You don't need to get married to have a good relationship. If you're not going to all the way, then I don't see the point.I was being sarcastic by asking such a question. Just trying to get you think a bit outside the box on this. I know that it's "standard" for people to take the surname, but to say that it shows commitment is not true. I do respect your choice to want your wife to take your name, but you should also respect others that disagree with that choice. Based on your logic, would you not marry a girl that meets all of your criteria except for taking the name? If you have a slew of women banging down your door to get married then it's a much easier choice. Most of us don't have that choice and have to compromise.
It is also totally false that women are given the legal right to financially castrate a man during a separation.
Regarding the commitment thing, lets put it like this: You interview two people. Both equally qualified, but one person doesn't have the same enthusiasm to wear the uniform as the other one has. Who do you think gets hired and why? That's all I got to say.
I can tell you one thing. Most men that I know who have been divorced, I do not envy. Not in any way.