Kevin Spacey found not liable in civil trial


Mediterranean Paramour
Jan 20, 2020
Ce caspita dice? Spacey was never found guilty of anything. The plaintiff in the first case decided not to testify after discovery. If Spacey has a drinking problem he should go to AA meetings, apart from that he should be forgiven.

"The arbitrator viewed videotaped deposition testimony and found that Spacey violated MRC’s sexual harassment policy with respect to five “House of Cards” crew members"


^^ goes over the other allegations, including a pending sexual assault trial with 3 victims.

Enough for me to say I don't trust him regardless of what the courts may or may not find 🤙🏽
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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2013
This verdict means nothing.

What really damned Spacey was his response to the accusation. He said that he was drunk, and didn't remember what had happened, but if it did happen the way it was alleged, he was very sorry.

So, let's break this down. Spacey basically admitted that it was a possibility that he sexually assaulted a minor. So, he admitted that he could have pedophile tendencies.
Now I have been very drunk at times back in the day. To the point of passing out. But I can say with absolute certainty, no matter how drunk I may be, I would never even think of try anything sexual with a child, and therefore would never believe there was a chance such an accusation would need an apology from me, even if I couldn't remember anything.

Obviously Spacey thought this action from himself towards a child was not outside the realm of possibility. Otherwise, why would he apologize just in case it did happen?

Sick, sick man.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Civil is on the balance of probability, but the accusations are 40 years old, obviously evidence would be difficult to gather.

No one has to give him the benefit of the doubt based on a trial, only the government. Despite some opinions, the rest of us have no obligation to treat you as innocent just because you were found not guilty. The only thing you're owed for that is the government not being able to sanction you.
You can come up with your own conclusion as to whether he's guilty or not...jury found him not guilty and that's all that matters to Mr. Spacey...just because someone accused you of something doesn't mean you're guilty right away...why even file a case against him when you can't prove anything?

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
That makes me sad, I had no idea he broke his morality clause for House of Cards. He' a phenomenal actor, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Anthony Rapp is still a human deer tick.

Kevin Spacey is sick, he needs counseling, still I don't consider him an evil man...not in the manner that front-line Scientologists are evil.

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Mediterranean Paramour
Jan 20, 2020
That makes me sad, I had no idea he broke his morality clause for House of Cards. He' a phenomenal actor, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Anthony Rapp is still a human deer tick.

Kevin Spacey is sick, he needs counseling, still I don't consider him an evil...not in the manner that front-line Scientologists are evil.

We can agree there, I think if Spacey takes accountability and does the actual work, goes to therapy, refrains from drinking, tries to make amends, then in time he can prove that he should be trusted on sets again.
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Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
This verdict means nothing.

What really damned Spacey was his response to the accusation. He said that he was drunk, and didn't remember what had happened, but if it did happen the way it was alleged, he was very sorry.

So, let's break this down. Spacey basically admitted that it was a possibility that he sexually assaulted a minor. So, he admitted that he could have pedophile tendencies.
Now I have been very drunk at times back in the day. To the point of passing out. But I can say with absolute certainty, no matter how drunk I may be, I would never even think of try anything sexual with a child, and therefore would never believe there was a chance such an accusation would need an apology from me, even if I couldn't remember anything.

Obviously Spacey thought this action from himself towards a child was not outside the realm of possibility. Otherwise, why would he apologize just in case it did happen?

Sick, sick man.
I wondered that too…but then again, he might have hoped that issuing a blanket apology would smooth things over with the victim and the allegations would go away?

I dunno…
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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2020
Did he have to pay the 31 million for house of cards or that's off now that he isn't being charged?

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
This quote from Rapp’s lawyer makes me think that Rapp must have come off looking completely uncredible on the stand:

Richard Steigman, Rapp's lawyer, told Fox News Digital, "For myself, Anthony told his truth in court. While we respect the jury's verdict, nothing changes that."


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2020
Different allegations. The 31M was for things on house of cards, this case the post is about was something that occurred in the 80s.
The house of cards sued him because of this 80's lawsuit...and that he was out of it.


Aug 23, 2001

Here's a rundown of the trial. Basically an overclaim by Rapp for a brief alleged physical humping incident that happened (or not) almost 40 years ago. Rapp said it ruined his life and claimed $40 million for something which seemed to have lasted a couple of minutes - if it even occurred. (Cue the jury eye-rolling and head-shaking at this point).

Credibility contest between 2 people who essentially made up shit which took place so long ago that they've probably forgotten what actually occurred then. Throw in that Rapp got the layout of the apartment where it all went down - or didn't - wrong and you have a burden of proof fail.


Mediterranean Paramour
Jan 20, 2020
The house of cards sued him because of this 80's lawsuit...and that he was out of it.
No, the house of cards sued him because of allegations of sexual harassment against Spacey by several people on set.

"A judge on Thursday ruled that Kevin Spacey and his production companies must pay the makers of House of Cards nearly $31 million because of losses brought on by his 2017 firing for the sexual harassment of crew members"

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Good. Maybe he can start making movies again because he's one helluva actor. Shipping News was a really great flick.
He's good at playing Kevin Spacey. If that's your thing. If you want anything else, then you're shit out of luck with this hack.


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2020
No, the house of cards sued him because of allegations of sexual harassment against Spacey by several people on set.

"A judge on Thursday ruled that Kevin Spacey and his production companies must pay the makers of House of Cards nearly $31 million because of losses brought on by his 2017 firing for the sexual harassment of crew members"
Ok thanks for some reason I thought it had to do with this kid. I doubt he'll ever go back to acting with all this garbage.
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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2018
This verdict means nothing.

What really damned Spacey was his response to the accusation. He said that he was drunk, and didn't remember what had happened, but if it did happen the way it was alleged, he was very sorry.

So, let's break this down. Spacey basically admitted that it was a possibility that he sexually assaulted a minor. So, he admitted that he could have pedophile tendencies.
Now I have been very drunk at times back in the day. To the point of passing out. But I can say with absolute certainty, no matter how drunk I may be, I would never even think of try anything sexual with a child, and therefore would never believe there was a chance such an accusation would need an apology from me, even if I couldn't remember anything.

Obviously Spacey thought this action from himself towards a child was not outside the realm of possibility. Otherwise, why would he apologize just in case it did happen?

Sick, sick man.
That's not what his statement means. Also keep in mind he had just been publicly outed as gay by the accusation and was trying to deal with that at the same time. Apologizing is the standard tactic for these sorts of things. It is not an admission of anything. Indeed, many jurisdictions including Ontario have an apologies act for the very point of encouraging apologies without exposing you to liability.
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james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I don't know if Spacey is guilty of what he has been accused of or not.

But I've always had one very major problem with cases like this.

Why just the lawsuit for big money?

It makes me believe the person doing the suing is doing it all for the money. In this case, Rapp is suing Spacey decades later for 40 million bucks. That's a huge sum of money. (And what if it was Joe Blow who did the crime, who has 20 bucks to his name, are you going to sue Joe for 40 million? No. But in the case of Spacey, because he has money, he's expected to pay large. But I digress.)

If Rapp was so outraged, so traumatized, so damaged, go to the police when it happened and have Spacey charged criminally and let it play out in criminal court. If Spacey were convicted, let Spacey do serious jail time to pay for his behaviour.

Rapp is stating that he was raped. Fine, take it up criminally and if Spacey is guilty, lock him up and throw away the key. But when you're just after 40 million, frankly I think you're really just interested in the money.

So from that point of view, I'm glad Spacey won. (But my instincts tell me that Spacey is a douche at the very least and his career is over no matter what.)
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james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
If you're not going to play by common morality you're in for a rough time. The Charter came from morality, not vice versa. It reflects how most peopke govern themselves. Good luck if you're ever accused of something you didn't do. It's reliably estimated about one third of peopke in jail are actually innocent. And that's with having to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. Imagine how many more people lose in civil court on the lower standard.
I recall watching a documentary about Guy Paul Morin who was accused, tried and (eventually) convicted of killing 9 year old Christine Jessop in Queensville Ontario.

In that case, the police framed Morin as a murderer, the Crown knowingly hid evidence which would have cleared him and the jury was composed of idiots who were simply frothing at the mouth to lynch someone, anyone, for the heinous crime of killing a child. Anyway, in this documentary, they interviewed a handful of the jurors on the trial which convicted Morin. I will never forget this one porky woman who looked at the camera and said, "I just knew he was guilty. He never made eye contact with the jury."

Fuck me.

This woman was so stupid that he didn't consider the evidence, wasn't thinking critically, just she "knew he was guilty". Moral of the story, if you are ever charged with a serious crime you didn't commit, you are in trouble.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Eloquent summation by the man himself. Making eye contact. Totally convincing. If you can look past the "creepy fuck" vibe.

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Well-known member
Aug 19, 2020
I've always had one very major problem with cases like this.
Why just the lawsuit for big money? It makes me believe the person doing the suing is doing it all for the money.
I agree. And am I missing something? I thought all Rapp accused him of is briefly laying on top of him.

“Spacey sort of stood in the doorway, kind of swaying. My impression when he came in the room was that he was drunk.” He came into the room, picked Rapp up "like a groom picks up the bride over the threshold", and put him on the bed — in one clumsy action, with Spacey landing at a slight angle on top of him...While Rapp can't recall exactly how long Spacey remained on top of him, he said he was able to squirm away after a short period.
Rapp said after that, he told Spacey he wanted to leave, and Spacey showed him to the door.

Rapp said his motivation for coming forward was just he felt it was his duty to not stay silent anymore. I find that hard to believe when it also leads to taking a stab at getting $40 million, despite lawyers telling him he didn't have a case. So instead of just getting the accusation out there, he also taints it by giving Spacey's lawyers a chance to say he's been exonerated, because Rapp thought he had a chance at a payday.
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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2013
That's not what his statement means. Also keep in mind he had just been publicly outed as gay by the accusation and was trying to deal with that at the same time. Apologizing is the standard tactic for these sorts of things. It is not an admission of anything. Indeed, many jurisdictions including Ontario have an apologies act for the very point of encouraging apologies without exposing you to liability.
I don't give a shit about legally. This is what he told the public at large.
Why would you even entertain the notion that although you don't remember the event, that it could have happened? That was the statement he issued. He was drinking a lot back then and that he didn't remember, but if it did happen he was sorry.

If it did happen?

So, if he was a pedophile he apologizes. Yeah, NO!!!!!

The statement from any sane person who does not have any tendencies to sexually assault a child would be simply, "I vehemently deny what I'm being accused of, because I am not a pedophile."
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