I do not believe that the renowned and storied Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), a epicentre for Coronavirus research, with many international collaborations, intentionally created Covid-19 to cause this pandemic. However the Wuhan lab was successful in combining a bat coronavirus with SARS in 2015 and were able to infect human cells, a successful
“manipulation “. This hybrid had been able to grow in lab mice and simulate human disease according to the WIV published papers. You are wrong when you say that there was no evidence of manipulation, as there is ample evidence of it in the name of scientific research.
Butler, Declan (12 November 2015). "Engineered bat virus stirs debate over risky research". Nature. doi:10.1038/nature.2015.18787.
On going Coronavirus research was still happening at WIV at the time of the November 2019 outbreak in Wuhan with other international labs including the National Institute of Microbiology in Winnipeg where coincidentally two visiting Wuhan scientist where escorted out of the lab and Canada in August 2019 for classified reasons. And with all of this background, you still want to believe that Covid-19 didn’t come from a lab leak, but from a wet market just down the street in one hell of a tragic coincidence. The data to show zoonotic transfer for this pandemic has been necessarily corrupted and destroyed. Covid-19 is anything but “ nouvel’
Again, the PRC knows, as other world governments known that zoonotic transfer didn’t likely occur, that an unintentional WIV lab leaked is the cause of this pandemic. The PRC to “save face “ blames foreign actors for the deliberate creation of Covid-19 and is confident that zoonotic transfer did not occur otherwise they would have aggressively and forcefully outlawed the thousands of wet markets across China as risking another Covid-19 scenario would be insane. The PRC‘s actions continue to suggest an ongoing cover up.
No compensation or admission from the PRC will likely ever come, those associated with the Wuhan lab or Wuhan hospitals known that they or their families would be killed or tortured if they dared to speak about anything contrary to the PRC‘s edicts.
The global scientific community, through government pressure necessarily supports zoonotic transfer to avoid trade wars and antagonistic confrontation with the world’s second largest economy and chief global supply chain powerhouse as the economic damage has been overwhelming.
Unfortunately, history repeat itself, more contagions will come from China, and the PRC will become further empowered and emboldened to blame others.