Take off your tin foil hat for a second. The issue is single use plastics aren’t being recycled and end up dumped all over the planet.So.........what happened to recycling?
I put all my plastics in the Recycling bin, like they told us to do decades ago. As do most people on my street, and most people in general I wager.
Why isn't this shit getting recycled then? That is what they told us they were doing with it. Recycling it all. So what is the fucking problem?
It couldn't be that the powers that be were lying to us all these years about this stuff getting recycled, could it. That the bullshit line we were fed years ago about how we all had to do our part and separate our garbage for recycling, in order to save ourselves, was just that. Bullshit.
So if all this shit isn't getting recycled, why am I still being forced to separate out all this shit from my garbage, and put it in the recycling bin, and if it is being recycled, why the fuck does it need to be banned?
Once again, the policies of the powers that be contradict each other.