Rogers Canada wide outage this morning

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Sounds very much like a ransomware attack to me. We had a client get attacked last year it took them the better part of three months to get their systems fully functional again.


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
Sounds very much like a ransomware attack to me. We had a client get attacked last year it took them the better part of three months to get their systems fully functional again.
Either that or a disgruntled employee.

Our company was attacked with ransomware a couple of years ago and similar to your situation, took several months to get up and running again.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Just got my mobile service back. Fido.
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K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Either that or a disgruntled employee.

Our company was attacked with ransomware a couple of years ago and similar to your situation, took several months to get up and running again.
I gotta figure Rogers has safeguards internally to mitigate against actions of a disgruntled employee. A group of employees however, perhaps not. Definitely cannot be ruled out.

G.D. Gentleman

Spin Spin Sugar...
Jun 24, 2019
-Other carriers having small short outages is most likely overload of available capacity. Shared infrastructure as well between carriers will have reduced some of the capacity for Bell, Telus, etc.

-Ransomware or Cyber Attack is not likely (but I agree, not totally impossible). The internal networking of a carrier is completely isolated from the business network (email, billing, customer service, etc) so the attack footprint is small to none.

-My hunch is a major fuck up in the core networking. A really bad BGP configuration (for my fellow networking gurus) replicated nationwide and now they have to manually update all the core networking that it broke. Was this a mistake or planned attack by an internal employee(s)? If true, time will tell.

-Those suggesting more competition in Canada fail to realize the billions and billions and billions of last mile infrastructure/core infrastructure it would take for a new competitor entering the Canadian market would need to invest to truly reach Bell/Rogers/Telus level. Wind/Freedom Mobile has been 10+ years developing in Canada and done well but still a fraction of the infrastructure the big carriers have invested in. With a market of only 38-40 million Canadians spread across such great distance (so much low density populations that would need service as well as the denser big cities) and yes a lot of government red tape doesn't help either - makes it doubtful for any large player to enter the Canadian market is my opinion.

-A lot of end points on a single carrier connectivity (Rogers in this case) today will be reviewed and consideration for a failover solution to a second carrier where possible - ATMs for example. Cost and capacity permitting in a case by case basis of course.

Just my $0.02 on the day. Hope everyone is well and pray this is resolved by the morning.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
So I texted from my Rogers phone to my Fido phone. Sent text at 6:23 it was received at 6:30. Mobile network still down.
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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
Mine was back around 8:30 pm. Its crazy how you depend on the internet for so many things, from looking up things, to driving maps it can drive you nuts.

is there a reason yet or still not saying?

G.D. Gentleman

Spin Spin Sugar...
Jun 24, 2019
If this doesn’t make the crtc think about opening up to other companies coming here then nothing will. We will be forever screwed.
Even if they did it would take a new large player around 5-10 years to build out the infrastructure and $100 Billion investment roughly to even begin to compete with Rogers/Bell/Telus.

I don't see the market capacity to attract a new player in with the big 3 already in place.
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