Ok. In the dark ages before the internet a newly liberated woman was thoroughly fed up with men, except for that one thing. She places a classified ad in a "Lonely Hearts" Mag:
Reasonably attractive WF looking for a gentleman who is not going to beat me or run around on me as I have jumped off that merry go round. Must be a terrific lover.
A week later the doorbell rings. She goes to the door and looks out, at first seeing nothing. The gentleman clears is throat slightly and she looks down. At the door is a man with no arms or legs.
"Oh, sir" she exclaims, "what can I do for you??"
"I'm here in answer to your add" He replied. As you can see, without legs I could never run around on you.
And with no arms I can't very well beat you, can I?"
"Well, OK, but what about being a terrific lover??"
"I rang the doorbell, didn't I?..."