'Astonishing bit of fake news' exposed in Canada


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
because journalism doesn’t pay anymore. The day journalism died was when Christiane Amanpour made the trump Holocaust comparison and spit on all the victims graves.
Thats it?

One commentary you don't like and all of a sudden you don't trust reporting of the news.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
If sad we live in a country lead by a racist bigot who mocks religion that he doesn’t agree with or that doesn’t support his agenda and thinks wearing black face is fine but tries to project his issues he has at the core on everyone else in Canada when he doesn’t agree with them fighting for freedom from control. The rest of the world is opening up. The original covid has mutated many times, countless countries are lifting restrictions, accepting this new reality, not imposing outdated vaccines but by having vaccines choice like with flu, even the province of Ontario is opening up despite patients in icu despite nurses getting sick. The agenda is falling apart...this guy does not represent the view of the majority of Canadians. People will resist fear tactics and it will never work.

This is not okay. This type of leadership is not okay. We need to stand against all religious intolerance, all racist and racism and stop this toxic ideology from taking root and resist this bullshit projection issues he is having on all Canadians who have nothing to do with this.

It’s such a shame Canada is led by this level of incompetence minority government that thinks they speak for all of Canada, that feels they can label Canadian as racist and bigots if they refuse vaccines based on political tactics when this is what he did/does


They say listen to the science and scientists but ignore scientists they don’t agree with or don’t fit their agenda...
Dr. Malone inventor of the MRNA DNA vaccine is not good enough for them..

There is a reason the rest of the world is opening up. There is a reason they are not making the booster mandatory. There is a reason province of Ontario is opening up. Think about it. If they made the booster mandatory I would gladly take it just like I did the og vaccine for the og covid. Fcking think about it...your false agenda is holding up on thin straws and crumbling. Eventually they will decide to live with it, it’s like a severe flu and take vaccines based on choice in 6-8 months. They can’t now because they are afraid it will undermine their “science” and narrative. This is the issue at hand ffs not this bullshit Trudeau is trying to distract with his kitchen sink and everything else he is trying to throw at it.

If the truckers did this for the OG covid most of us would have issues with this. This is not the og covid anymore. The og vaccines are losing effectiveness of the new strains. They need updating.
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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Thats it?

One commentary you don't like and all of a sudden you don't trust reporting of the news.
You have no clue and idea how much damage that did to all the reputable journalists who looked up to her, how much she meant to the profession and all the people she represented and how many times she risked her life to show what it actually going only only to sell her soul and integrity because orange man is bad narrative. This set journalism back significantly and had lasting damage on their reputation especially since they didn’t call her out on it.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
So, none of those from graves discussed in the news since 2020?

Unmarked graves that may hold the bodies of more than 160 Indigenous children were found this month on Penelakut Island, previously known as Kuper Island, in British Columbia, Canada.

Representatives of the Penelakut Tribe found the graves on the grounds of the former Kuper Island Industrial School, part of a network of mandatory state-run boarding schools for Indigenous children in Canada that subjected children to traumatic family separation, cultural erasure, and abuse. Penelakut Tribe members revealed the discovery in a newsletter that they shared online with neighboring tribes on July 8.

This grim finding is the latest such discovery in recent months. To date, more than 1,000 unmarked children's graves and remains have been identified at former Indigenous residential boarding schools in Canada. In addition to the Penelakut Island graves, unmarked burials at three more locations were detected by First Nations communities between May and July, using ground-penetrating radar scans at sites in British Columbia and Saskatchewan.
To You right wingers the sexual and physical abuse that these children were subjected means not a big deal to You guys??

"Horrendous abuse"
At the schools, children of all ages followed strict rules that restricted their use of Indigenous languages and forbade the practice of their traditions and customs. Breaking the rules meant harsh punishments, with former students describing "horrendous abuse at the hands of residential school staff: physical, sexual, emotional and psychological," according to Indigenous Foundations.

George Guerin, a former chief of the Musqueam Nation who attended the Kuper Island Residential School in British Columbia, recalled that one of the instructors, Sister Marie Baptiste, "had a supply of sticks as long and thick as pool cues. When she heard me speak my language, she’d lift up her hands and bring the stick down on me," according to Indigenous Foundations. From 2007 to 2015, Indigenous people who were former students at residential schools filed nearly 38,000 claims for injuries caused by physical and sexual abuse at the schools, according to the CBC.

For thousands of children, the schools' rampant abuse and neglect were deadly. The 2015 report by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission documented 3,200 children who died while at residential schools, but the number of deaths could be 10 times higher than that, the CBC reported. Four years later, the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation released the names of 2,800 of the children who could be identified; many of the children's families were never notified about their deaths, BBC News reported in 2019.

Canada has become a "laughing stock" if the Government finally admits to it? Stop listening to Fake Australian Sky News that is a mouthpiece of Rupert Murdoch ever since they took it over in 2016. No wonder that they were temporarily suspended from Youtube for spreading the fake news on the Covid-19 Virus that only some brainwashed ones would believe!!

Otherwise, why would Rupert's own son disassociate himself from his Father's FAKE BUSINESS!!

James Murdoch Quits Family Media Empire News Corp After 'Disagreements'

However, as usual OP always picks some FAKE sources to trigger his alt right colleagues!!
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Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
Honestly, this is one of your most confused posts ever. I didn't know where to start with it.

I'm sure that danmand will be around any second now to remind you that that the purported graves identified over the last couple of years have not been exhumed, so it's premature to talk about what, if anything, is in them, and what conclusions, if any, can be drawn. The investigators who did the site surveys have said that it is premature to draw conclusions about the results.

One aspect of the reporting which is indisputably misleading is the implication of "secrecy" surrounding the deaths of children and their burial. There is no conceivable possibility that First Nations parents were not informed of the death of their children and of the place of burial of their child - at the time it happened. To suggest otherwise is to paint First Nations parents as completely irresponsible. No parent would simply ignore the failure of their child to return from school, and no government nor court at any point in Canadian history would permit the schools to refuse to answer as what happened to these children. These graves are not secret. The gravesites may not have been well tended, and fallen into obscurity, but these were not mass grave sites, a la Nazi concentration camps, intended to hide the fact of the deaths. Yet that is the story the media wish to imply.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2017
One aspect of the reporting which is indisputably misleading is the implication of "secrecy" surrounding the deaths of children and their burial. There is no conceivable possibility that First Nations parents were not informed of the death of their children and of the place of burial of their child - at the time it happened. To suggest otherwise is to paint First Nations parents as completely irresponsible. No parent would simply ignore the failure of their child to return from school, and no government nor court at any point in Canadian history would permit the schools to refuse to answer as what happened to these children. These graves are not secret. The gravesites may not have been well tended, and fallen into obscurity, but these were not mass grave sites, a la Nazi concentration camps, intended to hide the fact of the deaths. Yet that is the story the media wish to imply.
A government that is so cruel as to take kids away from their parents as policy while simultaneously having the decency to tell parents the truth about their kids as policy as well. This is why people always laugh at you and never with you.

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
A government that is so cruel as to take kids away from their parents as policy while simultaneously having the decency to tell parents the truth about their kids as policy as well. This is why people always laugh at you and never with you.
People just shake their head at you in amazement. Do you really think that Native parents were not told that their child had passed away? Didn't they notice their absence when the other children returned from school? You must have a very low opinion of them.

That's the thing about posters like you - you can't be satisfied with a reasonable question - was it reasonable public policy to have delivered education in this way to native children - instead you have to exaggerate the issue beyond all credibility to "the Residential Schools were death camps". It's difficult to seriously consider the first issue, and what should be done about it, when you leave such trash on the table as if it deserves equal consideration.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Honestly, this is one of your most confused posts ever. I didn't know where to start with it.

I'm sure that danmand will be around any second now to remind you that that the purported graves identified over the last couple of years have not been exhumed, so it's premature to talk about what, if anything, is in them, and what conclusions, if any, can be drawn. The investigators who did the site surveys have said that it is premature to draw conclusions about the results.

One aspect of the reporting which is indisputably misleading is the implication of "secrecy" surrounding the deaths of children and their burial. There is no conceivable possibility that First Nations parents were not informed of the death of their children and of the place of burial of their child - at the time it happened. To suggest otherwise is to paint First Nations parents as completely irresponsible. No parent would simply ignore the failure of their child to return from school, and no government nor court at any point in Canadian history would permit the schools to refuse to answer as what happened to these children. These graves are not secret. The gravesites may not have been well tended, and fallen into obscurity, but these were not mass grave sites, a la Nazi concentration camps, intended to hide the fact of the deaths. Yet that is the story the media wish to imply.
Forgot what you alleged, or can you not comprehend what I posted?

So, none of those from graves discussed in the news since 2020?
What does this pertain to when they are discovered to be the "REMAINS"?

On May 28, representatives of the Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc Nation reported finding the remains of 215 children that were buried at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School, run by the Catholic Church in British Columbia from 1890 until 1978,
Are You living in denial that these children were abused sexually, physically and many of them perished without their parents even being informed about it?
If the parents were not informed what does that tell You about the circumstance of their deaths then what does that indicate? Stop believing all the fake news from a Mouth piece of the Murdochs themselves!!

Now, if the CBC, BBC and several outlets have confirmed that they were the "REMAINS", what other proof do you require?

Remains of 215 children found buried at former B.C. residential school, First Nation says



Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
People just shake their head at you in amazement. Do you really think that Native parents were not told that their child had passed away? Didn't they notice their absence when the other children returned from school? You must have a very low opinion of them.
The fact that parents were not told about their children's death is beyond dispute.

Do you really think they came home on the bus at 3 pm every day?


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2017
People just shake their head at you in amazement. Do you really think that Native parents were not told that their child had passed away? Didn't they notice their absence when the other children returned from school? You must have a very low opinion of them.

That's the thing about posters like you - you can't be satisfied with a reasonable question - was it reasonable public policy to have delivered education in this way to native children - instead you have to exaggerate the issue beyond all credibility to "the Residential Schools were death camps". It's difficult to seriously consider the first issue, and what should be done about it, when you leave such trash on the table as if it deserves equal consideration.
There is no conceivable possibility that First Nations parents were not informed of the death of their children and of the place of burial of their child - at the time it happened.
Again, this is the reason why people always laugh at you and never with you.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
Is it too late to ask for a refund of your tuition? Surely your formal training covered Venn diagram based logical analysis, and the perils of negative inferences? Or the fallacy of "appeals to authority"? Or "projection"? If not, I'd say you were cheated! Or maybe you were properly instructed, but have forgotten everything you ever learned?
Is there a single child or mentally incapacitated human that actually believes you know what your talking about? Those things you mention have absolutely nothing to do with formal logic but do go on embarrassing yourself I find it entertaining like watching monekys at rhe zoo

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
Forgot what you alleged, or can you not comprehend what I posted?

What does this pertain to when they are discovered to be the "REMAINS"?

Are You living in denial that these children were abused sexually, physically and many of them perished without their parents even being informed about it?
If the parents were not informed what does that tell You about the circumstance of their deaths then what does that indicate? Stop believing all the fake news from a Mouth piece of the Murdochs themselves!!

Now, if the CBC, BBC and several outlets have confirmed that they were the "REMAINS", what other proof do you require?

Remains of 215 children found buried at former B.C. residential school, First Nation says

Nothing but massive confusion on your part. Like the Griswald ball of Christmas lights. I don't have the energy. Your problem is that you don't understand what you have read, or perhaps how to read between the lines.

One small example. All the media has done is reported - correctly - that investigators believe they may have found gravesites that were unmarked. However, these investigators are using technology that is not as accurate as actually exhuming the sites, and therefore may prove to be in error to some degree, large or small. The accurate truth will be known if the graves are all exhumed. I have yet to hear that there is firm plan to do so. However, the media then trips themselves up by reporting the conclusions that native activists have drawn, as if the factual premise has already been proven (which it hasn't) (nevermind the logical leaps you need to get there, even on the purported facts.)

There are records of death for children in these schools. For one thing, the schools had to submit records to get funded by the government (even Liberals don't pay for empty schools!). It defies credulity that parents were not informed of the death of their child (as long as the family could be identified, which could prove challenging in some cases for reasons having nothing to do with federal government).

It may be fair to ask, or to postulate a position about:

1. Were children properly cared for in these schools (at least to the standards of the day and of the community they lived in)?
2. Were children better off for the education they received, or worse off?
3. Were there better (and reasonably achievable) alternatives to delivering education to native children?
4. Were gravesites tended to reasonably (according to the standards of the time and of the community)?

The first question is a health care question, not a cultural one. The second question is an evaluation of the program, talking into account costs AND benefits. The third is an honest evaluation of the scope of the problem being addressed, and what the reasonable alternatives were (not just the preferences of one stake holder group). The last concerns the dignity afforded to the dead, but in the context of the time and place they occured within.

What is ridiculous, and unworthy of serious consideration, is the notion that this was some exterminination program. It just wasn't. The numbers don't make that out, and neither the government nor the church would have had any interest or benefit in making it so. To be ghoulish, the cheapest way for far more native children to have died would have simply been to leave them on the reservations, because that's what would have happened. Instead, the government believed these children would be better off if they joined mainstream Canadian culture. You can take issue with that, but you can't convert that into an intention to kill these children.

Truth and reconciliation? We aren't even at truth yet!

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Yours is the meaningless laughter of a lunatic.
There we have it: Lunatics laughing at monkeys.

Maybe it is time to ratched down the discussion a bit.
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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
What you are ignoring the official statement from the trucker organizers and focusing on the few that are trying to derail this movement to suit your biased agenda.

Here is them condemning these acts officially which you obviously will chose to ignore and only focus on the ones trying to undermine and recontextualize this thing...

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