Ce caspita dice? Spacey was never found guilty of anything. The plaintiff in the first case decided not to testify after discovery. If Spacey has a drinking problem he should go to AA meetings, apart from that he should be forgiven.

Kevin Spacey Ordered to Pay $31 Million to ‘House of Cards’ Producer for Alleged Sexual Misconduct
Kevin Spacey has been ordered to pay 'House of Cards' production company MRC about $31 million for his alleged sexual misconduct.

"The arbitrator viewed videotaped deposition testimony and found that Spacey violated MRC’s sexual harassment policy with respect to five “House of Cards” crew members"

Kevin Spacey Charged With Four Counts of Sexual Assault in U.K.
Kevin Spacey has been charged with four counts of sexual assault and one count of “causing a person to engage in penetrative sexual activity without consent.” The decision was unveiled …

^^ goes over the other allegations, including a pending sexual assault trial with 3 victims.
Enough for me to say I don't trust him regardless of what the courts may or may not find