No, you're talking about Israel in a thread about Iran enriching to 60%. Why are you so desperate to avoid discussing whether Iran with highly enriched uranium is a good thing for the world?
I responded to a comment that it was antisemitic to criticize Israeli policies. Or to say they have political clout. It isn't. I also addressed Iran developing nukes in my last post. I don't think its good or bad for the world per se. But necessary. Necessary to defend their sovereignty. It is also a kind of a dishonest question cuz how can developing a WMD be "good" for the world?
And sorry, you claim was the trope about Israel controlling the US. It doesn't. Some Americans lobby their government on middle east policy. The fact that you don't want to include the massive lobbying effort and impact of Saudi Arabia shows the same kind of fixation franky has.
You are saying that, not me. I said Israel has significant political clout in Washington D.C, and that is a statement of fact. Also it isn't just "some Americans" that lobby their govt on middle east foreign policy. What a disingenuous statement. These are big, very powerful organizations, like the AIPAC, Christians United for Israel with millions in funding/membership/lobbying expenditure. Sure the Saudis do it too, but they don't have the clout the Israeli lobby has.
Do you really think it's a good idea for many more countries to get nukes? Do you think it's good to have more authoritarian governments to have nuclear weapons? Or is this just a desire to defend Iran and blame Israel?
Nukes are never good but they are an unfortunate reality. And a good deterrent. In the last 50 years, how many countries has Iran invaded? How many have they attacked? How many regimes have they tried to overthrow? None.
So this "authoritarian" country, has done nothing, while the supposed bastions of democracy and freedom, US and Israel, have NUKED, invaded, instituted regime change, extra judicially killed Iran's military leaders and scientists, violated international air space to recon them, imposed harsh economic sanctions to name just a few. This is not including their actions in other neighbouring Arab nations.
You need to check your perspective on who the aggressor is here and not blindly parrot some pro-Israeli bull crap that people in this part of the world are indoctrinated with.