Dudette! In the past two people presenting in the same condition at the same time would never get prioritized. The point is that now, for the first time, some practitioners believe that this golden standard should maybe not apply to anti-vaxxers.
"The core fundamental principle of clinical ethics tells us that once a person enters the hospital as a patient, whatever got them there is no longer part of the equation," said Vardit Ravitsky, who teaches bioethics at the Université de Montreal and Harvard Medical School.
"The most extreme example I have ever seen was when I lived in Israel and a suicide bomber detonated on a bus, killing and injuring civilians around him. Somehow he was not killed by the explosion and he arrived at the hospital with his victims.
"Once they entered the hospital, everyone was treated equally. There was no sense of prioritizing the victims in relation to the person who caused the injury."
That is the standard that has always been in place.
But for the first time:
"If we have two patients with the same level of clinical need, same age, same context, but one is vaccinated and one isn't, could we de-prioritize the patient who is unvaccinated by choice? There is a minority of bioethicists who are becoming more accepting of this logic at this point in time."
Dr. Vipond acknowledges it's a hard pill to swallow when people who claim to distrust the medical establishment, and refuse to get vaccinated against COVID, show up demanding medical treatment.
A) THIS had not been discussed. It is a new discussion. Why is it so hard to acknowledge that? And,
B) It took the anti-vaxxers to get this discussion started and seriously considered.
I never said that there is any topic at all that should not be discussed. It was the article that pointed out that for the most part, this particular aspect hadn't been discussed and if it had it was largely dismissed out of hand because of bioethics. This is not so readily dismissed now when it comes to anti-vaxxers in spite of current bioethical standards. As the title says, the anti-vaxxers are changing people's attitudes.
A) This is not the first time this type of question as been discussed. This is the first time it has been discussed about vaccines and the vaccinated, I never said differently but this is not the first time prioritizing treatment has been discussed. It has been the general opinion to NOT prioritize. How do you think that decision came about? Because they had a discussion about it many many moons ago but make no mistake a discussion was had.
Discussions about past or current behaviour changing the priority of receiving Treatment has happened as well because alcoholics still drinking can’t get liver transplants. No matter how far on deaths door they are.
So discussion of both prioritizing and past behaviour effecting treatment have both happened before. This is not new. The only thing new is the added issue of vaccination status.
So yes these discussions have happened before.
B) as explained above - no it did not take anti-vaxxed to create this discussion, it just brought it back to the table with a new twist.
Lastly and the point you have missed. They HAVE to have this conversation. That is what bioethics is all about. It would be stupid of them not to. I don’t get what you don’t get about that.
Now if they CONCLUDE that treatment should be different THEN you can say anti-vaxxed have changed peoples minds and not for the better but you are putting the cart before the horse because your narrative needs you too. Hell you even pulled the changing of the title of the article to a different title on the thread to suit your narrative. A classic move and one you have shit on when the “amigos” do it.
Oh and I read the article. I read it a few days before you posted it here. You don’t need to keep quoting it.
You are fuelling something that you have taken out of context to once again suit your narrative. Just like the “amigos”. Remember, I’m not anti vaxxed. I’m shot up three times. I’m not anti COVID or don’t believe it is real. You can’t use these things on me. I’m just anti-hypocrisy and you show it in spades
Quote me back if you like but I’m done with you for today Shack. I’m not feeding your need to carry with your hypocrisy all the time. You don’t have to agree with me or my opinion about this. Clearly I don’t agree with your take on it. You not agreeing is not going to bother me none. Mine shouldn’t bother you to the point it apparently does. But I get people don’t like being called out. I’ll take a break for a bit.