USSC strikes down Roe v Wade

Mr Deeds

Muff Diver Extraordinaire
Mar 10, 2013
18 million unsafe abortions now. I didn’t hear anyone crying bloody murder when it was legal.

Despite recent advances in contraceptive methods promotion, unsafe abortion and post-abortion complications remain potentially health concern and result in significant morbidity and mortality (1). Of the estimated 211 million pregnancies occur annually, about 46 million of them end in induced abortion (2). Approximately 60% of 46 million induced abortions is carried out under safe conditions. Hence, 18 million induced abortions annually are performed by persons without the necessary skills or in an environment lacking the minimal medical standards and are therefore unsafe.

This is disgusting. 25% ish of pregnancies get 🔪 ☠ And mostly its the poor. If black lives mattered to Libs they would tell poor blacks to keep their babies. But Noooooo
I'm not going to argue that unsafe procedures were getting done but now it's going to be worse. Are the anti abortion far right going to take responsibility for the mothers who are forced to bring an unwanted child in the world. Are they going to increase funding to child services that they have been cutting back for decades. What about incest and rape victims. Who's going to look after those babies. The reality is the right doesn't give a shit about what happens to children one their born, just look at their reactions to schools shootings.
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A voice of common sense.
Sep 15, 2008
Why am I not surprised that this thread is bringing TERB's "incels" out in droves?"


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
The hypocritical Republicans and Fundamentalists think that abortion is all about murder of an unborn baby and the pregnant women who are involved are now criminals along with those carrying out the procedure. Especially when the women's life is compromised by not performing the procedure, or the child may have a severe handicap for the rest of its life. Sad, but yet these same individuals who are all for "Gun Rights" under the so called "Second Amendment" that are resulting in the deaths of thousands of innocent citizens that just do not matter in anyway to their conscience!!


Aug 23, 2001
1988 to be exact. Which only served to decriminalize it. There is nothing in Canadian law that enshrines the right to abortion in the Charter of rights.
And although the Provinces can't make it a criminal offense to perform or have an abortion, they can make it illegal and unable to be performed in many other ways.
This is why Justin is now looking at strengthening the Canadian Healthcare act so that it forces the provinces to comply with equality of access to Abortions. Which they have not had to do for the last 34 years.
How do you think the Supreme Court struck out the criminal provisions in the Criminal Code?.....

They found that there was a constitutional right to abortion under s.7 of the Charter. So any other attempt to outlaw abortion would also run afoul of s.7.
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Aug 23, 2001
This isn't where they should be concentrating their voting. All this ruling has done is left it up to the individual States to make their own decisions.
So the people should be voting at their State political level. If enough people want abortion rights in their State then they will vote in a Governor that will make it happen. If they don't, then they won't.

This has been the case in Canada since 1988. There is nothing here to prevent the Provinces from making abortion provincially illegal. The fact that it hasn't happened just shows that the majority of Canadians in all provinces are just fine with the status quo.
You're just wrong. Read Morgentaler.

You're also wrong about other stuff. The provinces have no power to enact criminal law in Canada.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
The Canadian 1988 decision and the current ruling of the Twats in the Supreme courts in the US clearly puts us in different legal positions.

Now I'm not a lawyer or a judge and perhaps we can have the legal minds clear it up.
"Between 1973 and 1975, Morgentaler was tried three times in Montreal for defying the abortion law; each time, he raised the defence of necessity, and each time he was acquitted. Each time, the jury took less time to reach their decision to acquit: at the third trial, they took one hour. This is called jury nullification—the refusal of juries to enforce a law that they perceive to be unjust"


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Seems that the women that want a abortion just need to go to a different state if theirs don't allow it ....
They are going to pass laws that criminalize going to another state for one or helping someone do that.
Those are already proposed and in process.


Aug 23, 2001
"Between 1973 and 1975, Morgentaler was tried three times in Montreal for defying the abortion law; each time, he raised the defence of necessity, and each time he was acquitted. Each time, the jury took less time to reach their decision to acquit: at the third trial, they took one hour. This is called jury nullification—the refusal of juries to enforce a law that they perceive to be unjust"
Yes, but he still got charged and put on trial. After 1988, he could no longer be charged.

And each time he got acquitted, he should have been convicted - except the jury simply refused to send him to jail.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
It will be interesting if one of the married, horny politicians knocks up a staff member or a woman.
There will be a new song to sing for sure.
You just get it done on the Down Low.
One of the perks of power is that you are important and don't have to follow the same rules.


Aug 23, 2001
You just get it done on the Down Low.
One of the perks of power is that you are important and don't have to follow the same rules.
Your mistress / wife / daughter just flies to Toronto to tour the CN Tower. No one checks up on you because you're a rich white guy with pull. Cos that's how shit works in Red State Land.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
please share your thoughts on contraception and same-sex marriage
Everyone is pointing out he left out Loving but the rest of the gang is just waiting for him to die so they can put that back on the table. The logic is the same.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
When the provinces currently have the power to remove access to abortion at any given time if they so wish, it puts us on pretty similar ground.
You just don't get it and insist on spouting out nonsense. Now if PP were to get in and tinker around federally with some new law that once again the Supreme court of Canada would knock down, that is a different story.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Roe was controversial from the moment it arrived and it was only a matter of time for it to be reversed with enough constructionist judges on the Court. That it lasted this long is the real surprise.
This is true.
The Federalist Society basically exists primarily to overturn this and it was really only a couple of lucky breaks that prevented them from succeeding earlier.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Can you imagine if those who cannot go out of State for an abortion, then have to make a decision of some illegal procedures under the table that could endanger either their own lives or compromise their health and well being in the long term. Maybe those states that ban abortions should also ban the sales of alcohol, as some of the women who partake may end up being intoxicated and the having sex that they were not fully aware of, resulting in their pregnancy!! :rolleyes:


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
629,898 abortions in the US in 2019. I guess it does not solve that problem.

Anyhow crazy zealous religious gop nitwit will now go after banning plan B and preservatives.
"Plan B is an abortifactant."

That's how they get rid of Plan B. (Also some contraceptive measures.)
They claim it is actually inducing an abortion and then ban it.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
You think that Canadian judges have a shred of actual respect for the USSC at this point?
Hell, the US people are finally starting to lose their respect for the USSC.
Took them long enough.
It helps when the majority barely even tries to pretend its reasoning is any more than "Fuck you, we can do it now and always wanted to".
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Aug 23, 2001
Didn't she have that right, when she had Sex? With all the birth control options available, both before and immediately after the act of intercourse, didn't she have ample opportunity to make that choice?
Why is it that she is absolved of having to accept responsibility for that choice? The father isn't. If she decides to have the baby, the father is automatically on the hook for child support, he has no say in the matter.
A Drunk Driver is not absolved of the responsibility that may result from making a bad choice. If we treated drunk drivers the way we treat aborting pregnancies, Drunk drivers would be walking free with out any repercussions after killing people on the road.
Because it's her body.

At least to the time when the foetus is viable and can be delivered, it's still part of the woman's body.
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