Here our hero gives another interview.
He says he has no interest in politics and will not accept any internship that has been offered to him. Said he doesn't want to be used for a cause. He has enrolled at Arizona State where he hopes to take nursing.
Also says he fired his past lawyers because of their Qanon Beliefs and election fraud statements. He calls them insane.
Goes on to state that his formers attorneys set up the meeting with the proud boys in the bar. He didn't even know what the ''okay'' symbol signified at the time. He was told at the time that the guys in the bar were going to help him with his security. Said when he found out who they were he didn't want anything to do with them.
Says if he could go back he would have stayed home that night.
He thinks this case had nothing to do with race and everything to do with self defense.
He believes everybody has the right to peacefully protest for change. On Tucker Carlson he supported BLM.
He has retained civil attorneys to handle any potential lawsuits he might have going forward.
Man he is composed. I like at the end where he says he learned he's a lot stronger than he thought......