Not just Staples Centre, they also added:
- Formula 1 deal for $100 million.
- UFC deal for $175 million over 10 years.
- Matt Damon / 'FFTB' partnership
Just remember though, only invest $$$ that you can afford to lose.
Crypto is still fairly young and VERY volatile
Yeah so true. Still have my doge profits to play with so no worries with whatever happens here. Although their credit cards seem amazing and staking. Plus look at how many crypto we have access to now and especially ability to buy pancake swap.
With, ndax, and mining I am set.
Like I am seriously debating with that much returns why even use a regular CC anymore. I will just start with the $4k one meaning it will give me $15 100% Netflix coverage and 3% back plus all these other benefits. I also like that the cards are metallic. I am already up like 6% and purchased it like in the afternoon.
You know with this stuff I finally came to the realization that banks and regular CCs are fcked. Just that these guys can this easy throw $700M on staples centre plus all those other deals and are still early.
Man this is a game changer. Glad you told us about it because each time I saw the CRO commercial or ad I thought not another scam.
Also their market cap now is like 14 billion and they are ranked no 17. They can easily be within the top 3-5 within the year and our gains would be like 8-10x. Like seriously in my limited crypto experience this is a no brainer. I get the feeling like this is Netflix knocking on blockbuster door and what better way to give a middle finger to all the arrogant stuck up anti crypto people then with something as iconic as the staples centre.