The Science is Settled: Big Oil Openly admits Climate change was real.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
Interesting that governments are now suing big oil for climate damage. What about all you drivers who have driven gas powered vehicles all these years? How come we don’t sue you? You’re the ones actually polluting our air with your choice of vehicles and how come it’s all about the money with these lawsuits? Why isn’t government shutting down these companies? It’s just a big money grab no different than the tobacco and pharmaceutical lawsuits.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
The simple fact of the matter is your hypothesis fails the observations on Venus, Earth & Mars

Let us know when you figure out the AGW theory has never be experimentally proven
Lets us know when you figure out the what the dominant GHG molecule is
While you are at it, let us know what the escape window is & what frequencies are required for absorption by the various theoretical GHG
A understanding of the Black Body radiation mechanism & the Black Body radiation curve would be helpful
Oh yeah, don't forget to convert to Kalvin if you do any calculations

Perhaps by then you will have determined how ignorant of the science you have been
The upside is just perhaps you will learn how to think for yourself instead of regurgitating propaganda
That was not my hypothesis. That was your straw man. You completely misrepresented what I said. Yet again. What else is new though. Par for the coarse.

John… I can save you some typing. Most of it is misrepresented anyways. When I want actual scientific information, I go to experts. Not you. MIT for example…



Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
That was not my hypothesis. That was your straw man. You completely misrepresented what I said. Yet again. What else is new though. Par for the coarse.
stating Co2 is the control knob for climate is stating your hypothesis

and it is a failed hypothesis

John… I can save you some typing. Most of it is misrepresented anyways.
well stop misrepresenting what you do not understand then

When I want actual scientific information, I go to experts.
Ah an appeal to authority , which relies you of the burden of thinking. i see

Not you. MIT for example…
Oh like Dr. Richard Lindzen
MIT Professor Calls BS On Fraudulent Climate Change Consensus - Truth And Action

Richard Siegmund Lindzen is an American atmospheric physicist known for his work in the dynamics of the middle atmosphere, atmospheric tides, and ozone photochemistry. He has published more than 200 scientific papers and books


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Interesting that governments are now suing big oil for climate damage. What about all you drivers who have driven gas powered vehicles all these years? How come we don’t sue you? You’re the ones actually polluting our air with your choice of vehicles and how come it’s all about the money with these lawsuits? Why isn’t government shutting down these companies? It’s just a big money grab no different than the tobacco and pharmaceutical lawsuits.
Greenwashing and blaming the users?

Because its the oil & gas industry that knows what their products are doing to the climate and instead of doing something about it hired lobbyists to spread disinformation and stall all action.
I'm sure you'd blame smokers for lung cancer instead of the tobacco industry as well.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
There have been climate litigations filed against governments and
Big Oil. But to the best of my knowledge no government have sued
Big Oil for damage caused by climate change. Government will more
likely corroborate with Big Oil, coal producers and miners when and
where there is profit to be made. Even in Scotland where government
has declared climate emergency the Cumbria deep coal mine will be
developed. Likewise the Liberals in Canada and the Labour government
in Australia will find every excuse to support new oil, gas and coal mine
regardless of their pledge of zero emission. An excuse used by
Anthony Albanese is that Australian coal is cleaner. Liberals in Newfoundland
justified Bay Du Nord by saying the deep water oil project is an important
part of transition to green energy.

No government will be dumb enough to sue Big Oil for damage because
it means they will have to kill the golden goose.

Interesting that governments are now suing big oil for climate damage. What about all you drivers who have driven gas powered vehicles all these years? How come we don’t sue you? You’re the ones actually polluting our air with your choice of vehicles and how come it’s all about the money with these lawsuits? Why isn’t government shutting down these companies? It’s just a big money grab no different than the tobacco and pharmaceutical lawsuits.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
stating Co2 is the control knob for climate is stating your hypothesis

and it is a failed hypothesis

well stop misrepresenting what you do not understand then

Ah an appeal to authority , which relies you of the burden of thinking. i see

Oh like Dr. Richard Lindzen
MIT Professor Calls BS On Fraudulent Climate Change Consensus - Truth And Action

Richard Siegmund Lindzen is an American atmospheric physicist known for his work in the dynamics of the middle atmosphere, atmospheric tides, and ozone photochemistry. He has published more than 200 scientific papers and books
“A” control knob. Not “the”.
Big difference. But you knew that. You still choose to misrepresent it though, then attack it. Classic Straw man.

Didn’t the last professor you brought to the dance… the worlds leading climate scientist also say on his website that climate change was real, you just had not read that part.


Still… a very politicized debate. And we now have the evidence that big oil funded a manipulation campaign. We certainly know propaganda works after the Trump stolen election debacle…. We have big oil on record as saying they agree with the climate science. We actually know, they always knew.

Seems it was all about profits. Could not be more clear.

Game. Set. Match. 🤷‍♂️
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
So do you recall the theory of ice age cometh in the 1970s?
Did you ignore that even at the time, very few scientists thought that was true, even though the news was happy to do their pre-clickbait clickbait?


And yes, a scientists' job is to continuously learn from the evidence. Of course those 10% supporting cooling has dwindled to a fraction of a percent.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

Still… a very politicized debate. And we now have the evidence that big oil funded a manipulation campaign. We certainly know propaganda works after the Trump stolen election debacle…. We have big oil on record as saying they agree with the climate science. We actually know, they always knew.
This is just like when trump admits he was lying but his fans somehow still believe him.
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Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Most climate change deniers in the scientific community are getting payola from Exxon Mobil.

"Exxon Mobil is the most principled oil and gas company, school teachers are like Hitler" - Richard Lindzen.

Dr. Lindzen was once highly respected, his colleagues now call him Exxon Mobil's Whore. How long is Happenin Johnny going to continue with this bullkaka?

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Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Does anyone remember a show on TVO called Bellamy on Botany. In the mid 70's Dr. David Bellamy was more famous than David Attenborough, he successfully brought the field of botany to the masses on the BBC. Somewhere along the way he lost his mind, he became a climate change denier. He must sincerely delude himself, his stance has caused him to lose millions in broadcasting revenue.

He's doing this...



Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
“Chevron accepts the consensus in the scientific communities on climate change,” said Boutrous. “There’s no debate about climate science.”


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
If you want to find out how strong the consensus in the scientific community
is attending this conference is one sure way to get the answer:
International Conference on Climate Change & Environmental Science
26 - 27 Aug 2022
Pacific Gateway Hotel at Vancouver Airport, Richmond, Canada

"Climate Change Challenges & Sustainability"
International Conference on Climate Change & Environmental Science, we welcome all scientists, scholars, students, industrialists to attend and explore their knowledge within the world of worldwide global climate change and earth science.


You can find travel info like flight and hotel deals for the
conference attendees here. It should show you where to
get tickets from Toronto to Vancouver on discount. It only cost a
little more than $300 per night to stay in a decent motel and
there are budget options in the page as well.

You will have a great time touring around in the middle
of the conference. Conference program likely includes bus
trips to local tourist attractions. If you want to fly to Banff
on your way back you may find company among the people
in the conference.

The consensus on climate change is likely solid among
climate scientists. Consensus on climate emergency is
probably weaker. That is not a bad thing for I can carry on
with my yearly flying trips to sex tourism destinations around
the world in good conscience.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
In August 1974, the CIA produced a study on “climatological research as it pertains to intelligence problems”. The diagnosis was dramatic. It warned of the emergence of a new era of weird weather, leading to political unrest and mass migration (which, in turn, would cause more unrest). The new era the agency imagined wasn’t necessarily one of hotter temperatures; the CIA had heard from scientists warning of global cooling as well as warming. But the direction in which the thermometer was travelling wasn’t their immediate concern; it was the political impact. They knew that the so-called “little ice age”, a series of cold snaps between, roughly, 1350 and 1850, had brought not only drought and famine, but also war – and so could these new climatic changes.

“The climate change began in 1960,” the report’s first page informs us, “but no one, including the climatologists, recognised it.” Crop failures in the Soviet Union and India in the early 1960s had been attributed to standard unlucky weather. The US shipped grain to India and the Soviets killed off livestock to eat, “and premier Nikita Khrushchev was quietly deposed”.

Destroyed Homes on Fire Island<br>PHOTOSHOP FILTER APPLIED - An aerial veiw of beachfront homes in Point-o-Woods which had been destroyed by a storm. | Location: Point-o-Woods, New York, USA.
Sixty years of climate change warnings: the signs that were missed (and ignored) – podcast
Read more

But, the report argued, the world ignored this warning, as the global population continued to grow and states made massive investments in energy, technology and medicine.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
If you want to find out how strong the consensus in the scientific community
is attending this conference is one sure way to get the answer:
International Conference on Climate Change & Environmental Science
26 - 27 Aug 2022
Pacific Gateway Hotel at Vancouver Airport, Richmond, Canada

"Climate Change Challenges & Sustainability"
International Conference on Climate Change & Environmental Science, we welcome all scientists, scholars, students, industrialists to attend and explore their knowledge within the world of worldwide global climate change and earth science.


You can find travel info like flight and hotel deals for the
conference attendees here. It should show you where to
get tickets from Toronto to Vancouver on discount. It only cost a
little more than $300 per night to stay in a decent motel and
there are budget options in the page as well.

You will have a great time touring around in the middle
of the conference. Conference program likely includes bus
trips to local tourist attractions. If you want to fly to Banff
on your way back you may find company among the people
in the conference.

The consensus on climate change is likely solid among
climate scientists. Consensus on climate emergency is
probably weaker. That is not a bad thing for I can carry on
with my yearly flying trips to sex tourism destinations around
the world in good conscience.
Guess it depends on who funds it…

But just as the consensus about the greenhouse effect was starting to harden, and the sceptics starting to fall away, in the 1980s, there was a deliberate, organised effort to amplify that natural doubt, extend it, and use it to dismiss and distract from warnings to take action on climate change. And that wasn’t science, even if on occasion it used scientists – that was PR. It did not necessarily mean creating phoney science. (That could work, too, but would only get you so far.) You would fund real scientists, but in a way that would confuse and muddy the message. They had done this before, with air pollution in the 1940s, and their PR companies had picked up a trick or two from fights about the links between tobacco and cancer.

The chief executives of the major oil companies met and agreed to set aside funds – only $100,000 for now, but it would grow – to work on climate policy, establishing the very legitimate-sounding Global Climate Coalition. Before long, groups such as this started to proliferate – the Information Council on the Environment, the Cooler Heads Coalition, the Global Climate Information Project – and any science-smelling voice expressing sceptical views was amplified. Bill Nierenberg was a particular favourite. The delayers knew their best strategy was to get involved in the scientific and policy debate – it was there that they would be best placed to push the uncertainties and question regulations. Sometimes fossil fuel companies and their defenders get painted as “anti-science”. In truth they run on science, and always have done – they are just strategic about which bits of it they use.
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Guess it depends on who funds it…
Like Trudeau's holiday trips on private jet climate scientists'
flying trip to save the world from climate change are funded
by you and I (tax payers). Unless conference participant
is not a scientist employed in a universities or a
government environmental agency expenses on plane
tickets, hotel accommodation and conference fees are
funded by their grants received from the government.

There is a survey that reported climate scientists
in general attended more conferences on flying trips than
scientists in other areas. And the climate scientists didn't
disagree the finding of that survey.
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Toronto Escorts