To be fair to jcpro - I'm sure the whole show wasn't about the truckers, it was probably just the A block. 10-20 minutes tops.Short clip? It's over an hour long. Ain't nobody got time for that!
One would think Fox would release segments as self-contained videos to share more easily, but maybe they don't.
He will have to add in how brave the truckers are or maybe how brave his guest or right wing reporter is for bringing this story that the MSM won't touch or report fairly is.Bet you I know what he'll say. Trudeau is against freedom. He was wrong to say the protesters were racist. Liberals are bad and want to control you. Something about elites....
Something like that is part of the deal.
I'm sure there are some misrepresentations as well. The cops are blocking fuel, right? That will probably be spun as the cops are *stealing* fuel.
GoFundMe said it would distribute the money to the charities the organizers indicated - that will be spun as "GoFundMe is stealing the money and giving it to charities it chooses".
The normal Tucker approach.