Until they accused the Russians of spying, kicked them out, broke agreements on expansion, pulled out of INF treaty, pulled out of ABM treaty, pulled out of Open Skies treaty.
More nonsense, let's get some facts and perspective which if I may add it was Putin's puppet in office when the INF treaty was pulled and do you remember Putin jumping up and down?
Trump just withdrew the US from the INF missile treaty with Russia. It was signed in Cold War by Reagan and Gorbachev.
Do you not believe the Russian's have been spying and tampering with elections??
The open sky treaty once again pulled out by Putin's puppet against the advice of President elect Joe Biden , so why invade Ukraine again???
“NATO (under direction from the United States) is violating previous agreements and expanding eastward.”
Please don't ever let facts cloud your judgement. I believe you are graduating to CanadaMan status on this file. Congratulations.
Two days before Russia invaded Ukraine with an assault that intelligence officials had warned was coming, conservative c