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'Astonishing bit of fake news' exposed in Canada

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
So where is your proof that this is a hoax? I showed you proof of bodies being unearthed. Your arguments hold water like a sieve. All you have to say is liberal government hoax and you people believe anything. Have you ever heard of the scientific method? Thats what I base facts on, not some fake journalist like this idiot, Tucker or Hannity, or worse even yet a complete nutjob like Marge or a pedophile like Matt. So you honesty believe that these scientists were lying and your proof of that is some Austrailian loudmouth idiot babbling on with nonsense? If he said that your grandfather born you out his asshole would you believe that too? You dont rememeber being born so it must be true and nobody has talked about it so there must be a coverup!
Hey there silly goose. You produced an article about a river unearthing graves in 1996 - graves that were known to exist. That had nothing whatever to do with whether any graves had been unearthed in connection with the recent claims of unmarked graves which have caused all the controversy. You were asked to produce proof. It was obvious that you furiously googled for a few minutes, and came up with nothing. Game. Set. Match.

If you're capable of learning from mistakes, the mistakes you are making include: a) thinking a fact can be positively established relying on the identity of someone with an opinion, when that opinion could easily be indisputably confirmed or dismissed by direct investigation, b) thinking that it matters who presents logical points, rather than whether those points are logical, c) not understanding the difference between an incorrect scientific opinion and a lie, and d) not understanding the difference between what a scientist actually says and what some non-scientist says who is interpreting their work.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Hey there silly goose. You produced an article about a river unearthing graves in 1996 - graves that were known to exist. That had nothing whatever to do with whether any graves had been unearthed in connection with the recent claims of unmarked graves which have caused all the controversy. You were asked to produce proof. It was obvious that you furiously googled for a few minutes, and came up with nothing. Game. Set. Match.

If you're capable of learning from mistakes, the mistakes you are making include: a) thinking a fact can be positively established relying on the identity of someone with an opinion, when that opinion could easily be indisputably confirmed or dismissed by direct investigation, b) thinking that it matters who presents logical points, rather than whether those points are logical, c) not understanding the difference between an incorrect scientific opinion and a lie, and d) not understanding the difference between what a scientist actually says and what some non-scientist says who is interpreting their work.
What about you wait for all the investigations that are taking place in the many locations of Indian schools, instead of jumping on some Australian bandwagon.

I have a suspicion that not much digging is taking place in Manitoba at this time of year.

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
What about you wait for all the investigations that are taking place in the many locations of Indian schools, instead of jumping on some Australian bandwagon.

I have a suspicion that not much digging is taking place in Manitoba at this time of year.
I think you're right on both counts, but have directed your advice to the wrong poster.
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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
This is true and I feel ashamed of myself that I ever supported this hypocrite back in 2016 because I was excited about marijuana legislation and though he actually cared about equality, people’s choice and will actually support this such as making this hobby legal and let consenting adults do what they want.

All this guy cares about is spinning his drivel and recontextualizing reality to support his ideology, control over people and telling them what to do and think that is far from reality and what is actually happening.

He is the laughing stock of the world. Just talk to people that live outside of Canada and they see our PM as a joke that has sold out his country and his morals.

What a hypocrite...


...and to add insult to injury he thinks the he Canadian people are stupid and that he can tell them what to believe, think, and feel.



If he had the election today he lose in a heart beat and his pathetic record setting minority government that he believes represent the majority of Canadians and gives him the supreme power to tel Canadians what to think and feel. What a shame. I am so ashamed of myself for ever supporting this racist and divisive fck. We as Canadians deserve better.

He think he represents Canadians and thinks they are so stupid they will believe his propaganda...

The Liberals set a record for the lowest vote share of a party that would go on to form government, winning 32.6% of the popular vote, while losing the popular vote to the Conservatives as they did in 2019.[8]
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
This is true and I feel ashamed of myself that I ever supported this hypocrite back in 2016 because I was excited about marijuana legislation and though he actually cared about equality, people’s choice and will actually support this such as making this hobby legal and let consenting adults do what they want.

All this guy cares about is spinning his drivel and recontextualizing reality to support his ideology, control over people and telling them what to do and think that is far from reality and what is actually happening.

He is the laughing stock of the world. Just talk to people that live outside of Canada and they see our PM as a joke that has sold out his country and his morals.
I have many friends in USA, and they were unanimous in being jealous of Canada having Trudeau during the Trump years.


Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
This is true and I feel ashamed of myself that I ever supported this hypocrite back in 2016 because I was excited about marijuana legislation and though he actually cared about equality, people’s choice and will actually support this such as making this hobby legal and let consenting adults do what they want.

All this guy cares about is spinning his drivel and recontextualizing reality to support his ideology, control over people and telling them what to do and think that is far from reality and what is actually happening.

He is the laughing stock of the world. Just talk to people that live outside of Canada and they see our PM as a joke that has sold out his country and his morals.

What a hypocrite...
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...and to add insult to injury he thinks the he Canadian people are stupid and that he can tell them what to believe, think, and feel.

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If he had the election today he lose in a heart beat and his pathetic record setting minority government that he believes represent the majority of Canadians and gives him the supreme power to tel Canadians what to think and feel. What a shame. I am so ashamed of myself for ever supporting this racist and divisive fck. We as Canadians deserve better.

He think he represents Canadians and thinks they are so stupid they will believe his propaganda...
This is just a long post of bullshit right-wing crap. First, did Trudeau "flee" or was he quarantined? Some dumb GOP official from Texas actually believed Trudeau fled to the US....I mean, come on. He did test positive for the 'rona. This would be like me saying Harper hid in a closet during the Parliament Hill shooting (well, he did, but that's only because the RCMP security team man handled him in there, and it wasn't like he was cowering).

As for this protest, all they've done is annoyed people in Ottawa. They are a small minority of anti-vaxxers who don't seem to understand the different jurisdictions between the federal and provincial governments. They don't seem to understand that the US is also demanding truckers be vaccinated to cross the border. I mean, WTF are they protesting about? Nobody is forcing them to get vaxxed if they don't want to. But there are consequences.
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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
Hey there silly goose. You produced an article about a river unearthing graves in 1996 - graves that were known to exist. That had nothing whatever to do with whether any graves had been unearthed in connection with the recent claims of unmarked graves which have caused all the controversy. You were asked to produce proof. It was obvious that you furiously googled for a few minutes, and came up with nothing. Game. Set. Match.

If you're capable of learning from mistakes, the mistakes you are making include: a) thinking a fact can be positively established relying on the identity of someone with an opinion, when that opinion could easily be indisputably confirmed or dismissed by direct investigation, b) thinking that it matters who presents logical points, rather than whether those points are logical, c) not understanding the difference between an incorrect scientific opinion and a lie, and d) not understanding the difference between what a scientist actually says and what some non-scientist says who is interpreting their work.
OK so point a : what investigation did the Australian do to confirm that these scientific findings are false ?
B : do you belive a doctor or a person that read about faith healing when you consider if taking medicine is right for you ? Do you think an automechinic is as qualified at performing open heart surgery as a doctor ?
C : where is your proof that it is incorrect?.,by some idiot saying so with no proof who has never been to the sites or studied any of it ?
D : this is what youe doing. Listening to a non scientist that is trying to refute a scientist

You trumpers are more illogical than religious nuts. Same thing really but Donnie is your God


Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
I have many friends in USA, and they were unanimous in being jealous of Canada having Trudeau during the Trump years.
I mean...compared to Trump, Trudeau is amazing. He's smart, articulate, thoughtful, not thin-skinned....

But...that's only compared to Trump. I think we can agree that he's done some pretty stupid shit as PM, and that some of the things he has said and done are not well thought out. Is he the worst PM.....well....probably not. I mean, I'm not a fan, but he hasn't driven the country off a cliff. I sort of look at his term in sort of the same way I view the Harper years. Did he do more good than bad? So far, yes. Please keep in mind that I really didn't like Harper....

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
People are seeing Justin’s white nationalist agenda, his white supremacy and racist rhetoric...they are not buying it and don’t want anything to do with it. Nobody wants Justin’s black face racist ideology and white supremacy problems projected onto them...

People are not stupid Justin...stop projecting your shit on others and deal with the real issues and stop turning Canada into a shit hole country you envision


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Hey there silly goose. You produced an article about a river unearthing graves in 1996 - graves that were known to exist. That had nothing whatever to do with whether any graves had been unearthed in connection with the recent claims of unmarked graves which have caused all the controversy. You were asked to produce proof. It was obvious that you furiously googled for a few minutes, and came up with nothing. Game. Set. Match.

If you're capable of learning from mistakes, the mistakes you are making include: a) thinking a fact can be positively established relying on the identity of someone with an opinion, when that opinion could easily be indisputably confirmed or dismissed by direct investigation, b) thinking that it matters who presents logical points, rather than whether those points are logical, c) not understanding the difference between an incorrect scientific opinion and a lie, and d) not understanding the difference between what a scientist actually says and what some non-scientist says who is interpreting their work.
Unmarked graves that were known to exist by the native community but ignored by the church and government.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Why, because they aren't as angry as you?
because journalism doesn’t pay anymore. The day journalism died was when Christiane Amanpour made the trump Holocaust comparison and spit on all the victims graves. I looked up to her so much and she inspired hope in victims of war and suffering.

Now all journalist are is propaganda tools and only disseminate the message that protects the interests of their biggest and most loyal investors



Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
Illogical is a word you should stop using in your posts. I don't think you know what it means.
You have rhe reasoning skills of a 10 year old lol I have a degree in philosophy which also included formal.logic but I guess you know better lol

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
You have rhe reasoning skills of a 10 year old lol I have a degree in philosophy which also included formal.logic but I guess you know better lol
Is it too late to ask for a refund of your tuition? Surely your formal training covered Venn diagram based logical analysis, and the perils of negative inferences? Or the fallacy of "appeals to authority"? Or "projection"? If not, I'd say you were cheated! Or maybe you were properly instructed, but have forgotten everything you ever learned?


Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
because journalism doesn’t pay anymore. The day journalism died was when Christiane Amanpour made the trump Holocaust comparison and spit on all the victims graves. I looked up to her so much and she inspired hope in victims of war and suffering.

Now all journalist are is propaganda tools and only disseminate the message that protects the interests of their biggest and most loyal investors

LOL. First, from the start, journalism has always ben about disseminating messages from the powerful. They could be tools for one side of an argument, or the other. However, in our modern, mainstream media, that is not really the case, no matter how much you want to believe it. The only propaganda outlet are those that sway to far to the left or right. Fox News -- That is a propaganda station. It abdicated any semblance of balance coverage years ago to kiss Trump's ass. Even before that it wasn't exactly know for playing it straight. Say what you will about the other news orgs, CNN, NYT WaPo, ABC/NBC/CBS, but they do try to play it straight. They are not perfect, but are far superior to Fox.

I'll tell you a little secret about how the right-wing media operates, and how it's affected people like you. Fox finds some stupid story that is small potatoes that might make liberals/democrats/progressives look bad. They start making a big stink out of it, literally a mountain out of a molehill (like when Obama dared to wear a tan suit). Then they start saying to their viewers -- Hey, the MSM isn't covering this??? Why!!?!?!?!? So, the MSM feels like they need to cover some stupid, insignificant story because the right thinks its massively important. The cumulative effect on this has been that people think the MSM is super liberal or left leaning, while the Fox's of the world tilt even further to the right.

Let's not go into how hypocritical that is, I mean, the Left doesn't shame Fox into covering Trump blunders -- mostly because they are shameless. But it permeates how Fox operates. I mean, look at how they treated Hannity after he took part in a bunch of those Trump rallies or acted as an advisor to him. Now look at how CNN treated Cuomo. If CNN didn't do anything, Fox would be all over them. Hell, Zucker stepped down for having a consensual relationship with someone. Hannity has never been punished. That is a massive double standard. Fox has little to now journalistic ethics. In 2017 they kept pushing the Seth Rich story with no evidence.

Now, I will say that the vast majority of journalists in MSM are not paid well, but they believe in what they are doing. They are focused on telling the story, which might be slightly torqued depending on their organization's leanings (I mean, the Toronto Star will be leaning slightly to the left while the Globe will go slightly to the right). But they will tell the full story, not just the parts that make their political opponents look bad or their side look good.
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