I just saw this, and your comment shows nothing but ignorance. None of the shows listed here are news shows. They are all opinion. CNN actually has journalists that broadcast a centrist viewpoint. Fox....does not. The fact that Tucker's lawyers had to come out and say he isn't a journalist is telling.
As much has you might hate CNN for partisan reasons, they reality is they cover stories on Democrats and the GOP in the same way. If a Dem does something bad, they will cover it with the same force and insight as if a GOP person did it. It might seem like they covered more GOP shenanigans recently...but there is a reason for that, and I think you know what it is. CNN makes mistakes. EVERY news sources makes mistakes. Sometimes is because they misunderstood documents, or a source gave an inaccurate account and it wasn't discovered until it was too late. Sometimes a journalist makes shit up. This is very rare, because stories are vetted and fact checked. In a breaking news situation, the pressure to be first leads to false information being relayed (i.e. on 9/11, there were reports of multiple car bombs going off in Washington, which never happened). Reputable sources publish corrections and make apologies.
Fox and other right-wing propaganda services do not do this. They will gaslight or try to spin any negative story for a GOP member, while also ginning up anything that could be harmful to a Dem. I mean, just look at that nothing burger Durham report last month. They went all hot and heavy on trying to tar Hillary, but the second she mentioned it as malicious, they backed the fuck off. That is very telling. I mean, if they had a legitimate story, they would have legal coverage. But the rubes who follow that channel never notice. They've already jumped onto something else to feed the outrage engine. Will it be Minnie Mouse wearing pants? Transgender teens? Mask mandates? The US Trucker Convoy or immigrant caravans? Just weapons grade bullshit. They have no ethics and incredibly low journalistic standards.
The scary thing is that 3-4 million Americans get their news this way, and likely don't understand that its opinion, not fact. They don't recognize that Tucker or Ingraham place fast and loose with reality. These opinion folks parrot talking points fed to them by the GOP, or they attempt to wag the dog with the party. The end results is you have thousands of people believing Trump won, that Obama is a hidden muslim, that Trump is smart, or that anything Hunter Biden did or does is relevant to what Joe is doing.
Now, I don't know how you got infected with this silliness. Maybe you were convinced by the right-wing media (RWM) outrage machine. Here's how it works. The RWM finds some small story that really is a non-issue, but they start to cover it like it was Watergate. They then start to imply that mainstream media (MSM) is ignoring it, and that you can't trust it. MSM gets caught up in this bullshit, and feels like they need to devote a few stories to it to make it seem like they are still centrist and covering all sides of the story. But, that just fuels more coverage, so small shit blows up to be a multi-day/week news cycle. Oddly enough, you never see this happening with the MSM affecting the RWM. Why? Because the RWM doesn't give a fuck. They just want to promote the GOP and its candidates, and help spin or defend any negative action.