BREAKING: AOC tests positive for COVID-19


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Jan 31, 2014


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Vaccination does offer protection from the severity of the disease.
That's pretty much what Moviefan-2 wrote before you excerpted him.

"While it's still best to be vaccinated, the reality of the Omicron variant is that vaccinations help most people to minimize the impact of the virus."


Well-known member
May 17, 2017


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
You know she has a university degree from a prestigious university, huh?

You can only run the "bartender" line so far.
Prestigious is debatable. Boston University overly-benefits from the aura of being an old, expensive, private, liberal arts school in New England. BU is dwarfed by other universities in the region. It's certainly a decent school though.

AOC has a B.A. in international relations and economics. I personally like discussing economics. I have said this before here. Judging the way AOC discusses economics, I don't think her studies focused on a more classical, nonpartisan approach to economics. I describe AOC's studies as political economics. In her case, there likely was a heavy emphasis studying the history and politics of why some countries and groups are wealthy and others are not. There is a heavy emphasis on redistribution and "equity". From the way she talks, I don't think she is well-versed on how economic policies actually affect growth and development around the world.

This is not at all surprising given that AOC attended a liberal arts school in Boston.
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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
That's profit from sales, sell the LCBO and the province doesn't get that annual money.
Why not? Are the private operators going to stop charging taxes? Are people going to drink less?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Prestigious is debatable. Boston University overly-benefits from the aura of being an old, expensive, private, liberal arts school in New England. BU is dwarfed by other universities in the region. It's certainly a decent school though.

AOC has a B.A. in international relations and economics. I personally like discussing economics. I have said this before here. Judging the way AOC discusses economics, I don't think her studies focused on a more classical, nonpartisan approach to economics. I describe AOC's studies as political economics. In her case, there likely was a heavy emphasis studying the history and politics of why some countries and groups are wealthy and others are not. There is a heavy emphasis on redistribution and "equity". From the way she talks, I don't think she is well-versed on how economic policies actually affect growth and development around the world.

This is not at all surprising given that AOC attended a liberal arts school in Boston.
Ah, so by 'non-partisan' do you mean she was taught something other than the Chicago school of economics?
And you don't think anything that questions the status quo is 'non-partisan'?

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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Why not? Are the private operators going to stop charging taxes? Are people going to drink less?
Of course not, but those profits will go to Ford's donors who will buy the stores off Ontario, if he sold, instead of to the province where it can pay for health care and education.
The rich would get richer and Ontario would become poorer.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
She's moronic to you and to right wing nut. But frankly what she advocates for are things we already have in Canada. And we are just fine.
Again, you're thinking through this superficially. AOC would likely advocate Canada take in far more immigrants from Latin America. She would want higher levels of redistribution within Canada and from Canada to the Third World.

Canada is still a predominantly White, European country. Canada owes the World a lot more contrition


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Ah, so by 'non-partisan' do you mean she was taught something other than the Chicago school of economics?
And you don't think anything that questions the status quo is 'non-partisan'?
The Chicago school is only one of several schools of economic thought. The classical approach is one where theses are vigorously studied and debated. They are held up to statistical analysis as much as possible.

The University of Chicago has a great deal of economic academic diversity. You will find Keynesians and other schools of thought amongst professors at the University of Chicago. And before one besmirches "the Chicago school" of economics, they had a great deal of influence on making Chile one of the most successful (if not the most successful) countries in South America. This while other countries in the region that pursued more government intervention into the economy stagnated.

The difference can be encapsulated by comparing John Maynard Keynes to Karl Marx. John Maynard Keynes was an accomplished and forward-thinking economist. While Karl Marx is often described as an economist, he is better described as a philosopher, historian and a sociologist.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
He never got 80% of the votes like AOC got.
Well actually, AOC had been performing about as well in her district as her predecessor Joe Crowley. She slipped to 71.6% in the last general election.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The Chicago school is only one of several schools of economic thought. The classical approach is one where theses are vigorously studied and debated. They are held up to statistical analysis as much as possible.

The University of Chicago has a great deal of economic academic diversity. You will find Keynesians and other schools of thought amongst professors at the University of Chicago. And before one besmirches "the Chicago school" of economics, they had a great deal of influence on making Chile one of the most successful (if not the most successful) countries in South America. This while other countries in the region that pursued more government intervention into the economy stagnated.

The difference can be encapsulated by comparing John Maynard Keynes to Karl Marx. John Maynard Keynes was an accomplished and forward-thinking economist. While Karl Marx is often described as an economist, he is better described as a philosopher, historian and a sociologist.
Sounds like you just don't want people to study or think about anything other than the really old theories.
Nothing that would imply the social democratic models that are so successful in northern Europe.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Dutch, she's now a congressperson. Smart or dumb?..... Res Ipsa Loquitur.

Some kids just want to take liberal arts, Dutch. If I had kids and they wanted to take liberal arts, I would be fine with that. It's not as though science stream grads are getting jobs either and there's plenty of time for a liberal arts grad to get a career skills course later.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "science stream". Science-oriented grads are in big demand down here in the Lower 48. That would include accounting and finance along with STEM curriculum. Of course, if you went to some shitty school and got C's all bets are off.

If AOC wasn't a Congresswoman, she would likely be a Director of Diversity in a Human Resources Dept. or she would be a bureaucrat in a wonky government agency.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
People here should really try to understand what Social Democracy means.

A hint: Most of Europe, UK being the exception, is governed by Social Democratic policies.

I would argue, that these countries are governed better than USA and Canada.
Many are small, relatively homogeneous countries that are underpinned by trade surpluses. Some superficially look at trade surpluses as a success when it can't be replicated across the globe. Every trade surplus has to be offset by a trade deficit. The U.S. with the global reserve currency can't run chronic surpluses or it will trigger global demand depression.

All you have to do is look at Southern European countries with Social Democracies to see there is more going on than just the social policies. Germany might be the largest Social Democratic success story, but they are a mercantilist drain on the global economy.



Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Many are small, relatively homogeneous countries that are underpinned by trade surpluses. Some superficially look at trade surpluses as a success when it can't be replicated across the globe. Every trade surplus has to be offset by a trade deficit. The U.S. with the global reserve currency can't run chronic surpluses or it will trigger global demand depression.

All you have to do is look at Southern European countries with Social Democracies to see there is more going on than just the social policies. Germany might be the largest Social Democratic success story, but they are a mercantilist drain on the global economy.
For the sake of argument, I will accept that trade surpluses are bad!!

I maintain that the countries governed by Social Democratic policies are better governed than USA and Canada.
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
For the sake of argument, I will accept that trade surpluses are bad!!

I maintain that the countries governed by Social Democratic policies are better governed than USA and Canada.
Spain, Italy, France, the U.K. These are shiny examples? You can always find countries that fit your personal view of politics and proclaim them better.

PS- There is nothing really to accept as far as trade surpluses. Most economists agree with the notion that developed countries that chronically run trade surpluses encourage over-investment at the expense of spending and are an economic drain on their neighbors (not the inverse). Economists are more tolerant of an export-oriented model for a developing country (i.e. China). They however know there will be painful adjustments towards balancing their economies later when it matures. There are plenty of articles on the net similar to the one I posted.

Denmark has run large trade surpluses relative to its size for thirty years. It makes financing social policies far easier.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Prestigious is debatable. Boston University overly-benefits from the aura of being an old, expensive, private, liberal arts school in New England. BU is dwarfed by other universities in the region. It's certainly a decent school though.

AOC has a B.A. in international relations and economics. I personally like discussing economics. I have said this before here. Judging the way AOC discusses economics, I don't think her studies focused on a more classical, nonpartisan approach to economics. I describe AOC's studies as political economics. In her case, there likely was a heavy emphasis studying the history and politics of why some countries and groups are wealthy and others are not. There is a heavy emphasis on redistribution and "equity". From the way she talks, I don't think she is well-versed on how economic policies actually affect growth and development around the world.

This is not at all surprising given that AOC attended a liberal arts school in Boston.
You are simply speculating about the nature of here education. Neither you nor I have any idea what, if any, bias there was in her program.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Anyone with common sense would say AOC is nothing more than a young woman with the right looks, the right demographic, in the right place at the right time when it comes to her political career. That kind of timing does not make anyone smart, nor qualified, nor significant.

She's an American story, but not a success story. She's an example of what is wrong with American politics.
This might be true, but perhaps too harsh. She beat Joe Crowley in a primary to basically takeover a Democrat seat. Crowley was not only old, but appeared to take his seat in Congress for granted.

This doesn't happen often, but it does happen. Candidates with charisma and personal appeal including looks can make it happen. I find AOC to be very articulate even though I don't agree with her on most things.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Again, you're thinking through this superficially. AOC would likely advocate Canada take in far more immigrants from Latin America. She would want higher levels of redistribution within Canada and from Canada to the Third World.

Canada is still a predominantly White, European country. Canada owes the World a lot more contrition
Again speculating about what she would "likely advocate".


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Spain, Italy, France, the U.K. These are shiny examples? You can always find countries that fit your personal view of politics and proclaim them better.
I do believe all European countries are governed better than USA. But I am particularly pointing the Northern continental European countries, who have been governed by Social Democratic policies for a long time.

They have been particularly successful in creating countries with a highly educated (and happy) workforce.

PS- There is nothing really to accept as far as trade surpluses. Most economists agree with the notion that developed countries that chronically run trade surpluses encourage over-investment at the expense of spending and are an economic drain on their neighbors (not the inverse). Economists are more tolerant of an export-oriented model for a developing country (i.e. China). They however know there will be painful adjustments towards balancing their economies later when it matures. There are plenty of articles on the net similar to the one I posted.
Denmark has run large trade surpluses relative to its size for thirty years. It makes financing social policies far easier.
Now I understand why USA is such a shining example for the world. It is because it has a huge trade deficit.
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