The way I see things is that we need renewable energy not because it
is cleaner or cheaper but because supply of non-renewable energy is insufficient
to meet world's increasing demand of energy of any form, I can assure you I don't
dislike renewable energy. I just don't expect it will bring down cost of living in the
foreseeable future.
renewables rep maybe 5-8% , far less if you take out c02 producing burning of biomass biofuels (complete and utter stupidity)
this is after billions of $ of investments and direct subsidies
they will not displace FF and might reach 15% before the reality of renewable shortfalls (intermittent and incapable of providing baseline power) puts a halt on this insanity
Demand for FF will continue to grow
Supply will be a problem over the next decade because of misguided policy
Current investment in drilling/ exploration has dried up
Not at all surprising given the signals morons like Trudeau / Gerald Butts / Boris Johnson are sending to the industry ie "our goal is to shut you down"
The "peak Oil" alarms have been bouncing around for decades and each has been prove wrong by ingenuity and technological advancements
Lets hope everyone is crystal clear on who will be responsible for the incontrollable inflation, blackouts and lower standards of living we are going to experience because of the utter stupidity of politicians/activists