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TERB Guys don't like BBW's?


The Legend
Aug 27, 2001
In the Country
Not just on the board.
Remember, you should respect fat chicks, especially skinny bitch cunts. [I think it was Dr Phil or maybe Steve Harvey pointing it out when someone in the audience seemed to be going out of her way to slam a guest for being thin at the same time demanding body positivity

Remember, if is perfect OK for a woman to demand a 6 foot+ 8 inch by 6 inch dick no matter how extremely rare and unrealistic it is, but if a dude has even reasonable standards, he is an entitled shithead and love comes in all shapes and sizes... but only when it comes to women.

Also I need a tall guy with a big dick, but if you don't want to date 300 pound land whale you are a body shaming asshole. Never mind that weight is the result of your actions, you can't do anything about height or dick size. I thought putting people down for things beyond their control was not cool. Oh well next time I meet my friend who is confined to a wheelchair I'll be sure to throw rocks at him and make fun of his cripple ass. Good to know.

I say this BTW as someone who is 6'2, but yeah, if you won't date a guy whose height starts with a size and make videos mocking them, well don't date chicks whose weight needs 3 digits.

People should be allowed to have standards, to be grossed out by some people [but keep their mouths shut about it]. I remember one time in a class someone said size doesn't matter as a double play on words and this 300 pound old woman loudly said yes it does [or maybe it was the echo]. I looked back, and was grossed out, she was disgusting looking. I didn't say anything though. I did think, if there were anyone in the room cursed with a sub optimal penis or even a micro penis, and statistically speaking I am sure there were a few on the short end of the stick wink wink that land whale must of made them feel like total shit, if they were not throwing up a little in their mouths .

But double standards are double... and standard I guess. Men are not allowed preferences, only women are. Men are not allowed to have and voice preferences, only women are.

So yeah, when faced with this, I use the term land whale.

Oh and if you are thinking of making fun of someone in a wheel chair...
I agree with what you are saying, even though your delivery is quite harsh and a bit fucked up lol.. but I get it. Yeah, it is double standard.. like I said in an earlier post of mine, I can't expect a guy to be in great shape if I'm not. Ironically, I was on a dating site for curvy women cause well honestly, I've been single for years and I'm ready to give love another chance. Anyways.. guys are contacting me (all shapes and sizes) and I'm telling them, 'look, I'm bbw now but I love to lift weights and I'm getting back into the gym'.. and their response is always, 'oh okay.. well then I guess you aren't what I'm looking for because I'm really into bbw!' lol.. so you're kinda damned if you do and damned if you don't.
I will change my body, work on my body for me and me only, regardless of what this industry or any other person thinks.
I'm not comfortable being a bbw personally. I have no excuse for it.. I did eat too much fast food when I got married and before I knew it, wham a hundred pounds came onto my body. Fortunately, because I am 6'1.. it doesn't look like I weigh as much as I do ;)
I also don't really believe in this body positivity stuff in regards to a persons health. It's fantastic for a woman to feel comfortable in her own skin at whatever size she is but I think both men and women have to consider their health. There is also skinny fat too.. which comes down to fat percentages and all that shit which has nothing to do with this thread.

Back on point.. I do agree with you. I don't think it's fair to expect change or a certain look or characteristic from another person if you aren't prepared to give the same or put as much effort into looking the same.


The Legend
Aug 27, 2001
In the Country
Actually, most guys (not just on TERB) do not BBW. And most of so called BBW do not have the quality of the second "B" in the BBW.
I haven't actually thought about that.. the second sentence in your post. Here I am concentrating only on the body shape of us women and not the face. < lol this what I just said reminds me of something I used to hear.. 'it's not the face you fuck.. its the fuck you face' lol.. omg.. anyways.. I imagine that a woman's attractiveness in her face is up to the person viewing her. What might appear beautiful to one may be not attractive to another.


Active member
Oct 29, 2018
I haven't actually thought about that.. the second sentence in your post. Here I am concentrating only on the body shape of us women and not the face. < lol this what I just said reminds me of something I used to hear.. 'it's not the face you fuck.. its the fuck you face' lol.. omg.. anyways.. I imagine that a woman's attractiveness in her face is up to the person viewing her. What might appear beautiful to one may be not attractive to another.
Where humans are concerned, normally one only has to follow the money to get a glimpse at how many think about a particular set of options.

How much they are willing to pay, and how much they think they are worth. From both the providers and customers perspectives.


Active member
Oct 29, 2018
Apologies as the above was not meant to be in response to anyone’s particular comment.

Where humans are concerned, normally one only has to follow the money to get a glimpse at how many think about a particular set of options.
How much they are willing to pay, and how much they think they are worth. From both the providers and customers perspectives.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
But this leads me back to my curiosity Jenesis.. guys don't post reviews here of bbw's because they don't wanna get trashed.. so where do they post reviews of them and where would they go for their research, you know what I mean? It's almost a double edged sword. People used to ask me back in the day how HFH was so busy and how they can make their place busier.. and it was the same thing.. you gotta get the good ladies to want to work there, but you can't get them unless you are busy and you can't get busy unless you have good ladies. Ugh.. makes it hard to navigate the business and the proper direction to go.

I have seen on some ladies websites, they refer back to reviews written on them on terb or elsewhere. How do you do that if there are no reviews written on you?

I'm just trying to understand the climate now for the pros.
oh, I get it. Trust me. I started posting here before I was even ready because the laws were changing and without a review, guys would assume you could be a cop. It was a bad time to be getting into the business. But the man's need for sex usually outweighs the need for reviews. I think it should be the other way around personally, but the reality is not that way.

Is this actually a thing. I don't ever recall anyone being trashed for this.
Hell people post questions for shemales, those get pushback but, adult males can deal with that so it doesn't stop.
Questions on oldest SP, all sorts of kink. Don't think I've ever seen anyone get trashed. A eww gross isn't getting trashed and much like Mr T, I pity the fool that would be fearful of having someone respond to their kink with that level of response to the point of claming up.
It's little comments, like "too each your own bud but I wouldn't pay for a chick that big" Or they write something like "She's too big for me......" And then the guy feels bad because the woman is being put down. I don't see it as a put-down, If you are a big girl, you are a big girl and guys should be able to say that, but in this climate of sensitivity, it doesn't always happen that way, so guys don't post.

I was just reviewed today as a heavy GND. Totally cool and accurate. He could have said BBW too, that would have been equally fine, but not everyone is secure in themselves like me. Now mind you no one has gone in and said something negative about my appearance but then I am already well reviewed and have gone through it like 8 years ago so no one bothers anymore. A new girl though, there would be comments made. I even think a girl bigger than me, there would be some comments.
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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Yeah probably not.. I figure that BBW is a particular taste, same as some guys would prefer only blondes or only women under 5'3.. I can see that there is some interest in it now that I ask.

Thanks everyone for your contributions. I appreciate your time ;)
One of my best experiences ever was with a “BBW“ in a “cabin fever” situation one winter. Over three encounters I learned that which is not necessarily pleasing to the eye may be pleasing to the touch and then some. In this episodes I savoured female ejaculation for the first time ( not urine or squirting) also.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Once got blind dated (back in the 80s) with "a cute girl with a nice personality." OK. Get to know her on the phone, let's go on a date...bbw. oh well. Would not have been attracted. However, enjoy her company, she makes first move....I'm weak and horny...and I must admit I so much enjoyed the soft pleasures from her body (she was cute too!). We dated for a while. Ever since then, I've NEVER written off a bbw.

John Wick

Baba Yaga
Oct 25, 2019
Once got blind dated (back in the 80s) with "a cute girl with a nice personality." OK. Get to know her on the phone, let's go on a date...bbw. oh well. Would not have been attracted. However, enjoy her company, she makes first move....I'm weak and horny...and I must admit I so much enjoyed the soft pleasures from her body (she was cute too!). We dated for a while. Ever since then, I've NEVER written off a bbw.
That's cool, but would you PAY $250/hr+ to sleep with her if she was an escort? When you're looking for escorts, out of every 10 sessions how often do you consider/indulge in BBW options?
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The Legend
Aug 27, 2001
In the Country
That's the thing too.. what some consider to be a bbw, others might just say are curvy, full figured, or even thick. I guess in essence we each have our own tastes.
I once saw a client back in 2000 who told me if I just lost 20lbs I would be perfect.. meanwhile I weighed 220 lbs.. which for me is a size 11-12. My stats were 38G-30-38 (I wore mens jeans size 38). I was actually 55lbs over the weight that I look best at.. 165 lbs.
At that 220 lbs, Terb never considered me a bbw. At least not in any of the reviews I received.
At 165 lbs, I was a 36E-23-38. I don't expect to get back down to that small again.. I was wearing a size 6.. but I will get down to the 180 lbs mark which will put me at a size 9-10 (large in womens wear) which will be perfect.
Now if I can have a body like BadKat.. even better, just not as toned 🤣
One guy said in his thread that he has a 130 rule lmao.. at 155 lbs, I was in the hospital for anorexia on a drip. Well because I'm so tall that's what it is.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Once got blind dated (back in the 80s) with "a cute girl with a nice personality." OK. Get to know her on the phone, let's go on a date...bbw. oh well. Would not have been attracted. However, enjoy her company, she makes first move....I'm weak and horny...and I must admit I so much enjoyed the soft pleasures from her body (she was cute too!). We dated for a while. Ever since then, I've NEVER written off a bbw.
I have often heard that from men. They love the look of a thin, fit girl - but like the feel of a bigger woman. Now this is from guys who come to see me so I am sure that guys who are into thinner girls would say similar about them. This is why it is to each their own.

That's the thing too.. what some consider to be a bbw, others might just say are curvy, full figured, or even thick. I guess in essence we each have our own tastes.
I once saw a client back in 2000 who told me if I just lost 20lbs I would be perfect.. meanwhile I weighed 220 lbs.. which for me is a size 11-12. My stats were 38G-30-38 (I wore mens jeans size 38). I was actually 55lbs over the weight that I look best at.. 165 lbs.
At that 220 lbs, Terb never considered me a bbw. At least not in any of the reviews I received.
At 165 lbs, I was a 36E-23-38. I don't expect to get back down to that small again.. I was wearing a size 6.. but I will get down to the 180 lbs mark which will put me at a size 9-10 (large in womens wear) which will be perfect.
Now if I can have a body like BadKat.. even better, just not as toned 🤣
One guy said in his thread that he has a 130 rule lmao.. at 155 lbs, I was in the hospital for anorexia on a drip. Well because I'm so tall that's what it is.
This big time! Like huge big time. No pun intended. LOL.

There is also how one cares for themselves. I mean no one likes a slob at any weight or gender for that matter. Plenty of plus size guys out there that are attractive. The big and burly as I like to call them. But if they showed up to me with unkept hair, and nails, tattered stained clothes, hole in shoes, etc that is a different story.

Ok so if all those things are because they are coming from a hard days work out on the construction site, I will give them a pass - right to shower first but an eager pass to my bed. LOL.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
That's cool, but would you PAY $250/hr+ to sleep with her if she was an escort? When you're looking for escorts, out of every 10 sessions how often do you consider/indulge in BBW options?
Strange thing is I wouldn't pay for a BBW because I find them easy to pick up if that was my thing although I've been had by some photoshopped or older pics and didn't have the heart to send them away. I do however enjoy solid curvy with the small toned waist, big natural boobs and ass and I would pay the $250 for that if between 18 and 25.
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The Legend
Aug 27, 2001
In the Country
That's cool, but would you PAY $250/hr+ to sleep with her if she was an escort? When you're looking for escorts, out of every 10 sessions how often do you consider/indulge in BBW options?
Strange thing is I wouldn't pay for a BBW because I find them easy to pick up if that was my thing although I've been had by some photoshopped or older pics and didn't have the heart to send them away. I do however enjoy solid curvy with the small toned waist, big natural boobs and ass and I would pay the $250 for that if between 18 and 25.
Yeah, I don't blame you there, it's not nice for ppl to lie and say they are smaller or larger than what they are. Especially when it comes to money being spent.. in my opinion, everything has to be clear.
lol so many women are paying good money for fat transfer and ass implants these days lol.. gosh I should give some away, I could stand to loose a few inches for sure lol.
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The Legend
Aug 27, 2001
In the Country
I have often heard that from men. They love the look of a thin, fit girl - but like the feel of a bigger woman. Now this is from guys who come to see me so I am sure that guys who are into thinner girls would say similar about them. This is why it is to each their own.

This big time! Like huge big time. No pun intended. LOL.

There is also how one cares for themselves. I mean no one likes a slob at any weight or gender for that matter. Plenty of plus size guys out there that are attractive. The big and burly as I like to call them. But if they showed up to me with unkept hair, and nails, tattered stained clothes, hole in shoes, etc that is a different story.

Ok so if all those things are because they are coming from a hard days work out on the construction site, I will give them a pass - right to shower first but an eager pass to my bed. LOL.
True true.. being clean is always a turn on.. however.. I do have a bit of a fetish for the scent of a mans balls lol.. ahh well.. I guess I just love men too much hehehe.
Big and burly with a deep voice to match.. ahhh yes baby! lol :p 🔥 🔥


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
That's cool, but would you PAY $250/hr+ to sleep with her if she was an escort? When you're looking for escorts, out of every 10 sessions how often do you consider/indulge in BBW options?
It depends what you mean. If I'm paying, I want to punch above my weight, way above my weight, looks wise (no pun intended). Why pay for ladies you can get on your own? Thus would I have paid this particular woman? No. But I really enjoyed being with her.

However, would I pay for a nice curvy pro bbw in general? Yes of course, particularly if she has the right shape (hourglass-ish vs apple shape-ish).


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
True true.. being clean is always a turn on.. however.. I do have a bit of a fetish for the scent of a mans balls lol.. ahh well.. I guess I just love men too much hehehe.
Big and burly with a deep voice to match.. ahhh yes baby! lol :p 🔥 🔥
OMG, there is this gaming YouTuber that my kid watches and he has the deepest voice. It is insanely sexy. He doesn’t show any pics of himself though so you have no idea what he looks like. At all. You can make up any body type and look to go with that voice. Sometimes I have envisioned big and burly, sometimes tall and athletic, sometimes short and stalky.

Fun times.…. LOL
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