We believe different things about judges and how they operate.
Some of us just have better track records than others.
We could compare track records, if you could agree where the track is. I perpetually read claims here on TERB about predictions and analysis I never actually made. Whether those claims are just trolling, or some form of self delusion, it's hard to tell. It's for this reason that claims about track records mean as much to me as puerile posters claiming that they "owned" another poster.
As to who judges are, their professional and personal backgrounds, what motivates them, and the artifices the legal system attempts to erect to pretend that judges are immune from the motivations of other humans, or that the system constrains their ability to act on those motivations, I'm entirely confident that I've got my thinking in good order. You and Mandrill, as lawyers are trained to do, are here to perpetuate a mythology that is the foundation for public trust in the legal system. The myth protects both the business interests of the legal profession as well as its continuing claim to self regulation. Lawyers want the public to forget that the court only exists to do the bidding of the King so that the King need not take all his time settling disputes, not because the King/court/law/lawyers possess any special wisdom.
The legal system is letting the public down, and it's time to quit pretending it isn't. Not just in some "needs a bit of tinkering" kind of way, but fundamentally. Lawyers aren't supposed to admit that. Thus, the problem in self-identifying as a lawyer. To "prove" your online claim, you have to play by the lawyer handbook. Unfortunatately, once anyone realizes that, it undermines the sincerity of anything you post about the legal system. That's a problem you've created for yourself.