims for Palestine (AMP).

New report highlights ties between IfNotNow and anti-Semitic pro-Palestinian group (

Nihad Awad, Co-founder of CAIR Unplugged: Portrait of an Anti-Semite

In the past few years, Nihad Awad, head of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and other top CAIR leaders have been feted to a dizzying array of non-Muslim defenders in the media, Congress, local law enforcement like Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca (who recently asserted that any attack on CAIR is an attack on all Muslims). Never mind that CAIR was created in 1994 as a Hamas front group but no one paid any attention as CAIR successfully portrayed itself as a "civil rights" group, ready to issue diatribes and calls of racism to anyone who questioned CAIR's ulterior agenda and modus operandi.

Literally scores of Congressmen, mayors, governors and law enforcement commanders cozied up to CAIR as the new oppressed ethnic minority on the block. This past week, nearly the entire Chicago congressional delegation pledged their support to CAIR.

Even the NYPD pulled from its anti-terrorism curricula, at the behest of CAIR, the acclaimed documentary called the "Third Jihad" as too conspiratorial and racist in its depictions of radical Islamic fanatics bent on carrying out acts of terrorism. CAIR's real agenda, already in effect in the Obama Administration, is to sanitize and censor from the American political and governmental vernacular any reference to "radical Islam" under the claim that such a term was racist and that by excising the reference to radical Islam this would ultimately persuade Americans that such a term was fabricated by the "enemies of Islam." Unfortunately for CAIR, the majority of terrorist plots since 9-11 were carried out by radical Muslims.

Still, CAIR, while portraying itself as a peace loving civil rights group, would unceasingly label any critic of CAIR or of radical Islam as a racist for daring to reveal CAIR's true agenda. And over time, the New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Associated Press, MSNBC and CNN would abet the legitimacy of CAIR by describing it repeatedly as a civil rights group (akin to the mainstream media describing and interviewing former KKK leader David Duke as a "peacemaker"). This also scandalously joins in CAIR's campaign of calling critics of CAIR or radical Islam "Islamaphobes and racists."

So the modus operandi of CAIR would be to go on the offensive, aided by the mainstream media, after any official, author or organization that had the audacity to suggest an ulterior illicit agenda of being non patriotic or of harboring a covert radical Islamic agenda to infiltrate this country from within, as was revealed unambiguously in the FBI's sudden 2005 discovery of hundreds of thousands of secret internal Muslim Brotherhood (MB) documents that revealed secret plans for a "civilizational jihad" that would secretly infiltrate American society from within. According to federal prosecutor Nathan Garret, these documents were the most important national security findings in 50 years. But in what has become a corrupt practice of the mainstream media, most newspapers ignored or paid scant attention to these astounding documents, following the dictates of CAIR or of the Islamist ideologies of the reporters themselves which they had grown to develop.

In the meantime, the gentle sounding Nihad Awad would publicly outreach to Jewish and Christian groups in creating an aura of tolerance.

So imagine my shock when I read Awad's comments he delivered in 2010 before a joint convention of the Muslim American Society (MAS) — another front for the Muslim Brotherhood whose leaders had called for jihad in Palestine to kill all the Jews—and the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), a Jam'at group from southeast Asia that had on its website hadiths to kill all Jews. Both MAS and ICNA have dozens of chapters throughout the US.

He cited as inflammatory comments from a congressional member that "there are too many mosques in this country," a former House speaker saying the United States is experiencing an "Islamic cultural-political offensive designed to undermine and destroy our civilization" and a religious leader who called Islam "wicked" and "evil."

In his speech, which the media typically ignored, Awad started with a series of diatribes against Israel. Among his most inflammatory comments concerning Israel, he said, in discussing negotiations between Israel and the US related to settlement issues:

"Did Israel freeze any settlements? They did not. Not only that, to bring Israel to the table negotiations to talk about more fair solution to the conflict, the United States government begged Israel to stop building settlements. Israel did not. The United States bribed Israel. They gave them billions of dollars and promised to give them arms just to freeze the settlement buildings for 90 days. They came, Israeli delegations came here and they put so many conditions. "
The reality of those negotiations was that Israel had no preconditions with the settlements and rejected the US proposal as being unworkable, yet Awad postured it was the Israelis who "held out" for more US "bribe" money.

Awad continued with this, blaming Israel for the erosion of America's image in the rest of the world:

"They exploited the American generosity with all sorts of (UI word) and other things. I will explain. What's the end result? Nothing. Israel's still position is the same. What's the impact of this stiffness towards the President of the United States and the office of the presidency in the United States? It's really the erosion of the image of this country around the world. Nobody even thinks the administration is interested in talking about the peace process now because of Israel's behavior."
Contrary to Awad's efforts to blame Israel for the breakdown in the talks, it was the Palestinian Authority's (PA) refusal to negotiate with Israel (and the refusal of the Palestinians to drop the "right of return"— a policy that meant suicide for Israel) that halted negotiations. Something Awad failed to address.

Awad then began addressing his views toward Jewish control in the US:

"So we in the activist community, yourselves, we always call on the President, on the White House to do things. But there's nothing being done. Why? Because the second power lies with the Congress. Members of Congress compete with each other, whether Democrats or Republicans, to please the Israel lobby, to please Israel. Some of members of Congress are willing to put the interests of Israel ahead of the United States' interests."
"Why? Because we have to understand what drives members of Congress. Is it values, principles or votes and money and pressure? The pro-Israel lobby has mastered deception, pressure tactics and exploiting the system of giving money to candidates and putting pressure and threatening some candidates with either scandals or what have you. And they managed over many years to have this huge influence on not only members of Congress but those who want to be elected officials in the United States."
Attributing masters of deception to the "pro-Israel lobby" by Awad is a thinly disguised euphemism for Jews. Awad's claim that pro-Israel members of Congress traitorously put Israeli interests ahead of US interests is a blatant age old anti-Semitic variation taken from the notorious anti-Semitic Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Awad's allegations are the same only slightly cryptic posturing about Jews used by the KKK and other racist white supremacist organizations.

The reality is that most Congressmen, like the 63% of Americans who support Israel, do so out of ideological sympathy and convergence of interests.
Awad continued to wade into the arena of US Middle East foreign policy concerning Palestinians:

"We cannot change the U.S. foreign policy towards Palestine from the top. It has to start at the bottom. We have to educate others. Before we educate others, we have to educate ourselves. Many of us, those who are Palestinians or Muslims or non-Muslims who believe in justice for the Palestinians they think because they know it is a just cause, they think that this is enough to talk about the issue of Palestine. This is wrong."
"We need to educate ourselves about specifics of this country and how this issue is hurting our government. It's hurting our economy. It's hurting our status in the world. It's hurting our claim to be a just society, liberal society, progressive society that goes to the aid of the weak and the oppressed, when we in fact do everything to the opposite when it comes to the Palestinians."
"We need to understand the [microphone noise over word] of how this [microphone noise over word] has been misfed and influenced and has been given the wrong information about the Palestinian side."
For decades, supporters and apologists of Palestinian terrorist organizations such as Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), including organizations such as CAIR, have blamed Israel and American support for Israel for the "plight"and oppression of Palestinians, justifying the terror committed by those Palestinians against Israel. That terror, itself, is always minimized and justified as "resistance." Thousands of explosive rockets fired by Hamas and other armed terror groups from Gaza into Israeli civilian residential areas is "resistance." Suicide bombers on buses and in shopping malls are "resistance" attacks. When Israel responds with defensive measures, it is oppression and occupation. This is yet another example of anti-Israel and anti-American propaganda.

Awad continued exhorting the propaganda line lamenting the supposed futility of seeking redress with the US administration in getting help to the "oppressed" Palestinians:

"Now for the past so many years people spent a lot of time calling the White House and calling Congress and they asked the President to say something, to do something about the bombings of Gaza, the building of settlements, the demolition of homes, the uprooting of olive trees, the deportation of Palestinians and the targeted killings of innocents and the destruction of the Palestinian economy, all of these things. People were told they were right, and they spent a lot of their energy. And what's the result? Nothing."
In fact, what Awad, as a good propagandist left out, were the facts that Israel had ceased the demolitions of terrorist homes and stopped targeted assassinations for many years, that the Palestinian economies in both the West Bank and Gaza were flourishing and that Palestinians were no longer being deported.

Awad then commented about the US military high command recently wading into the US – Israeli issue:

"There has been a shift in the last year, big shift. The military for the first time, and the military has huge credibility in Washington, D.C., when the Department of Defense comes for any budget request, hardly any member of Congress will say no, because this is for national security, for the first time in the history of the U.S./Israeli relationship, the commanders, the military leaders of the United States, have said that Israel is hurting the United States. And this is [applause over few words] that what goes on in Iraq, the intensity of the fighting in many places, they blame Israel for it, that Israel is instigating this anti-American sentiment because of what Israel does. Israel is putting America in jeopardy. And when the military, the U.S. military says so, people should listen. And now I believe there's a growing movement with the Congress and in the public to distinguish between America's interest and Israel's interest."
Last year, General David Petraeus did publicly state the Israeli – Palestinian conflict had an adverse effect on US peacemaking in the region, but he and no other US military commander blamed Israel or the US/Israeli relationship for this. In fact, General Petraeus and other senior US military leaders have reinforced the solid defense and security relationship the US shares with Israel. Awad's contention is simply another example of his anti-Israel and even anti-American provocation.

Further, how does Awad's position in this square with his contention that a pro-Israeli Jewish cabal controls Congress and the US Administration? If that were so, the military command would follow lock-step with the supposed directives of the puppet masters. The reality is, there are no such puppet masters.

Awad explains to his audience how he believes they can educate themselves about changing the state of affairs with the "Israeli lobby" exercising so much control over the US Government:

"But you need to do the following: I would recommend to you to read the following books. Number one - The Israel Lobby by a person John Mearsheimer. He and Professor Stephen Walt, they wrote a strategic paper and book. It's called The Israel Lobby. In that they show that Israel is not as pro-Israel, supporters claim that it is a strategic ally of the United States and that's why the United States has to be on the side of Israel all the time no matter what Israel does. This book is an objective research, first class scholars in political science from the University of Chicago and University of Harvard [sic]. They both prove without any shred of doubt that Israel has been a strategic liability on the United States. And it uses facts. This book uses facts. And they have evidence to show that."
The Israel Lobby book was such a classic case of anti-Semitic conspiracies that it included the Washington Post and NY Times, hardly friendly to Israel, as part of this Jewish cabal. And, if the "lobby" was so powerful, how did these authors get this book published by Jewish book publishers?
Awad's suggested reading list for his audience continued:

"Another magazine we should subscribe to is The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. Google it. Subscribe to it. It is written and prepared by mainly former U.S. officials in the Muslim world, in the Middle East. And they love their country. They love the interests of the United States. But also they give you a clear and good analysis of the views and issues and Congress and who's doing what. But also, the most beautiful thing about this magazine is they publish a list of how much the Israel lobby on regular basis gives them contribution to members of Congress and those who run for public office in the United States. Those who like math, those who know how figures work in Washington, D.C., they will know that there is science behind the influence of the pro-Israel lobby, on members of Congress."
WREMA has been described by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and other mainstream Jewish civil rights groups as blatantly anti-Semitic. Having read about 150 of their issues over the past 15 years, nearly every article blames Israel and the "Jewish lobby" for all transgressions committed by radical Muslim states. WREMA's conspiracies about the Jewish lobby fits well into the Protocols of the Elders of Zion fabrication.

Awad offers a conspiratorial explanation of why many US officials support Israel:

"Then, work with candidates for public office, not only members of Congress or the Senate, even at the city council level and at the district level. That's where a lot of investment, the pro-Israel lobby is putting. They take these people to tours to Palestine. They show them the settlements, but they don't show them the refugee camps. They take them to Tel Aviv, but they don't show them Gaza and what Israel has done to Gaza. They don't show them the destruction that Israel has done to the Palestinian life and infrastructure and future…. They take them and they brainwash them. And also they promise them with funds and with votes."
Even Judge Goldstone has recanted his allegations against Israel. Moreover, it's Hamas which launched thousands of rockets and terrorist attacks from Gaza that precipitated Israeli retaliation, a fact Awad ignores. And why should Israel show visiting officials Gaza? Israel left Gaza and ceded control to the Palestinians. Awad claims Israelis "brainwash" these officials, as though such officials have no ability to render their own judgment and decision-making.

Recently, we saw a report about highly developed parts of Gaza and the West Bank showing how economic development and modernization (hotels, restaurants, shops, well stocked food markets, modern malls) are taking root among significant portions of the Palestinian population, yet this is significantly under-reported because it does not fit the "Israel is the oppressive occupier" theme. Why doesn't Awad and CAIR ever tout these advances of the Palestinians?

In his speech, Awad demonstrated his true background as an anti-Semitic, Israel-hating provocateur who uses his position in CAIR to further a radical Islamist agenda, and that is precisely the reason CAIR exists.

Nihad Awad, Co-founder of CAIR Unplugged: Portrait of an Anti-Semite :: Other Articles :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Notice franky refuses to condemn a violent anti-semitic group Within Our Lifetime that are threatning Jews in NYC He then go off topic and cite other anti-semitic groups like ifnotnow and quoting Nihad Awad a known anti-jewish hate monger

New report highlights ties between IfNotNow and anti-Semitic pro-Palestinian group

Nihad Awad, Co-founder of CAIR Unplugged: Portrait of an Anti-Semite :: Other Articles :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism
First you post from Canary Mission, banned from twitter for disinformation.
Now this?

Instead you attack IfNotNow, IJVCanada and other liberal Jewish groups?



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
First you post from Canary Mission, banned from twitter for disinformation.
Now this?

Instead you attack IfNotNow, IJVCanada and other liberal Jewish groups?

those so called Jewish groups you listed have ties to anti-semitic hate groups, terrorists and promote holocaust deniers your constant bitching and whining won't change reality

and typical of franky once citing anti-anti-semitic and terrorist supporting individual Sana Saeed.

why does franky reading anti-jewish and terror supporting groups and individuals

Sana Saeed - Canary Mission

Sana Saeed has expressed support for Hamas, promoted terrorists, spread anti-Israel conspiracy theories and defended violent anti-Israel agitators. She has also demonized Zionism and undermined Muslim interfaith dialogue with Jews.

Saeed has also spread hatred of Israel on social media and promoted the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement.

Saeed was a speaker on the closing plenary of the 2017 National Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) Conference (NSJP 2017).

NSJP 2017 was held October 27-29, 2017 at UH. The conference was themed “A Reimagined World: Dismantling Walls from Palestine to the Rio Grande.” Per the 2017 National SJP Conference website, the conference aimed to strengthen “collaborative efforts within all regions to pass BDS” and envision “pathways to achieving sanctions in the future.”
In 2015, Saeed was affiliated with American Muslims for Palestine (AMP).

In 2012, Saeed tweeted that she was a member of the Muslim Students Association (MSA) when she was an undergraduate.

As of August 2018, Saeed’s LinkedIn said she was a Producer/Host at Al Jazeera+ (AJ+), a Qatari-funded propaganda media channel known for spreading misinformation about Israel.

Saeed received her master’s degree in Islamic Studies from McGill University (McGill) in 2011. In 2009, Saeed received her bachelor’s degree from McGill, in Political Science and Middle East Studies.

Supporting Hamas
On July 29, 2014, during Israel’s OPE, Saeed tweeted: “This video of the Qassam raid of an Israeli military post is incredible in what it captures and how… #Gaza.”

The Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades is the armed wing of Hamas.

On May 19, 2011, Saeed tweeted: “Hamas ..insists on a path of terror& rejection? BRO, what a group gotta do? Fatah reconciliation clearly meant nothing. #MEspeech.”

Promoting Terrorists
On January 31, 2018, Saeed shared a quote on Facebook by Ghassan Kanafani from his book, “Returning to Haifa.”

Kanafani was a leading member and spokesperson of the designated terrorist organization the PFLP in its early years.

Kanafani announced the PFLP’s responsibility for the Lod Airport Massacre of May 1972 and was linked to the airport attackers. The attack killed 26 people.

On February 18, 2012, Saeed tweeted: “Is Khader's crime being Palestinian @NickKristof? Didn't choose occupation, apartheid and unlawful imprisonment. #CoverKhader.”

Khader Adnan is a senior member of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist organization. A 2007 YouTube video showed Adnan praising and encouraging suicide bombings: "Who among you will carry the next explosive belt? Who among you will fire the next bullets? Who among you will have his body parts blown all over?”

Spreading Conspiracy Theories
On December 3, 2017, Saeed tweeted: “so the kushner story is more about israel than russia, but somehow I don’t see ~*resistance twitter*~ talking about israeli meddling in American democratic affairs.”

On November 23, 2016, Saeed tweeted: “Can't be DNC Chair (or a Dem apparently) without, as a friend put it, 'kissing the ring' - and the ring is Israel. lol american politics.”

On January 18, 2015, Saeed tweeted: “Israel & Al Qaeda are likely coordinating with one another. Yeah. Imma pull a white girl and just can't even.”

On July 29, 2012, Saeed tweeted: “It bewilders me how grovelling at the feet of another country, that has no economic or political preponderance over you, is A-OK! #israel”

On the same day, Saeed tweeted: “How many Americans are actually okay with their presidential candidates falling to the feet of another country? #israel”

On November 1, 2011, Saeed tweeted: “Holy whoa #Canada. Can we stop being the new Israeli puppet? It's kinda embarrassing. ...l”

On October 28, 2011, Saeed tweeted: “Romney wants Israel to dictate US foreign policy in the ME? At least he's open about it.”

On November 28, 2010, Saeed tweeted: “I'm no fan of the Iranian regime, but there's nothing really that indicates it's an aggressive regime, bent on attacking Israel.”

Defending Violent Anti-Israel Agitators
On May 31, 2010 — the same day as the Mavi Marmara flotilla incident, Saeed tweeted: “#MONTREAL Demo Against Israeli Violence towards #Flotilla International Activists!... #gaza.”

The Mavi Marmara was the lead ship in the so-called “Freedom Flotilla” that attempted to sail to Gaza in May 2010. Activists aboard the ship agitated for violent confrontation with Israeli security forces and chanted a slogan glorifying the killing of Jews. When Israeli security forces boarded the Marmara, protesters attacked them with iron bars, metal chairs, knives, stun grenades and firearms, rocks and bottles. The 2011 UN Palmer Commission reportfound that the flotilla agitators initiated an organized, violent confrontation with Israeli forces. Moreover, the Mavi Marmara was found to be carrying no humanitarian aid, only weaponry.
On January 21, 2017, Saeed tweeted: “We, Muslim contingent, were yelling ‘intifada!’ when a woman asked me what it meant. I explained and she said "oh I thought it was infidel.’”

Since the early 2000s, the term “intifada,” which translates from Arabic as “uprising” or “insurrection,” has carried the connotation of violence.

Demonizing Zionism
On January 30, 2017. Saeed tweeted: “I really don't have time for apologetics for someone's Islamophobic, Zionist politics. Peace, brother.”

On June 29, 2017, Saeed tweeted: “Zionism does equate to Islamophobia.”

On March 3, 2015, Saeed tweeted: “Associating only Netanyahu w/war mongering on #Iran ignores history of Israeli/Zionist anti-Iranian rhetoric - linked to Islamophobia.”

On April 18, 2014, Saeed tweeted: “There's something not being said enough about the inseparable relationship between pro-Israel groups/Zionism in the US & Islamophobia.”

On July 6, 2014, Saeed tweeted: “Palestinian life is made disposable because it's inconvenient to the goals of Zionism. Inconvenience breeds need to displace or destroy.”

On May 22, 2013, Saeed tweeted: “@H_Diddy @SarabNY Zionism is, like any ethno-nationalism, based in racism/exclusivity.”

Opposing Interfaith Dialogue
Saeed is a vocal opponent of Muslim dialogue with Zionist Jews and reportedly coined the term “faithwashing.” The term is reportedly used to “describe the tactic of painting the Israeli-Palestinian issue as a religious conflict to distract from it being a colonial one.”

On July 1, 2014, Saeed wrote an article in the Islamic Monthly titled: “An Interfaith Trojan Horse: Faithwashing Apartheid and Occupation.” In her article, Saeed demonized the Muslim Leadership Initiative (MLI)

MLI was founded by Imam Abdullah Antepli, the first Muslim chaplain at Duke University. MLI "invites North American Muslims to explore how Jews understand Judaism, Israel, and Jewish peoplehood" and to further explore Palestinian identity and “issues of ethics, faith, and practice.” According to Antepli, “MLI aims to put mainstream North American Jewry in conversation with their Muslim counterparts.”
In her article, Saeed went on to claim that Israel’s founding “brought anti-semitism to the Muslim world” and condemned the decision of Muslim community members to participate in MLI as“ incredibly shameful and dangerous.”

On December 7, 2017, Saeed tweeted: “More than ever - Muslims in the US need to reject efforts to (and people who) normalize Israel/Zionism in our communities, undermine BDS. These efforts look like MLI, apolitical interfaith events; CVE & weaponization of Muslim chaplaincy. #jerusalem.”

On September 3, 2015, Saeed tweeted “Great piece by @HatemBazian for @intifada on #MLI & Muslims becoming Israeli propaganda tools.” The tweet linked to an article by Hatem Bazian, titled: “American Muslims must not become tools of Israeli propaganda.”

Hatem Bazian is the founder of the anti-Israel organizations Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and American Muslims for Palestine (AMP). Bazian has a decades-long history of incitement and of using classic anti-Semitic tropes to demonize Israel.

Spreading Hatred of Israel
On December 7, 2017, Saeed tweeted: “Israel is a settler-colonial state. There is no other way to talk about it that is honest & accurate. Any other description is PR.”

On August 31, 2017, Saeed tweeted: “This is no accident. Many US police depts also receive training in Israel - using methods used to enforce occupation&apartheid in the US.”

On August 26, 2017, in response to a tweet that read: “. @GalGadot is the feminist hero we need.” Saeed tweeted: “If your feminism is Zionist, supports military assaults on any population, dehumanizes people - then nah. You're not needed.”

On August 7, 2016, in response to a tweet by Peter Beinart that read: “.@Blklivesmatter has every right to criticize Israel. But ‘genocide’? Bring solidarity. Don't bring stupid. …”Saeed tweeted: “Yeah! So stupid of #BLM to call the state erasure of Palestinian identity, life, culture and movement a 'genocide'.”

On November 7, 2015, Saeed tweeted: “'What Israel is doing in Gaza is state-sponsored terrorism. Supported by the U.S.' - Dr. Mads Gilbert #HAW2015.”

Gilbert has been banned indefinitely from entering Gaza through Israel because of his connections to the Hamas leadership.

In 2008, 2009, 2012 and 2014 Gilbert was stationed at a hospital that served as a Hamas command center and rocket launching site. During that time he acted as a propagandist for the Hamas government in Gaza.

In 2001, following al Qaeda's September 11 terrorist attacks, Gilbert expressed support for the terror acts as a “legitimate response.” In December of 2009, Gilbert was accused of faking resuscitation on a dead child in Gaza for dramatic effect for a CNN video.
On June 1, 2015, Saeed tweeted: “Israeli Tourism is flying US/CAN journos to cover annual pink-washing apartheid festival ht @MarcieBianco. Unethical.”

“Pinkwashing” is a claim that Israel advocates manipulate the LGBTQ community in order to garner support for Israel.

On May 31, 2015, Saeed tweeted: “Ex-U.N. Official John Dugard: Israel's Crimes are ‘Infinitely Worse’ Than in Apartheid South Africa… #BDSMatters.”

On July 29, 2014, during Israel’s Operation Protective Edge (OPE) in Gaza, Saeed tweeted: “The killing/targeting of Palestinian children isn't accidental. It's a concerted strategy that's been central to Israeli aggression. #Gaza.”

Israel commenced Operation Protective Edge (OPE) in July 2014, to stop rocket fire targeting Israeli civilians and to destroy Hamas attack tunnels.
On July 201, 2014, Saeed tweeted: “Canadians: please tweet @PMHarper that we do not ‘stand staunchly with Israel’ as it massacres Palestinians. That's not our Canada.”

On July 18, 2014, Saeed tweeted: “Israel's precision weaponry is, thus far, 80% precise in killing civilians.”

On July 12, 2014, Saeed tweeted: “Many words running thru my head as #Israel continues massacring #Palestinians. Only one four letter expletive, however, seems appropriate.”

On July 4, 2014, Saeed tweeted: “Israel is constantly in active violent repression of Palestinians- they take it up a notch once in awhile as a reminder.”

On May 30, 2014, Saeed tweeted: “American citizens moving to a settler colony to ensure the apartheid project continues.”

Saeed’s tweet was responding to another tweet from the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) that read: “At 18, Rebecca left Boston to live in #Israel. Now she's an #IDF combat soldier defending the new home she loves.”

On August 23, 2013, Saeed tweeted: “Looking for writer to discuss Israel's monument to LGBTQ holocaust victims in context of pinkwashing campaigns to distract from occupation.”

On November 27, 2012, Saeed tweeted: “Israel is so LGBTQ friendly, it utilizes homophobia to 'discredit' dead ‘partners for peace.’ #arafat.”

On November 15, 2012, during Israel’s Operation Pillar of Defense (OPD) Saeed tweeted: “Israel is not responding to rockets. It is 1. Securing votes through fear & 2. Continuing a long history of violence against Palestinians.”

OPD was launched to stop Hamas rocket attacks from Gaza on Israeli civilians. From November 14 to November 21, 2012, Palestinian terrorist groups fired more than 1,506 rockets at Israel. The majority of those rockets struck Israel, damaging homes, schools and other civilian areas.
Human Rights Watch noted: “Palestinian armed groups made clear in their statements that harming civilians was their aim.”
On November 15, 2012, Saeed tweeted: “Great illustration painfully painting the complicity of media in oppression (specifically Palestinians here) #Gaza.”

The tweet featured a cartoon of an Israeli soldier displaying a wounded finger on television while pointing a smoking gun at a a pile of dead Palestinian bodies, representing Gaza, off-camera.

On November 14, 2012, Saeed tweeted: “If slaughtering other people is what it takes for you to win an election, it then speaks volumes of the character of your country. #gaza.”

On June 17, 2012, Saeed tweeted: “Israel has been enacting racist policies long before it began deporting African migrants, throwing them in detention camps&hosting pogroms.”

On August 9, 2011, Saeed tweeted: “Any news on #Gaza communications? Israel loves to do things when we're not paying attention to it. Ohh, Israel! Such a naughty child!”


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Yes, kach is a designated terrorist entity. Can you show me evidence that Ben Gvir is a member? Now regardless, he is a nasty racist piece of shit, just like Hamas and much of Fatah. Sadly you will only criticize Jewish racists and won't even admit that Hamas, PFLP, PIJ et al are terrorists.
Ben Gvir, Kahane/Kach and JDL supporter.

New Israeli power broker seeks to rewrite history to justify violence against Palestinians
Top official tries to recast part of American history to make his anti-Palestinian movement seem less extremist

A right-wing Israeli politician is trying to recast a key part of American history.

That’s not a usual subject for an Israeli Cabinet member. But Itamar Ben-Gvir is trying to make his anti-Palestinian movement seem less extremist and more appealing to Jews and the international community. A rewrite of American history could help him do it.

In a November 2022 speech in Jerusalem after the recent Israeli elections, Ben-Gvirmemorialized Rabbi Meir Kahane, an ultranationalist leader from the U.S. who moved to Israel and was both elected to Israel’s Parliament and convicted of terrorism before being assassinated in 1990. Ben-Gvir declared that Kahane and his followers saved Jews from the Soviet Union’s antisemitism during the 1970s and 1980s.

Kahane is best known in the U.S. as the founder of the Jewish Defense League, which was originally headquartered in New York City. From the 1960s through about 2001, this group was responsible for numerous terrorist and racist attacks against African Americans, Muslims, Jewish academics and public figures, as well as foreign diplomats.

Who is this person?
Itamar Ben-Gvir is a newly elected member of the Knesset, Israel’s national legislature. He has also been appointed national security minister in the right-wing government led by Benjamin Netanyahu, who in December 2022 again became Israel’s prime minister, a post he previously held from 1996 to 1999 and again from 2009 to 2021.

Ben-Gvir is a longtime supporter of Israeli Kahanist movements fighting for a theocratic Jewish state. The members of those movements support Israeli dominion over the territory they call “greater Israel,” which includes not only present-day Israel but also the Palestinian territories.

What role and power does he have in the Israeli government?
Ben-Gvir is a critical part of the Knesset’s majority coalition led by Netanyahu. As the new minister of national security with an expanded portfolio, he is now in charge of Israel’s police and border police in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

Other members of the political party he leads, Otzma Yehudit, or “Jewish Power,” now hold ministry positions charged with expanding Jewish development in the Galilee and Negev regions, as well as overseeing cultural and religious heritage.

What constituencies does he represent?
In 1971, Kahane came to Israel from the U.S. and founded the Kach Party to bring his views to the voting public, but it was disqualified from participating in electoral politics in 1987 when changes to Israeli law banned groups that incited racism.

In 1994, Kach member Baruch Goldstein, who had also been a member of the Jewish Defense League, massacred 29 Muslim worshippers in a mosque at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, part of the Israeli-occupied West Bank. As a result, both Israel and the U.S. declared Kach to be a terrorist organization.

In 2007, Ben-Gvir was convicted of inciting racism and supporting a terrorist organization – Kach. He also once had a portrait of Goldstein hanging in his living room.

In the 2009 election that brought Netanyahu back into power from the opposition, Kahanist disciple Michael Ben-Ari was elected to the Knesset for the first time. Four years later, he formed a new Kahanist party, Otzma Yehudit, which didn’t win any Knesset seats in the 2013 elections. In 2019, Ben-Ari was banned from running for public office because of his alleged extremist activity.

At that time, Ben-Gvir, who was seen as being more moderate and more politically skilled than Ben-Ari, took over party leadership.

In 2022, an alliance between Ben-Gvir’s Otzma Yehudit Party and Bezalel Smotrich’s messianic Religious Nationalists resulted in their candidates’ winning 15 Knesset seats, becoming the third-largest political bloc in Israel and Netanyahu’s primary coalition partner.

Ben-Gvir’s position as co-leader of this extreme right-wing alliance is so strong that his agreement to join Netanyahu’s coalition government includes a commitment to remove the clause in Israel’s Basic Law disqualifying a person from serving in the Knesset for inciting racism – for which Kahane was first banned, and of which Ben-Gvir has also been convicted.



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
The American mainstreaming of Palestinian terror-linked NGOs

(January 18, 2023 / JNS) In the 15 months since Israel classified six Palestinian NGOs as terrorist groups, the international community has done little to follow in the Jewish state’s footsteps.

After a months-long investigation by Israeli security officials, former Defense Minister Benny Gantz announced that Addameer, Al-Haq, Defense for Children International-Palestine, the Union of Agricultural Works Committee (UAWC), the Bisan Center and the Union of Palestinian Women Committees (UPWC) were not the humanitarian NGOs they claimed to be. Instead, they were operating as front groups for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a U.S.-designated terrorist group.

The U.S. administration disapproved of Israel’s move against what the White House deemed “civil society organizations.” State Department Spokesman Ned Price complained that the administration did not receive a “specific heads-up” from Israeli leaders, a claim disputed by some in Israel’s Foreign Ministry.

With antisemitism at an all-time high, U.S. reluctance to investigate these terrorist affiliates is granting PFLP proxies free rein to espouse violence in U.S. cities. The proxies also work at creating conduits through which they can advance antisemitism through likeminded campus groups.

Terror-linked NGOs are not just operating in Israel. Samidoun, a North America-based group that identifies as part of the Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, is among seven PFLP proxies exposed by the Israeli government.

The Zachor Legal Institute, a think tank focused on combating antisemitic movements, is urging the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to launch an investigation into the PFLP proxies. In October, Zachor President Marc Greendorfer sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland delineating the link between the NGOs in question and the PFLP.

The correspondence cites testimony from PFLP activist Said Abedat, who admitted to Israeli police that most of the NGOs’ employees are “managed by senior PFLP operatives.”

Moreover, U.S. entities, including the U.S. Agency for International Development (US AID), publicly acknowledge that NGOs such as the UAWC operate as extensions of the PFLP.

In December, a coalition of 28 organizations led by Zachor petitioned Garland, FBI Director Christopher Wray and Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Anti-Semitism Deborah Lipstadt to act against the NGOs.

Greendorfer noted, “Jewish Americans are under open assault by faux humanitarian groups that are thinly veiled fronts for the foreign terror groups that they fund and support.”

The rising domestic popularity of these groups is directly connected to the recent spike in antisemitism in the U.S. For example, last April, a New York City rally co-organized by Samidoun featured demonstrators marching under the slogan “Support Palestinian resistance and liberation by any means necessary,” a clear call for violence.

PFLP proxies are steadily infiltrating American higher education, where they unite with antisemitic groups. Samidoun has spearheaded events at Tufts and Rutgers universities, which have active Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapters. According to a 2022 report by the Amcha Initiative, these two universities are among America’s most hostile institutions for Jewish students. Last year, Tufts President Anthony Monaco commissioned a committee to study antisemitic trends and discovered that over half of Jewish undergraduate respondents experienced antisemitism at his institution.

Samidoun has also bolstered the profile of activist Nerdeen Kiswani, founder of the SJP offshoot group Within Our Lifetime. Samidoun’s U.S. coordinator Joe Catron appeared with Kiswani at a 2017 Al Quds rally in New York City with Catron chanting, “It is right to rebel” and “Israel go to hell.” Kiswani shrieked, “We want ’48!” a reference to destroying Israel.

Later, as a student at the City University of New York (CUNY), Kiswani was selected as the 2022 law school commencement speaker despite her history of calling for the murder of Jews.

In a YouTube interview, Kiswani stated the key to peace is “abolishing Israel.” Three years after Samidoun first planted the seeds of hate via its annual Youth for Palestine conference at the University of Michigan, the school became the epicenter of terrifying protests this month that called for the destruction of Israel.

For its part, Addameer’s 2013 10-day US tour of several universities culminated in a 2018 invitation from Columbia and Barnard College to participate in an anti-Israel panel. The watchdog NGO Monitor has revealed that convicted Palestinian terrorist and former Addameer vice-chair Khalida Jarrar doubled as a PFLP “senior official.”

The DOJ’s reluctance to punish the terror-connected NGOs is likely politically motivated, because these groups are supported by progressive politicians.

For example, the DOJ recently decided to investigate the unintentional killing last May of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in a firefight in Jenin. Among those calling for such an investigation was far-left Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), who recently signed a congressional letter to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressing “serious concern” over Israel “criminalizing” the terror-linked NGOs.

Pressley is not alone. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) is a defender of institutions such as Al-Haq, which she once described in a video address as “on the front lines on the fight for human rights.”

While Al-Haq portrays itself as a group of Palestinian legal advocates, NGO Monitor pointed out its role in “anti-Israel lawfare and BDS campaigns.”

In a New York Times op-ed last year, Al-Haq’s Director Shawan Jabarin claimed that Al-Haq’s sole mission is strengthening Palestinian civil society and that his involvement with the PFLP was confined to his time as a university student. This was a lie. Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs and Public Diplomacy revealed that Jabarin actively participated with the PFLP as late as 2008.

If left unchecked, these PFLP proxies, in collaboration with their antisemitic comrades in the U.S., will place American Jews in an untenable situation. Assuming that U.S. officials are as serious about fighting antisemitism as they claim, a good place for them to start would be to investigate the terror-linked NGOs cultivating a culture of hate in our communities.

Irit Tratt is a writer and pro-Israel advocate who resides in New York.

The American mainstreaming of Palestinian terror-linked NGOs -


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The American mainstreaming of Palestinian terror-linked NGOs

(January 18, 2023 / JNS) In the 15 months since Israel classified six Palestinian NGOs as terrorist groups, the international community has done little to follow in the Jewish state’s footsteps.

After a months-long investigation by Israeli security officials, former Defense Minister Benny Gantz announced that Addameer, Al-Haq, Defense for Children International-Palestine, the Union of Agricultural Works Committee (UAWC), the Bisan Center and the Union of Palestinian Women Committees (UPWC) were not the humanitarian NGOs they claimed to be. Instead, they were operating as front groups for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a U.S.-designated terrorist group.
Branding Defence for Children International and the other 5 NGO"s has only made Israel's terrorism accusations look incredibly stupid, racist and political.

All this does is show that you use the word 'terrorism' like its the new 'n' word.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Branding Defence for Children International and the other 5 NGO"s has only made Israel's terrorism accusations look incredibly stupid, racist and political.

All this does is show that you use the word 'terrorism' like its the new 'n' word.

everytime Franky lie about my posts i will display his antisemitic and terror supporting posts

still defending hamas

franky saying the intafada(terrorism and against israelis and jews) is resistance

defending a voilent anti-semitic organization "Within our lifetime"



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
everytime Franky lie about my posts i will display his antisemitic and terror supporting posts
So you didn't even check to see whether or not Defence for Children International was one of the 6 NGO's you just posted about, did you?
Do it.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
DCI-P Staff Ties to the PFLP
On July 29, 2021, Israeli forces confiscated computers and documents from DCI-P’s Ramallah office. In a statement released just hours later, the PFLP “renewed its demand to confront the continuing Zionist violations against the active Palestinian civil institutions.” According to DCI-P General Director Khaled Quzmar, the Israeli military courts informed the organization that “the Israeli army [raided the offices] because…information that there is materials (sic) which [were] used in a terror attack, or maybe will [be] used, or maybe will [be] used with other terrorist organization.”

On October 22, 2021, the Israeli Ministry of Defense declared DCI-P a “terror organization” because it is part of “a network of organizations” that operates “on behalf of the ‘Popular Front’.”

Hashem Abu Maria
According to DCI-P, Hashem Abu Maria “served as the coordinator of DCI-Palestine’s community mobilization unit, promoting constructive child participation throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory” where he “focused on Palestinian teens monitoring and documenting child rights violations in Hebron.” In July 2014, Abu Maria was killed during a violent confrontation in Beit Ummar.

  • Following his death, he was hailed by the PFLP as a “leader,” which issued an official mourning announcement.
  • The PFLP announcement praised his work for DCI-P, stating “he was in the ranks of the national liberation struggle and the PFLP from an early age, arrested several times, and was a model for a steadfast struggler and advocate for the rights of our people through his work in Defence for Children International.”
  • The PFLP also quoted a post from Abu Maria’s Facebook “It is clear the defeat of the ideas of tolerance, normalization…snuggling, kissing and beauty with the enemy state and its institutions, and instead the rise of the concepts of solidarity, co- operation and mutual support among the Palestinian people, promoting a culture of unity and resistance, a sense of belonging and identitythe youth are rising and the Intifada regrouping…” (emphasis added).
  • The PFLP announcement furthered “With those words, this true revolutionary comrade went to join the demonstration and joined the martyrs of Palestine, his blood shed at the hands of the occupier’s forces. The Front pledges to the leader and his fellow martyrs, to all of the martyrs who have fallen on the path of the struggle for the liberation of Palestine, that the struggle of the resistance everywhere in Palestine until all of Palestine, from the river to the sea, is liberated.”
  • On September 23, 2014, DCI-P uploaded a video (see Appendix II) of a memo- rial service for Abu Maria, featuring a speech by DCI-P General Director, Rifat Odeh Kassis. (On file with NGO Monitor). The courtyard where the memorial service took place was decorated with PFLP flags, posters, and pictures of prominent PFLP figures, such as founder George Habash and former leader Ahmed Sa’adat. Nearly all of the audience is dressed in PFLP apparel.
  • The PFLP also posted an article in September 2014 noting that the PFLP in Hebron held a memorial service for “its martyr.” The article notes that PFLP leader “comrade” Badran Jabir delivered the speech on behalf of the PFLP and Rifat Kasis spoke on behalf of DCI-P. The article further states that Sahar Francis (see below) spoke as a representative of “Hashem’s friends.”
  • Another video of the memorial service shows posters of Abu Maria featuring the PFLP emblem and of Abu Maria with the DCI-P logo. (On file with NGO Monitor).
  • A December 28, 2014 video of a PFLP event commemorating a PFLP member killed by Israeli troops clearly shows PFLP posters honoring Abu Maria alongside posters of key figures in the terrorist organization. (See Appendix III, video on file with NGO Monitor).
  • An August 2014 article in Ha’aretz about Abu Maria’s death cites his position in DCI-P, as well as noting that “Mourning notices now drape the house, together with banners of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the organization in which Abu Maria was active politically.”
  • DCI-P dedicated its 2014 annual report to Abu Maria (see Appendix II).
Riyad Arar
Director of DCI-P’s Child Protection Program.1 He previously served in other roles in the organization, including directing the group’s Hebron office until at least August 2015. Arar is closely involved in coordinating DCI-P cooperation with UNICEF on “monitoring human rights violations.”

  • Arar addressed the December 28, 2014 PFLP memorial event for a group member who was killed “while engaging in a demonstration confronting the occupation forces with stones and Molotov cocktails.” (See Appendix III, video on file with NGO Monitor.)
  • The event featured PFLP paraphernalia and individuals clad in military garb – some of whom appear to be children (video on file with NGO Monitor).
  • In February 2018, Arar spoke at a Palestinian Prisoner Forum event in Hebron alongside “senior” PFLP official Badran Jaber.
Nassar Ibrahim
President of DCI-P’s General Assembly until at least 20172 – one of the group’s governing bodies – and previously served on DCI-P’s board.

  • Ibrahim is the former editor of El Hadaf – the PFLP’s weekly publication.
  • On May 1, 2014, the PFLP unveiled a mural “developed by writer and journalist Nassar Ibrahim,” honoring PFLP founder George Habash. Several PFLP members attended and spoke at the event.
  • A December 2015 videoshows Ibrahim presenting to a group of foreigners where he argues for a Palestinian “right of resistance”:
    • “What you can do depends on you. I’m not asking you to come, to fight, to raise the gun. If you believe in that, do that…But I’m not asking you to come to raise the gun with me. I’m asking you to recognize my right to resist as a people under occupation…Don’t judge me based on how I see my role in order to end the occupation.”
    • The balance of power to the ground will not be changed- only by resistance, not by negotiation… I am not saying that I am against the negotiation but the negotia- tion is not the tool to achieve the right it is a result of our resistance.
    • The policy of the Zionist government in Israel, they are preparing for a new holocaust in the Middle East for the Jewish…350 million Arabs will not be sleeping forever” (emphasis added).
  • In 2002, together with Majed Nassar, Ibrahim published the book The Palestinian Intifada: Cry Freedom, which is unabashedly supportive of the terror campaign of the early 2000s:
    • “The Palestinian resistance movement has therefore concluded that every check- point, every soldier and every settler are legitimate targets in the struggle for freedom and independence, thus rendering all theories and strategies of supremacy irrelevant. In essence then, everything becomes a target: Jerusalem, Haifa, Hadera, Tel Aviv, Ashkelon, the settlements, the checkpoints, the military installations and even the Israeli Ministry of Defense” (page 94)
    • “No Palestinian accepts that the political parties that have struggled over the last fifty years should be regarded as ‘terrorist organizations,’ simply because their cause of liberation is anathema to the United States and its stepchild, Israel” (page 117) .
  • In February 2019 and July 2016, Ibrahim published articles on the PFLP’s Lebanon website. He is also quoted on the PFLP’s Syrian branch’s website.
  • A May 31, 2019 post by the “Alternative Information Center, Palestine” notes that Ibrahim also serves as its director and stated that he “believes in the right of the Palestinians to resist in all its forms, including the armed struggle…and calls for controlling the weapons of the resistance in accordance with a political vision.”
Mahmoud Jiddah
According to DCI-P, Mahmoud Jiddah served as a DCI-P board member in 2012-2016. A May 13, 2017 picture taken at a meeting of the DCI-P General Assembly shows Jiddah standing next to General Assembly President Nassar Ibrahim, indicating his ongoing affiliation with DCI-P.

  • Jiddah was imprisoned by Israel for 17 years for carrying out grenade attacks against Israeli civilians in Jerusalem in 1968. A February 2017 Al Jazeera article furthers that Jiddah was arrested in 1968 for joining the front and carrying out terrorist attacks in Jerusalem, Hebron, and Tel Aviv.
  • According to news reports, following a 2016 meeting with Jiddah, Didier Ortiz, then a Green Party candidate for the Fort Lauderdale City Council, posted an Instagram photo of Jiddah citing the latter’s PFLP affiliation.
  • An April 2017 article in Arabic language media notes that Jiddah is “of the PFLP cadres” and that he spent his last twenty years serving different periods of time in jail.
  • A March 2006 article in Arabic language media notes that Jiddah was arrested and refers to him as a PFLP official.
Sahar Francis
DCI-P listed Sahar Francis DCI-P board member in 2007-2008.

Hassan Abdel Jawad
Hassan Abdel Jawad served as a DCI-P board member in 20122018.

  • On October 17, 2016, Abdel Jawad appears to have spoken on behalf of the PFLP at an event commemorating a PFLP member who was killed (according to the PFLP) “while engaging in a demonstration confronting the occupation forces with stones and Molotov cocktails.”
  • Appears to have spoken on behalf of the PFLP at a 2012 event organized by the group, honoring former Bethlehem mayor Victor Batarseh.
  • Abdel Jawad appears to have been a PFLP candidate for the Palestinian Legislative Council in 2006.
Halima Abu-Solb
According to the organization DCI-P, Halima Abu-Solb was elected to DCI-P’s board for a period of two years in April 2016 – 2018. A November 2014 article published in Ma’an also notes that Abu-Solb was elected to the organization’s general assembly for a period of two years in 2014.

  • According to a June 2007 article in Arabic language media, Abu-Solb was sentenced to a three year “PFLP prison-sentence.”
  • In a March 2013 interview, Abu-Solb acknowledged that she was sent to prison before the Palestinian violence in the late 1980s for a period of three years. She also acknowledged that she is one of the founders of the PFLP-tied NGO Addameer and that she is a member of the “Women’s Council at the [Palestinian] lawyers’ bar association.”
  • In July 2012, the PFLP, under its “news” section, reports that Abu-Solb spoke at a conference organized by the “Women’s Center for Legal Aid and Counselling.”
  • Abu-Solb participated in an event with the wife of the PFLP secretary general Ahmed Saadat during at a “Land Day” commemoration event organized by the “Union of Women’s Committees” of the Bethlehem area.
Mary Rock
According to DCI-P, Mary Rock was a DCI-P board member in 20142018.

Samer Ajaj
Arabic language media identifies Samer Ajaj as the coordinator of DCI-P’s Community Empowerment Unit.3 He previously ran DCI-P’s office in Nablus.

  • In 2012, Ajaj appears to have run for elected office in Nablus as a member of a list jointly controlled by the PFLP and another Palestinian organization.
Shawan Jabarin
Shawan Jabarin served on DCI-P’s board from at least 20052009.

  • According to a 1995 Israeli submission to the UN, Jabarin was convicted in 1985 for recruiting and arranging training for members for the PFLP. A 1994 Israeli statement to the UN notes that he “had not discontinued his terrorist involvement and maintains his position in the leadership of the PFLP.”
  • In 2007, the Israeli Supreme Court rejected his appeal to go abroad, stating that “the current petitioner is apparently acting as a manner of Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde, acting some of the time as the CEO of a human rights organization, and at other times as an activist in a terror organization which has not shied away from murder and attempted murder, which have nothing to do with rights…”
  • In 2009, Jabarin was again prohibited by the Israeli authorities from travelling abroad. Jabarin appealed to the Israeli Supreme Court which rejected his appeal, stating, “We found that the material pointing to the petitioner’s involvement in the activity of terrorist entities is concrete and reliable material.”
Majed Nasser
Nasser served as a DCI-P board member from at least 2007-2009.

  • Nasser previously served as Executive Director of the Palestinian Health Work Committees (HWC), an organization banned in 2015 by Israel for involvement in terrorism. In 2009, HWC’s Nidal Center was closed by Israel because of its ties to the PFLP.
  • Nasser co-wrote The Palestinian Intifada: Cry Freedom, a book that praises the Palestinian terror campaign of the early 2000s (see section on Nassar Ibrahim above).
Fatima Daana
Fatima Daana served as a DCI-P board member in 20122018. In 2014-2016, she served as the group’s treasurer.

  • Daana is the widow of Raed Nazzal, the former commander of the PFLP’s armed wing (the Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades) in Qalqilya. Nazzal was responsible for several terrorist at- tacks and was killed in 2002 in a shootout with IDF forces.
Concerning Imagery and Rhetoric
In June 2020, DCI-P elected a new board; some of the appointed individuals have celebrated convicted terrorists, posted violent images, and made antisemitic statements on social media. (See NGO Monitor’s report “DCI-P’s New Board: Celebrating Terrorists” for more details.)

Yaser Amouri
Yaser Amouri, appointed treasurer, has posted in support of terrorists who attacked Israeli civilians and police officers, as well as glorified leaders of other terrorist organizations.

Adla Nazer
Adla Nazer, appointed secretary, has used Facebook to honor terrorists and promote violent rhetoric.

  • On December 13, 2018, Nazer posted a picture of Salah Barghouthi and Ashraf Na’alwa–active terrorists who had been killed by Israeli forces: “Once more, what a loss for us – every drop of blood of theirs. What a bad morning.”
  • On October 19, 2015, Nazer wrote on Facebook, “our knives that stretch to their necks are not comparable even a little to the repression that the occupation has done to us over decades. Our small and large knives, the ones that kill and the ones that injure, they are but our mothers’ kitchen knives… it is the knife of the Jerusalemite who revolts against the occupation’s policies… They [the Israelis] cause panic in the hearts of our children, they burn our houses, poison to death our sheep, burn our olives, open fire at our hearts, they walk within us with their weapons, they hurl at us the most offensive and racist curses, they celebrate our blood and are even capable of drinking it. They take by force the earth and the heavens… long live the nation, long live the knife” (emphases added).
Yazan al-Zubaidy
Yazan al-Zubaidy became DCI-P’s Vice President. On several occasions, he has utilized social media to promote extreme rhetoric, dehumanize Zionists, and delegitimize Zionism.

Defense for Children International – Palestine’s Ties to the PFLP Terrorist Organization » ngomonitor (


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Hamas spies on Israel for Iran from Istanbul

(January 16, 2023 / JNS) On Jan. 10, 2023, Hamas spokesman Hazem Kassem issued a statement denying Israeli media reports that Turkey is restricting the movements of the Hamas leadership as part of its realignment with Israel.

“The publications are lies and part of the incitement of the Zionist media machine against the movement and its leadership. Hamas has good relations with Turkey and aims to develop and promote them with it and with all Arab countries,” the statement said.

It seems that the good relations between Hamas and Turkey are indeed intact. Several senior Hamas leaders and their families now live permanently in Turkey, and some have received Turkish passports. In addition to engaging in terrorism, the Hamas officials have also established their own businesses.

Ismail Haniyeh’s son, Hazem, moved his family from Gaza to Turkey, meaning that the Hamas head has transferred almost his entire family from Qatar and Gaza to Turkey. Details of their exit from Gaza were leaked from Egyptian lists of residents departing via the Rafah crossing on Egypt’s border. In response, Gazans expressed outrage on their social media.

The terrorist group’s intelligence branch continues to operate unhindered in Istanbul, with the approval of Turkish intelligence, despite Israel’s protests.

Senior Israeli security officials have revealed details regarding some of the activities of this branch, beyond directing and funding terrorist activity in Judea and Samaria. According to security sources, the Hamas branch in Istanbul collects intelligence on Israel for Iran, in exchange for large sums of money.

In the branch office in Istanbul, there is a special monitoring room where Hamas terrorists who have been released from Israeli prisons and who understand Hebrew fluently, along with members of the Hamas cyber unit, monitor IDF communications. This information is then passed on to Iranian intelligence.

Last year, three Israeli Arabs were arrested in Israel for hacking a major Israeli telecommunications network, stealing a large amount of data and planning to crash the system in the event of a war. They met with their Hamas handlers in Turkey on several occasions.

Hamas’s activity in Turkey focuses on issues beyond Israel, as well.

Hamas operatives are engaged in:

1. Monitoring Jews of Iranian origin living in Israel: monitoring their social networks and obtaining information about their political affiliation, residential address, and telephone numbers. This information is submitted to Iranian intelligence, which then attempts to recruit them.

In January 2022, the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) announced that it had exposed an Iranian spy network that attempted to recruit five Israeli citizens of Iranian origin via Facebook. The cell included four women and a man who maintained continuous relations with an Iranian intelligence agency until their activities were stopped by the Shin Bet. Indictments were filed against the group.

2. Gathering intelligence in Africa about the Mossad’s activities. Israel is training foreign armies in Africa, in countries such as Kenya, Ethiopia, the Ivory Coast and South Africa. Iranian intelligence is trying to recruit Israeli citizens working in Africa.

3. Operating a cyber warfare facility in Turkey to hack and disrupt Israeli sites.

4. Gathering intelligence on the Palestinian Authority leadership in Ramallah and its security coordination with Israel against Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, which is very close to Iran, and the transfer of this information to Iranian intelligence.

Security officials in Israel say that the Turkish National Intelligence Organization, led by Hakan Fidan, is a very professional agency, with accurate information about what transpires in the offices of Hamas’s Istanbul branch. However, their directives are political, and as long as Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gives backing to the leadership of Hamas, hosts it in Turkish territory, and even grants Turkish citizenship to some of its operatives, nothing can be done. Israel has also committed to Turkey not to act against Hamas operatives on Turkish soil, even though they engage in terrorist activities against it.

The terrorist activity and intelligence gathering of the Hamas branch in Istanbul continues unhindered, and despite this, the Bennett and Lapid government renewed ties with Turkey after a crisis in relations that lasted several years.

It will be interesting to see how the Netanyahu government will act towards Turkey and whether it, too, will put up with the continuation of the terrorist activities of the military wing of Hamas from Istanbul.

Hamas spies on Israel for Iran from Istanbul -


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
meet antisemitic terror apologist Lara Sheehi

A clinical psychology professor at George Washington University teaches that Zionism is a mental illness and claims Jews commit "violence" against every Palestinian they meet.

Lara Sheehi, the professor at the center of a discrimination complaint students filed against the university, has a long history of making anti-Semitic statements in lectures, published writings, interviews, and social media posts. As an assistant professor in the school’s Professional Psychology Program, she refuses to acknowledge the existence of the state of Israel and teaches her Jewish students that their mere presence can inflict "violence."

Sheehi also accuses all Zionists of having a "settler psychosis" from which they must be "liberated" in order to interact with "indigenous" people.

"You’re a settler interacting with indigenous people, there’s violence embedded in that no matter what, no matter how good you are," Sheehi said last year in a podcast interview. "Settlers, liberate yourself from your ideology."

Sheehi did not respond to a request for comment. George Washington University referred the Washington Free Beacon to its statement last week condemning anti-Semitism and affirming academic freedom.

Jewish students reported Sheehi for discriminating against and repeatedly harassing them as part of a required diversity course she taught last fall, according to a complaint filed last week with the Department of Education.

"It’s not your fault you were born in Israel," she reportedly told one student on the first day of class.

Sheehi has declared all Israelis "fucking racist" and said she wants to "destroy Zionism" on Twitter. She has deleted her account since the Title VI complaint was filed.

Roz Rothstein, cofounder and CEO of Stand With Us, which filed the complaint, told the Washington Free Beacon that Sheehi’s "personal politics" should not "cross the line into discriminatory conduct targeting students based on their identities."

Rothstein says college administrators "too often" fail to "recognize the clear difference between a professor expressing her personal political views, which academic freedom does protect, and identity-based discriminatory and retaliatory conduct, which it absolutely does not."

Sheehi is president-elect of the Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology, a division of the American Psychological Association. She and her husband, Stephen Sheehi, who chairs the Middle East Studies department at the College of William & Mary, are both members of the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement. They engage as professors in "explicitly political" work, which they have called "guerilla scholarship." Sheehi even boasted in an interview last year that their adversarial approach has cost them speaking engagements and jobs.

In 2014, Stephen Sheehi joined a group of scholars from around the world in signing a statement defending Hamas militants for firing rockets at Israeli civilians. He accused Israel of carrying out "collective punishment" after soldiers swept through the Gaza Strip in search of three Israeli teenage boys who were kidnapped and later murdered by Hamas.

Both professors say Palestinians live in an "apartheid" state and under a "settler-colonial" regime. The pair coauthored a book on the topic, titled Psychoanalysis Under Occupation. They describe the Jewish state as an unjust and "violent occupation," referring to it as "the state known as Israel." Stephen Sheehi has accused Israeli Jews of having a "psychotic relationship" to their homeland.

"This compelling intimacy that Zionists feel to the land in Palestine is one built on a psychosis," he said in a 2022 interview.

Lara Sheehi in September asked a radical speaker to campus who has praised acts of Palestinian terrorism and falsely said that Israel tests its missiles on Palestinian children. The talk was scheduled between the Jewish high holy days Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

The students who filed a complaint against Sheehi also noted that her coursework did not include readings on anti-Semitism.

When confronted, Sheehi retaliated against the Jewish students, accusing them of racism and initiating disciplinary proceedings against them. Administrators defended Sheehi’s conduct and maintained she had not been anti-Semitic.

George Washington University Professor Accused of Anti-Semitism Says Zionism Is a Mental Illness (


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
No, I support Defence for Children International, who you called 'terrorists'.
You're a bit like rump calling everything a 'hoax' these days, except you use your new 'n' word.
You're still calling Defence for Children International 'terrorists'.

This really does sum up your use of the word as a racial slur.
Wow your posts get more and more desperate in your stupidity; so much so you need to post the exact same lie twice in a row.

PFLP is a terrorist entity and high ranking members of PFLP served in prominent positions in DCIP.

I never said DCIP is a terrorist group. I said there are terrorists in DCIP.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Wow your posts get more and more desperate in your stupidity; so much so you need to post the exact same lie twice in a row.

PFLP is a terrorist entity and high ranking members of PFLP served in prominent positions in DCIP.

I never said DCIP is a terrorist group. I said there are terrorists in DCIP.
Israel called them terrorists and raided their offices.
You defended Israel.
Now you're backing down a tiny, tiny bit and saying there are only 'terrorists' working there.
Totally wrong, but even by your incredibly wacked metrics that should put them on the same level as the Israeli government.
A government you keep defending.

Which again gets back to your use of the word 'terrorist' as a racial slur.
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