Oops, Valcazar says the Republicans are making up the culture wars.
No I don't.
They are quite serious about their culture war.
What they are making up is most cases of how it is the Dems who are waging it.
Valcazar, I think you inadvertently made the point about "wokeism".
I know I shouldn't indulge you when you are being this ridiculous, but even in the most batshit insane version of the "wokeism" boogieman does anyone think it is an "ultranationalist" movement?
In the US it's a bit worst because they only have 2 side. It has become to the point you are either a left libtard or a dump racist republican.
Not much in between.
In canada we do not have such extreme polarization.
No. People themselves have lots of different ideas if you are actually talking about policy and what they want.
There are only two parties (and the system makes it virtually impossible to maintain a third party for any stability - it will very quickly be absorbed into one of the main parties or replace it) and that distorts the ability to have middling positions. (Theoretically, it is in the primaries where you fight out those internal contradictions.)
What you do have though is a very high level of negative partisanship in the US right now.
Though I'd update his statement to:
But yes, the MAGA movement is a call for palingenetic ultranationalism tied strongly to racial themes and a normalization of violence as a political tool using fascist messaging targeted at angry, unintelligent marks.
Not really a necessary update. I didn't pull the phrase "palingenetic ultranationalism" out of nowhere. It's directly tied to some definitions of fascism. (Defining fascism being rather difficult, of course.)