Very true and mostly because you can't get to the really well paying gigs in journalism without the audience, therefore offending them is, these days, a career suicide. The viewing audience that actually cares about the news is extremely divided and likes their party lines. There are still a few decent guys out there like Bob Fife in Canada or Stossel and Greenwald in US, but they're few and far between. The rest go for the easy common denominator coverage and, even then, in support of the commentary side because that's where the real money is made.I was listening to The Joe Rogan Podcast a little while ago and he had Matt Taibbi on.
What was discussed is that most journalism today is take journalism not dig journalism.
Meaning they're not searching for the truth and where the story leads them. They made up their mind ahead of time and set out to argue that hypothesis.
Now this is nothing new but in this day and age the overwhelming majority of ''news sources'' fall into this trap.
Thus sowing a huge amount of divide amongst the general population.