Noticed a few trends lately that I think are related to the pandemic and the economy were are in, in particular inflation...
- Rates going up... you probably noticed that... long gone are the 100/120 hh fun rates... even some not-so-pretty SPs, to be PC about it, want you to throw 300 roses for the hour...
- Agencies are throwing bonuses, when signing, to hire SPs... which indicates that the pool of SPs is shrinking relative to what it used to be pre-pandemic...and that's understandable if the girls are health conscious.
- The demand may be that high that, recently, I noticed a few SPs on different agencies' websites...I will not disclose names, in case they are in a breach of their contract. It's none of my business. I just observe.
- Rates going up... you probably noticed that... long gone are the 100/120 hh fun rates... even some not-so-pretty SPs, to be PC about it, want you to throw 300 roses for the hour...
- Agencies are throwing bonuses, when signing, to hire SPs... which indicates that the pool of SPs is shrinking relative to what it used to be pre-pandemic...and that's understandable if the girls are health conscious.
- The demand may be that high that, recently, I noticed a few SPs on different agencies' websites...I will not disclose names, in case they are in a breach of their contract. It's none of my business. I just observe.