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Anti-Vaxxers Finally Changing People's Attitudes


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
But not the way they'd like. There's more and more talk, even within the medical community itself, who had always historically treated everyone equally when treatment was necessary, about giving the anti-vaxxers less priority. That is the discussion below, feelings within the health care community.

Public outrage over the unvaccinated is driving a crisis in bioethics | CBC News It's a long article so I've copied a few snippets below.

"The core fundamental principle of clinical ethics tells us that once a person enters the hospital as a patient, whatever got them there is no longer part of the equation," said Vardit Ravitsky, who teaches bioethics at the Université de Montreal and Harvard Medical School.

"The most extreme example I have ever seen was when I lived in Israel and a suicide bomber detonated on a bus, killing and injuring civilians around him. Somehow he was not killed by the explosion and he arrived at the hospital with his victims.

"Once they entered the hospital, everyone was treated equally. There was no sense of prioritizing the victims in relation to the person who caused the injury."

Vaccinated majorities in wealthy western countries are growing increasingly impatient with a science-denying minority being blamed for prolonging the pandemic and stretching critical care resources to the breaking point.

Governments are responding to that anger by turning up the heat on the unvaccinated with policies intended to inconvenience them, curtail their social lives, drive them out of the public square, make them pay or even criminalize them — measures Ravitsky said are "politically meant to appease the vaccinated majority."

"Usually, bioethics is all about protecting and promoting the right of each patient to make their own decisions," she said. "And all of a sudden we find ourselves in a situation where the common good should sometimes be prioritized, and that has caused some unprecedented disagreements within the bioethics community."

"If we have two patients with the same level of clinical need, same age, same context, but one is vaccinated and one isn't, could we de-prioritize the patient who is unvaccinated by choice? There is a minority of bioethicists who are becoming more accepting of this logic at this point in time."

Dr. Vipond acknowledges it's a hard pill to swallow when people who claim to distrust the medical establishment, and refuse to get vaccinated against COVID, show up demanding medical treatment.
"The reality is we're all human. So we have those thoughts that go through the back of our mind and it really takes a conscious effort to put those aside and just provide the best care," he said.

Udo Schuklenk, Ontario Research Chair in bioethics at Queens University and co-editor of the journal Bioethics, questions the argument that vaccine refusers are victims of misinformation.

"There's many people in my field who go on about equity considerations, and [how] these people don't know better and they have been misled," he said. "And my view is, they have made their autonomous choice.

"And if you're telling me that they are unable to make a sensible choice, then we should take this choice away from them. But we should not, on the one hand, give them this choice, and then not hold them accountable for it.

.....they'd say there's many people who don't know better and have been misled. And my point is, that may well be true, but then this should have a consequence on the kind of choices that these people are permitted to make."

"We know what doctors would say ... they would say the same thing that I would tell you," he said. (Treat them all the same) "However, when you talk to the people that actually finance these health care systems — the citizens, the people — overwhelmingly, they tell you that you should discriminate against people that are unvaccinated.

"That raises really interesting questions about democracy. It may be that the doctors are the gatekeepers, but the truth is that we pay the bills. So if the vast majority of people in the country think that should happen, should that have an impact?


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
In my 30's and early 40's I never bothered with the flu vaccines like most people in that age group without complications.
Then I got to know an anti vaxxer and she kept going on with her stuff. I figured I'd look into it even though I knew it was bullshit, and sure enough it was. However after looking into it I haven't missed a flu shot since.

An anti vaxxer actually convinced me to start getting the yearly flu shot.
Isn't that ironic,
doncha think.
A little too ironic
And yeah, I really do think [Unlike your typical anti vaxxer]


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2006
What I want to know is why doesn't the medical establishment cave and say okay, here's your ivermectin -- but first sign this form that says you absolve us of all responsibility? They should offer voodoo dolls and medicine dances too, whatever people want -- it's cheaper than ventilators and CT scans, and when those poor misguided souls die it opens up hospital beds quicker.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
What I want to know is why doesn't the medical establishment cave and say okay, here's your ivermectin -- but first sign this form that says you absolve us of all responsibility? They should offer voodoo dolls and medicine dances too, whatever people want -- it's cheaper than ventilators and CT scans, and when those poor misguided souls die it opens up hospital beds quicker.
Why don't they? Especially as a prophylactic? The ivermectin has been safely prescribed millions of times around the world over the years.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Why don't they? Especially as a prophylactic? The ivermectin has been safely prescribed millions of times around the world over the years.
The doctors are considering a better alternative. They are so fed up with those of you who promote actions that are prolonging the pandemic, such as not getting vaxxed, get knocked down the triage ladder a couple of rungs. Treating everybody equally is a tenet almost as old as the Hippocratic Oath, yet the anti-vaxxers have managed to get them to start rethinking this.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Seems more like a normal ethic conversation then “anti-vaxxed” changing peoples minds for the negative.

It is bioethics. That is their job. To talk about all manner of ethics. I mean it would be stupid for them to take the pandemic and not talk about it. It is an open discussion among people who actually don’t matter much. Nothing more.

but of course some are too daft to figure that out. Anything to take an article out of context for your own favour. This is for both sides of the vaxxed coin. Y’all are exactly the same. Argue exactly the same. Take things out of context the same. Warp things to suit your narrative the same. Then one sides yells at the other side for doing exactly what they do.

The hypocrisy on both sides is fucking hilarious to be honest. Vaxxed and unvaxxed are exactly the same with the difference of added chemicals. LMAO
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Aug 23, 2001
Why don't they? Especially as a prophylactic? The ivermectin has been safely prescribed millions of times around the world over the years.
Because it takes that vital, scarce and precious medication away from the suffering pigs, cows and horses it was designed to protect.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Seems more like a normal ethic conversation then “anti-vaxxed” changing peoples minds for the negative.

It is bioethics. That is their job. To talk about all manner of ethics. I mean it would be stupid for them to take the pandemic and not talk about it. It is an open discussion among people who actually don’t matter much. Nothing more.

but of course some are too daft to figure that out. Anything to take an article out of context for your own favour. This is for both sides of the vaxxed coin. Y’all are exactly the same. Argue exactly the same. Take things out of context the same. Warp things to suit your narrative the same. Then one sides yells at the other side for doing exactly what they do.

The hypocrisy on both sides is fucking hilarious to be honest. Vaxxed and unvaxxed are exactly the same with the difference of added chemicals. LMAO
Too bad you were more interested in your typical attack on me than trying to understand the article. You missed the whole point.

The article is making one and only one point, and it is a very clear point.. Where once upon a time there was not even a question about somebody or some group getting better treatment or higher priority than another, now that has changed such that, the medical practitioners are so worn down by the pandemic and fed up and resentful of the anti-vaxxers that are prolonging it and stretching the resources thin, even they are starting to think that maybe the anti-vaxxers should not get the same priority. It's an ethical debate now where once upon there was no debate. It was simply a given, there was no debate. Everyone got the same Tx. Of course there is a debate about many of the ethics related to medicine. But debating about treating 2 patients in the exact same condition differently was never one of those situations. It is now.

You're welcome for the explanation, since you asked so nicely. BTW, did you imply that I am the one that's daft? 😲 :unsure:
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Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
Why don't they? Especially as a prophylactic? The ivermectin has been safely prescribed millions of times around the world over the years.
Yes, ivermectin has been prescribed for different sicknesses. But there is no proof it helps with COVID. While people swear by it, they also swore they hydroxychloroquine worked wonders as well. And, again, there is no proof that it did, but a lot that showed it was ineffective.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Yes, ivermectin has been prescribed for different sicknesses. But there is no proof it helps with COVID. While people swear by it, they also swore they hydroxychloroquine worked wonders as well. And, again, there is no proof that it did, but a lot that showed it was ineffective.
First of all we are talking about ivermectin, so refrain from muddling the waters with another drug. Ivermectin has been prescribed to HUMANS for decades. Billions of doses have been administered to good effect with very, very few side effects. It's a safe drug on the WHO's essential list. It's cheap, it's off patent and it's in plentiful supply. Does it work as a prophylactic? Some studies suggest that it does. And if it doesn't, it causes no harm.



Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Because it takes that vital, scarce and precious medication away from the suffering pigs, cows and horses it was designed to protect.
Funny. Even.funnier.how Joe Rogan sunk the CNN that followed your "reasoning ". It was quite entertaining.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
First of all we are talking about ivermectin, so refrain from muddling the waters with another drug.
It's the same concept. "I'll take anything except those damn vaccines that the doctors and scientists say is my best option."

And the point of the article is that because attitudes like that, even the health professionals who've historically treated all patients equally, are beginning to question if that is still valid. People taking quack drugs and then burdening our health care system may not be deserving of medical treatment seeing as they've already ignored medical recommendations.
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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Too bad you were more interested in your typical attack on me than trying to understand the article. You missed the whole point.

The article is making one and only one point, and it is a very clear point.. Where once upon a time there was not even a question about somebody or some group getting better treatment or higher priority than another, now that has changed such that, the medical practitioners are so worn down by the pandemic and fed up and resentful of the anti-vaxxers that are prolonging it and stretching the resources thin, even they are starting to think that maybe the anti-vaxxers should not get the same priority. It's an ethical debate now where once upon there was no debate. It was simply a given, there was no debate. Everyone got the same Tx. Of course there is a debate about many of the ethics related to medicine. But debating about treating 2 patients in the exact same condition differently was never one of those situations. It is now.

You're welcome for the explanation, since you asked so nicely. BTW, did you imply that I am the one that's daft? 😲 :unsure:
Dude - I said it was an open discussion. As it should be for those in the bioethics field. That is what they do. Talk ethics. It would be dumb of them NOT to discuss this as it is a big topic. Where did I deny any of that?

It doesn’t mean anything tho. It is a panel of people who gab about shit. They are not going to be making some policy right now. So it is kinda irrelevant.

But some people, if you want to feel included in that, go ahead, but some people take this and other shit out context and use it for their narrative in an incorrect way and are doing the same thing as the other side does.

I think both sides are hilarious. So not singling you out at all. Stop feeling so guilty if you are not doing what I’m talk about.

Oh and yes - prioritizing patients based on past behaviour has been debated. And was deemed inappropriate for the most part. How the fuck do you think they reached that consensus if they didn’t talk about it in an open discussion? At some point the convo came up about it. Hell they won’t give a liver to someone dying if they are still drinking. It has been discussed before and Prioritizing patients happens. LMAO


Active member
Feb 18, 2013
i see it differently we have almost 90% fully vaccinated and cases have never been higher. So much for protection against getting Covid. I also see many people dieing recently and getting very sick even those with boosters things that make you go hummmm


Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
i see it differently we have almost 90% fully vaccinated and cases have never been higher. So much for protection against getting Covid. I also see many people dieing recently and getting very sick even those with boosters things that make you go hummmm
The difference is, the vast majority of current COVID cases are coming from the unvaccinated. Sure, there have been a few hospitalizations and deaths in people who've been vaccinated, but for the most part, they are not getting that sick. The point is, you can still possibly catch the virus, but the outcome will likely be less severe if you're full vaccinated. Yes, there have been a number of people who haven't been vaccinated and had very mild cases of it from Omicron (thankfully).

So, it really doesn't make anyone go hummm. The reality is the vaccine offers protection. It reduces the chances of you getting sick, but if you do catch it, it helps mitigate how sick you can get. If Omicron was the first wave of covid, we would have had major issues and even more stringent lockdowns. The number of deaths might have been significantly higher.


Active member
Oct 8, 2003
None of this is new. If you are an alcoholic and need a liver transplant, they obviously won't give you one unless you dry out and commit to quitting drinking. That's just common sense. If two people show up and need a ventilator and one is vaccinated while the other isn't, what does your logic tell you to do?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2006
Yes, ivermectin has been prescribed for different sicknesses. But there is no proof it helps with COVID. While people swear by it, they also swore they hydroxychloroquine worked wonders as well. And, again, there is no proof that it did, but a lot that showed it was ineffective.
Heck, if they want to take placebos, prescribe 'em some placebos. Give 'em whatever they want, so they can't blame anyone else when they get sick and die.

But bottom line, don't try so hard to save 'em, they don't want to be saved by science. Treat 'em like Christian Scientists, they can go to the Next World with smug satisfaction on their faces.
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