Ashley Madison

$18K profit so far

Sapere Aude, Carpe Diem
Jul 21, 2004
Sold all 3,500 shares of Baytex (BTE.TO) for a $2,500 loss. It was bleeding too much for me.
Very surprising it dropped 10% in less than a week
Noooooooo!!! This stock is my number 1 holding! Fundamentals are crazy. By next year this company will be debt free, and buying back shares on the dip. 80-90 thousand barrels per day, this this will be a 25-35 dollar stock. $100 oil is not going away for years. Its not just the war, its decades of under investment in supply. Its the implosion of the US fraking industry. Its the decline of Mexico and Venezuela. Once China goes back into full gear, demand will be insane.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Noooooooo!!! This stock is my number 1 holding!
I bought some,

Baytex Energy Corp. (BTE.TO) @ $8.07
Whitecap Resources Inc. (WCP.TO) @ 11.35

While it is not my top choice, it is all in the timing. Any stock bought at the right time will make you money.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
I bought some,

Athabasca Oil Corporation (ATH.TO) @ $2.70

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Very good timing :LOL:

I had a 5% stop on those stocks, so the loss was not that great. After these two stocks got stopped out, I have bought both back three time and sold both twice, I hold both now and both will make a profit this week.

In case you have not heard, oil prices took a tumble in the last 5 weeks as interest rated were raised. You and your cardboard box roommate Phil C. McNasty ( A.K.A Unemployed Man ) should move to a location where the wifi is better to get the latest news.
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Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Very good timing :LOL:
I have bought both back three time and sold both twice, I hold both now and both will make a profit this week.
I know what you are thinking, did he actually buy both stocks three times and sold both twice and then sold it for a profit this week as he said he would? Being that I can blow any U-man out of his electric orange socks any trading day of the week with my trading skills. You have to ask yourself the question...........................

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