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Lifting mask mandates 'a slap in the face' to responsible Canadians, says doctor

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Textbook virtue signalling.

Haven’t worn a mask since the mandates dropped, if you have an issue with that you’re always welcome to stay home.
I see, so being courteous towards others who within their home or establishment ask me to wear a mask is me virtue signaling because I gave in to their need of feeling safe? Instead I should stomp my feet, yell out FREEDUMMMMMM and push my way in??


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2009
I see, so being courteous towards others who within their home or establishment ask me to wear a mask is me virtue signaling because I gave in to their need of feeling safe? Instead I should stomp my feet, yell out FREEDUMMMMMM and push my way in??
You’re throwing a temper tantrum as we speak.

No, I’ll just walk in as I have always done. Its covidians who are always the aggressors, despite the massive amount of unjustified vitrol directed to the unjabbed for the last year or two. Continue hating on those who follow the real science even though you THINK youre morally superior, when youre just a judgmental karen following propaganda and $cience.

Good luck with the mass formation psychosis.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
You’re throwing a temper tantrum as we speak.

No, I’ll just walk in as I have always done. Its covidians who are always the aggressors, despite the massive amount of unjustified vitrol directed to the unjabbed for the last year or two. Continue hating on those who follow the real science even though you THINK youre morally superior, when youre just a judgmental karen following propaganda and $cience.

Good luck with the mass formation psychosis.
Temper tantrum, LMAO, really??? Man, I actually feel bad for you because life must be so damn hard in your world.
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Aug 23, 2001
Was at Costco with my Gf today. She wanted to buy some new frames from the optical department.

We were told that we needed to wear a mask to go beyond their counter to look at the different frames.

She wasn't having any of that so the manager of the department was called. He was apologetic but said they are a different department that has to follow different rules. Something to do with the College Of Optometrists Of Ontario I believe. Anyways he offered to get the store manager, so she was all for that.

The store manager came and right off the bat we noticed he wasn't wearing a mask whereas everybody she had dealt with thus far was. He arranged a compromise where the frames would be taken down and brought to her. They didn't want to do that before he arrived.

The store manager told me under his breath that the maskers or ''sardines'' as he called them have been giving him a hard time since the mandates were dropped. Seems they're appalled that Costco is actually letting people make their own decisions when it comes to their health. He shook my hand and asked my name and apologized on behalf of the store.

Just goes to show the level of fear porn there is out there. The indoctrination is deep.
You won a pretty big victory there, Orry. Time to pat yourself on the back.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
On the other hand we ARE in another wave of pandemic as we speak. But, no one is bothering to test or even speak about it. Trust the science! WE went from the Omicron panic attack to total indifference in a matter of a three months or so.
And hopefully we've built up enough resistance and have our treatment protocols improved to the point where it is manageable.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Was at Costco with my Gf today. She wanted to buy some new frames from the optical department.

We were told that we needed to wear a mask to go beyond their counter to look at the different frames.

She wasn't having any of that so the manager of the department was called. He was apologetic but said they are a different department that has to follow different rules. Something to do with the College Of Optometrists Of Ontario I believe. Anyways he offered to get the store manager, so she was all for that.

The store manager came and right off the bat we noticed he wasn't wearing a mask whereas everybody she had dealt with thus far was. He arranged a compromise where the frames would be taken down and brought to her. They didn't want to do that before he arrived.

The store manager told me under his breath that the maskers or ''sardines'' as he called them have been giving him a hard time since the mandates were dropped. Seems they're appalled that Costco is actually letting people make their own decisions when it comes to their health. He shook my hand and asked my name and apologized on behalf of the store.

Just goes to show the level of fear porn there is out there. The indoctrination is deep.
The law says masks are still needed in medical service and an optometrist is considered a medical service. What's the shock? But thankfully Karens still find ways to get their own way.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
On the other hand we ARE in another wave of pandemic as we speak. But, no one is bothering to test or even speak about it. Trust the science! WE went from the Omicron panic attack to total indifference in a matter of a three months or so.
Many people are testing and many locations near me are constantly out of rapid tests. It was simply a government decision to extremely limit PCR testing and not track RAT results because that way they can justify the 'medical' decisions they wanted to make.

p.s. medical people are talking about it but with the short attention span of commercial news and the lack of data to report on, it's not getting above the page coverage.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Just when we thought the pandemic was behind us, COVID hysteria is back with a vengeance in Canada, with Ontario standing out once again as uniquely fearful, where the science apparently works differently than everywhere else on the planet. With most Western countries now ditching the last of their COVID-19 restrictions, there is chatter that Ontario ought to reimpose restrictions that were recently lifted, in particular the mask mandate.

The chatter is not merely from those who never saw a government rule or restriction they didn’t like, but from the self-appointed experts who hold forth in the media and social media on the need to tighten restrictions yet again in the face of a sub-variant, in an apparently never ending battle with the virus.

We can see how bizarre the Ontario debate is when we look at other comparable advanced countries, which in the face of rising cases are sticking to their resolve to live with the virus, treat it similarly to a seasonal flu, and return to life as normal. Countries spanning the spectrum from South Korea to the UK to the German-speaking countries in Europe have all decided, and are sticking to, the decision to lift restrictions and stand on an irrevocable path to normalcy.

Switzerland recently lifted all remaining restrictions, including mandatory mask use on public transport and in hospitals, arguing that such rules had outlived their usefulness given relatively high vaccination rates. What’s ironic is Ontario’s vaccination rate of 82 per cent of the population fully vaccinated, and nearly 50 per cent with a booster dose, is well above most of these other places. There is thus even less rational cause for fear in Ontario, yet the hysteria meter, like the wastewater signal which everyone seems to be obsessed with, is off the scale.

Video: Ontario Premier Doug Ford announces $29.1M in funding for new hospital campus in Ottawa (Global News)

  • New Brunswick towns testing four-day work weekGlobal News Logo
  • N.B. construction industry calling for legislation to speed up projectsGlobal News Logo
  • New bill to create energy efficiency targets for N.B. PowerGlobal News Logo
What’s more, contrary to what is widely believed, the science on mask use is far from settled. A recent and widely shared study purporting to show that masks work has been thoroughly dissected by American epidemiologist and health policy expert, Vinay Prasad, who carefully identifies serious, multiple methodological defects in the study, and low statistical power in the apparent finding in favour of mask use. None of this should surprise us. Remember that Dr. Anthony Fauci expressed skepticism about mask use early on in the pandemic, as for that matter did Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada’s chief medical officer of health, around the same time. Recall that in Ontario, during the first wave, cases began trending down in the spring of 2020, long before the mask mandate was imposed in July. It would seem that hysteria is abetted by amnesia about the facts.

The Ontario mask vigilantes like to point to Quebec, where the mask mandate has not yet been lifted, and in fact has been extended to the end of this month. They might be disappointed to learn that reports suggest that new cases are as high or higher in Quebec as they are in Ontario. Quebec has more people hospitalized than Ontario, 1479 as against 1091 at the time of writing. Given that Ontario’s population is almost as twice as large as Quebec’s, it doesn’t take a great deal of quantitative insight to realize that Quebec’s continuing reliance on a mask mandate hasn’t impacted infection rates, the first link in the chain of causation that leads to someone being hospitalized with COVID.

But facts won’t deter the fearmongers. Expect to see the usual chorus of doomsayers tell us that the Ontario hospital system is about to collapse under the weight of new hospital admissions. We heard exactly the same chorus during the winter Omicron wave, that led Premier Doug Ford to reimpose a partial lockdown, again almost unique among comparable jurisdictions around the world. As I pointed out then, the Ontario hospital system, including ICUs, as a whole generally held up well, although a few hospitals did indeed struggle, but not for too long. Unfortunately, but predictably, the “sky is falling crowd” pinpointed those few hospitals that were struggling, conveniently ignoring the fact that the system as a whole stood up more than satisfactorily in dealing with the Omicron wave.

As of April 4, according to data from Critical Care Services Ontario in its daily updates to hospital stakeholders, the critical care bed occupancy rate for COVID-19 stands at 73 per cent, lower than it did at the height of the Omicron wave of 77 per cent. This is well below the 85 per cent capacity which is treated as a red line by hospital administrators in Ontario.

Despite this good news, you can bet that Premier Ford will be under intense pressure to reverse course on the reopening of the province. Recall that he appears to have succumbed to such pressure at the time that he reimposed a partial lockdown this past winter, warning, without citing any credible research, the fear that “hundreds of thousands” of new cases of COVID-19 would overwhelm the province. At that time, he took what he described as “decisive” action to stem the tide. There’s no evidence that the winter lockdown made much difference, except to deal a further blow to the physical, mental, and economic health of Ontarians, including small businesses that were barely keeping their heads above water after surviving previous lockdowns.

The most decisive thing that Ford can do now is to stand firm against the COVID zero zealots, and lead Ontario back to normalcy, like in every other sensible place on planet Earth.

National Post


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Just when we thought the pandemic was behind us, COVID hysteria is back with a vengeance in Canada, with Ontario standing out once again as uniquely fearful, where the science apparently works differently than everywhere else on the planet. With most Western countries now ditching the last of their COVID-19 restrictions, there is chatter that Ontario ought to reimpose restrictions that were recently lifted, in particular the mask mandate.

The chatter is not merely from those who never saw a government rule or restriction they didn’t like, but from the self-appointed experts who hold forth in the media and social media on the need to tighten restrictions yet again in the face of a sub-variant, in an apparently never ending battle with the virus.

We can see how bizarre the Ontario debate is when we look at other comparable advanced countries, which in the face of rising cases are sticking to their resolve to live with the virus, treat it similarly to a seasonal flu, and return to life as normal. Countries spanning the spectrum from South Korea to the UK to the German-speaking countries in Europe have all decided, and are sticking to, the decision to lift restrictions and stand on an irrevocable path to normalcy.

Switzerland recently lifted all remaining restrictions, including mandatory mask use on public transport and in hospitals, arguing that such rules had outlived their usefulness given relatively high vaccination rates. What’s ironic is Ontario’s vaccination rate of 82 per cent of the population fully vaccinated, and nearly 50 per cent with a booster dose, is well above most of these other places. There is thus even less rational cause for fear in Ontario, yet the hysteria meter, like the wastewater signal which everyone seems to be obsessed with, is off the scale.

Video: Ontario Premier Doug Ford announces $29.1M in funding for new hospital campus in Ottawa (Global News)

  • New Brunswick towns testing four-day work weekGlobal News Logo
  • N.B. construction industry calling for legislation to speed up projectsGlobal News Logo
  • New bill to create energy efficiency targets for N.B. PowerGlobal News Logo
What’s more, contrary to what is widely believed, the science on mask use is far from settled. A recent and widely shared study purporting to show that masks work has been thoroughly dissected by American epidemiologist and health policy expert, Vinay Prasad, who carefully identifies serious, multiple methodological defects in the study, and low statistical power in the apparent finding in favour of mask use. None of this should surprise us. Remember that Dr. Anthony Fauci expressed skepticism about mask use early on in the pandemic, as for that matter did Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada’s chief medical officer of health, around the same time. Recall that in Ontario, during the first wave, cases began trending down in the spring of 2020, long before the mask mandate was imposed in July. It would seem that hysteria is abetted by amnesia about the facts.

The Ontario mask vigilantes like to point to Quebec, where the mask mandate has not yet been lifted, and in fact has been extended to the end of this month. They might be disappointed to learn that reports suggest that new cases are as high or higher in Quebec as they are in Ontario. Quebec has more people hospitalized than Ontario, 1479 as against 1091 at the time of writing. Given that Ontario’s population is almost as twice as large as Quebec’s, it doesn’t take a great deal of quantitative insight to realize that Quebec’s continuing reliance on a mask mandate hasn’t impacted infection rates, the first link in the chain of causation that leads to someone being hospitalized with COVID.

But facts won’t deter the fearmongers. Expect to see the usual chorus of doomsayers tell us that the Ontario hospital system is about to collapse under the weight of new hospital admissions. We heard exactly the same chorus during the winter Omicron wave, that led Premier Doug Ford to reimpose a partial lockdown, again almost unique among comparable jurisdictions around the world. As I pointed out then, the Ontario hospital system, including ICUs, as a whole generally held up well, although a few hospitals did indeed struggle, but not for too long. Unfortunately, but predictably, the “sky is falling crowd” pinpointed those few hospitals that were struggling, conveniently ignoring the fact that the system as a whole stood up more than satisfactorily in dealing with the Omicron wave.

As of April 4, according to data from Critical Care Services Ontario in its daily updates to hospital stakeholders, the critical care bed occupancy rate for COVID-19 stands at 73 per cent, lower than it did at the height of the Omicron wave of 77 per cent. This is well below the 85 per cent capacity which is treated as a red line by hospital administrators in Ontario.

Despite this good news, you can bet that Premier Ford will be under intense pressure to reverse course on the reopening of the province. Recall that he appears to have succumbed to such pressure at the time that he reimposed a partial lockdown this past winter, warning, without citing any credible research, the fear that “hundreds of thousands” of new cases of COVID-19 would overwhelm the province. At that time, he took what he described as “decisive” action to stem the tide. There’s no evidence that the winter lockdown made much difference, except to deal a further blow to the physical, mental, and economic health of Ontarians, including small businesses that were barely keeping their heads above water after surviving previous lockdowns.

The most decisive thing that Ford can do now is to stand firm against the COVID zero zealots, and lead Ontario back to normalcy, like in every other sensible place on planet Earth.

National Post
Excuse me for looking at data and scientific studies instead of op-eds.


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2022
Fear, fear, and more fear. Thanks to the heros who fought for freedom against tyranny. The impotent fearful will always have their pacifier masks. Gob bless free provinces and states. Freedom will overcome.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Fear, fear, and more fear. Thanks to the heros who fought for freedom against tyranny.
Thanks for the laugh. Such a drama queen.

How does it affect your life if others wear masks? Their body, their choice. They need to fight for freedom from bullying.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
How does it affect your life if others wear masks?
It makes them think that maybe they might be assholes.
Making them feel like they weren't right the whole time and in all ways is censorship and bullying.
Therefore everyone has to stop wearing masks.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
It makes them think that maybe they might be assholes.
Making them feel like they weren't right the whole time and in all ways is censorship and bullying.
Therefore everyone has to stop wearing masks.
So they don't like to see they are actually the "fringe" element of society?? LOL
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