So finished 2 more.
Handmaid's Tale season five which was outstanding. Great writing and fsntastic nuanced oerfirmsnces with some nice twists. Highly recommend.
Also season one of Interview with a Vampire. First two episodes were a bit cluncky but it really hits its stride in the script and performance in episode three. Lestat is really good and the girl playing Claudia is fantastic. Its an updated version with Eric Bagosian playing an aged reporter revisting Louis. Also at 7 episodes not a big commitment. Highly recommend again.
Next up is Sandman.
After season 2 of Handmaid's tale there just wasn't any point for me.
Just too repetitive and lacking any real point.
Have heard good things about Interview with the Vampire and intend to check it out as a binge.
Sandman is not as terrible as its first episode implies, but overall makes some really poor choices. It's... fine... and the bonus episodes imply it may have an idea what to do going forward to be stronger, but it's nothing worth going out of your way for.