White people, do you personaly feel white privelege guilt? Are you to blame?


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2011
This is a very racist (and incorrect) statement. Black people do not perform more crimes but they are arrested at higher rates than an other race. Also, if you knew ANYTHING about Islam you know know that SUICIDE AND MURDER IS AGAINST THEIR RELIGIOUS VALUES. So saying that they are murdering people at higher rates (ie. suicide bombings) is ISLAMOPHOBIC AND RACIST. The only "terrorists" I have seen recently that have been murdering innocent people have been WHITE SUPREMACISTS.

I don't know about you but the world-wide religion that is responsible for the most murder and genocide is CHRISTIANITY.

Im so done with this fucking thread. you all are fucking racists and I'm tired of talking to the wall because you guys are too fucking stupid to listen to FACTS and refuse to read the PROOF I am feeding to you about why this is fucking racist. This inability to take a step back and think about your part in white supremacy and how it BENEFITS YOU proves to me that you guys are too fucking stupid ist and there is no hope for you.

I'm muting this thread now. Y'all are fucking exauhsting and I really don't give enough of a shit about you to sit here and try to educate you if you arent even going to read what I'm saying.

There are 7 billion people on this planet, when one fancies themselves as an educator sent to enlighten the masses they are doomed to failure. Far more simple to educate yourself and be comfortable with the opinion you have and acknowledge with an open mind the opinions of others, if you make sense and are believable people will listen, mission accomplished.

I really don't give enough of a shit about you
murder and genocide is CHRISTIANITY.

you guys are too fucking stupid
you all are fucking racists

there is no hope for you

Unconcious ego is a monster it will undermine you at every turn in life.
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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Frankly, I, as I white girl, don't get to decide if PoC have been abused or not, THEY do. Listen to them. Listen to their stories. Once you listen, it is hard to think any other way.
No one is ever in another's shoes, Jasmina. Be that a matter of race, gender, occupation, wealth, sexual orientation, upbringing, place of birth, attractiveness, genetics, or environment. You've chosen to divide who's allowed to have an opinion by race. What about all the other factors?

Yes, absolutely, listen to their stories. We should always listen. But after that, we decide. Each individual must decide.

I had a very good philosophy teacher in high school, grades 11 and 12. This guy had traveled the world and interacted with many different cultures, and his lesson to us, what I think was the most important lesson I learnt in high school, was the ability to think critically for ourselves. To assess every situation, and see its veils and truncations. To understand the motivations and biases and human nature of those involved. To see the various narratives, each with a modicum of truth, but none an encompassing portrayal of reality. Then to identify and weave those truthful threads together until you can see the actual picture. And the picture right now is showing division and resentment and anger, that'll get worse in the coming years, and the people making it worse do it under a guise of righteousness.
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Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
White privilege is definitely a thing. It is subtle, and white people usually don't even realize it is happening. It does not mean you are going to be rich or avoid mental illness. It does not mean you can't wind up homeless, divorced, diseased or avoid jail.

What it does is maybe give you the benefit of the doubt in most interactions. You go into a store, and the clerks don't usually think you are a shoplifter. They might not follow you or keep a watch. That might not happen when a black person or another POC enters the store. In police interactions, they might give you a warning instead of writing a ticket. Up until a few years ago, you might not have "randomly" been stopped by the police who carded you to ask where you were going. You might get a call back for a job interview than someone with an ethnic/foreign-sounding name (i.e. Steve versus Sachin). You might get a higher starting salary than your colleagues. If you sell your house, you could get a high appraisal than a POC or have an easier time renting a place. If you seek medical care, doctors and nurses might treat you better than a member of a First Nations or another minority.

I'm going to guess and say that most users on this board are white males like myself. White privilege isn't something we have sought or are aware of for the most part. It doesn't mean we are bad people or should feel guilty. But it does mean we should attempt to promote equality.

Someone in this thread mentioned that blacks are statistically more likely to be criminals. It would help if you kept in mind that black communities are usually heavily policed in the US compared to white communities. What this means is the cops might give tickets for anything and everything instead of giving warnings. When a black person is arrested, they likely will face more severe charges than a white person. They are less likely to be sent to programs that could help them avoid a charge. They are also more likely to be found guilty and given harsher sentences. Studies have also shown that these heavily policed communities get even more policing because the supposed crime rate is so high there (based on the number of tickets/arrests).

The bottom line is this: white people get all sorts of cultural benefits that POC do not. We are usually not aware of it, we don't ask for it, but I can promise you that if it stopped tomorrow, there would be an outcry.


Oct 9, 2006
White privilege is definitely a thing. It is subtle, and white people usually don't even realize it is happening. It does not mean you are going to be rich or avoid mental illness. It does not mean you can't wind up homeless, divorced, diseased or avoid jail.

What it does is maybe give you the benefit of the doubt in most interactions. You go into a store, and the clerks don't usually think you are a shoplifter. They might not follow you or keep a watch. That might not happen when a black person or another POC enters the store. In police interactions, they might give you a warning instead of writing a ticket. Up until a few years ago, you might not have "randomly" been stopped by the police who carded you to ask where you were going. You might get a call back for a job interview than someone with an ethnic/foreign-sounding name (i.e. Steve versus Sachin). You might get a higher starting salary than your colleagues. If you sell your house, you could get a high appraisal than a POC or have an easier time renting a place. If you seek medical care, doctors and nurses might treat you better than a member of a First Nations or another minority.

I'm going to guess and say that most users on this board are white males like myself. White privilege isn't something we have sought or are aware of for the most part. It doesn't mean we are bad people or should feel guilty. But it does mean we should attempt to promote equality.

Someone in this thread mentioned that blacks are statistically more likely to be criminals. It would help if you kept in mind that black communities are usually heavily policed in the US compared to white communities. What this means is the cops might give tickets for anything and everything instead of giving warnings. When a black person is arrested, they likely will face more severe charges than a white person. They are less likely to be sent to programs that could help them avoid a charge. They are also more likely to be found guilty and given harsher sentences. Studies have also shown that these heavily policed communities get even more policing because the supposed crime rate is so high there (based on the number of tickets/arrests).

The bottom line is this: white people get all sorts of cultural benefits that POC do not. We are usually not aware of it, we don't ask for it, but I can promise you that if it stopped tomorrow, there would be an outcry.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
I don't buy that. Either you are being willfully blind, or she didn't share with you. There is no way she is the ONLY PoC who never dealt with daily or systemic racism. Absolutely `100% calling bullshit on this now. Can't have a conversation if you aren't being honest.

My wife who is PoC doesn’t have any of these stories to share. She was born here, grow up in the rough part in the GTA, finished university, got a job right away and we both make about exactly the same per year. She doesn’t face this in her life and has never said she ever experienced anything like this. It is the racism from her distant family and how they view white people and why we stay away. But since I am white people I guess her family are allowed to be assholes to me right because you can’t be racist against white people. I should just suck it up because I am responsible for what other white people did and some continue to do. Please not all PoC go through this. You can’t generalize people like this based on their skin colour that they all go through these experiences. This is where the toxic incepts.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
I don't buy that. Either you are being willfully blind, or she didn't share with you. There is no way she is the ONLY PoC who never dealt with daily or systemic racism. Absolutely `100% calling bullshit on this now. Can't have a conversation if you aren't being honest.
That’s the paradigm lock here. You believe all PoC face some type of systematic racism here in Canada because this is the message being disseminated and showed down people’s throat’s. I acknowledge racism exists in subtle and direct forms but not all PoC are affected or care when nobodies in restaurant or other random situations try something stupid like that.

I am telling you that she doesn’t fall into this. If anyone tries she is above it this and just ignores it because they are not worth it. It has never stopped her from working or doing what she wants. She has a job she’s earned, she is happy has friends, and is free to do what she wants enjoying her life or her worth. But this doesn’t accept your accepted belief which you assume I am not being honest or am being blind because she is PoC so she must be facing some type of discrimination. The only time this is visible is that sometimes brown people give us looks because she is with a white guy and sometimes white people give us looks because I am with a brown girl particularly in our own cultural societies. We just say it’s their loss and don’t associate with assholes and ignore like a fly.

She doesn’t identify herself as brown but Canadian but acknowledges her ancestry and heritage and celebrates it during special events.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
What’s happen here is similar to what Noam Chomsky describes with manufacturing consent. Now they are manufacturing ideologies and dissent.

Now if anything exists outside the accepted belief it either false, not being honest or blind to the facts. If the person doesn’t acknowledge it they are betraying the movement even though they may not necessarily experience or be bother or affected from achieving their potential, career goals and their satisfaction.

now that individual becomes a threat to this ideology. Its agents start sensing the threat and try to eliminate it because it threatens that ideological beliefs that something can be true outside and the backlash start to take place and labels start being throw. This happens unconsciously. This scene perfectly describes what’s happening if you threaten an ideological paradigm and people start turning on you. It’s not on purpose it’s impulse and they feel like you are a traitor or the enemy.

If you become a big enough threat the backlash will intensify until threats start being made against your life like Yenomi Parks. This is also associated with people identity and if you threaten an ideology with identifying someone true outside their paradigm lock you threaten their existence because it is tied to their ideology.

I’ve seen this unfold many times. When people realize this or sense it, it causes them to pull back due to fear of backlash. Same thing happens with religions or ideologies and public executions.

Mind virus of the collective unconscious.

happens on many subtle and direct levels.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
The only "terrorists" I have seen recently that have been murdering innocent people have been WHITE SUPREMACISTS.
Haven't been paying much attention to what the Taliban has been up to then, or do you quick switch to reruns of Gilligan's Island?...
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Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Nope, it's the reality. Anyone can easily figure it out, stop being racist and give other races some credit!
People are so free in western countries like Canada that they have to complain about non issues.
Now that's a real privilege!
The Kardasians - Privilege or curse, you decide...


Mar 13, 2017
White privilege is definitely a thing. It is subtle, and white people usually don't even realize it is happening. It does not mean you are going to be rich or avoid mental illness. It does not mean you can't wind up homeless, divorced, diseased or avoid jail.

What it does is maybe give you the benefit of the doubt in most interactions. You go into a store, and the clerks don't usually think you are a shoplifter. They might not follow you or keep a watch. That might not happen when a black person or another POC enters the store. In police interactions, they might give you a warning instead of writing a ticket. Up until a few years ago, you might not have "randomly" been stopped by the police who carded you to ask where you were going. You might get a call back for a job interview than someone with an ethnic/foreign-sounding name (i.e. Steve versus Sachin). You might get a higher starting salary than your colleagues. If you sell your house, you could get a high appraisal than a POC or have an easier time renting a place. If you seek medical care, doctors and nurses might treat you better than a member of a First Nations or another minority.

I'm going to guess and say that most users on this board are white males like myself. White privilege isn't something we have sought or are aware of for the most part. It doesn't mean we are bad people or should feel guilty. But it does mean we should attempt to promote equality.

Someone in this thread mentioned that blacks are statistically more likely to be criminals. It would help if you kept in mind that black communities are usually heavily policed in the US compared to white communities. What this means is the cops might give tickets for anything and everything instead of giving warnings. When a black person is arrested, they likely will face more severe charges than a white person. They are less likely to be sent to programs that could help them avoid a charge. They are also more likely to be found guilty and given harsher sentences. Studies have also shown that these heavily policed communities get even more policing because the supposed crime rate is so high there (based on the number of tickets/arrests).

The bottom line is this: white people get all sorts of cultural benefits that POC do not. We are usually not aware of it, we don't ask for it, but I can promise you that if it stopped tomorrow, there would be an outcry.
I am not white and think this is the stupidest thing i have ever read.

The characterization of a human being based on their genetic makeup is racist by definition.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2006
I don't buy that. Either you are being willfully blind, or she didn't share with you. There is no way she is the ONLY PoC who never dealt with daily or systemic racism. Absolutely `100% calling bullshit on this now. Can't have a conversation if you aren't being honest.
Are you seriously suggesting that you have spoken with every other PoC in the world? How can you say that every PoC has dealt with racism unless you have spoken to all of them?
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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
I see we are back to Paradigm lock and Plato's cave.
I see we are back to promoting a racist ideology based on skin colour and making stereotypes and assumptions based on a person genetic make up. Last it was the cops who your overlords told you to target and take your aggressions out on where many good and innocent cops lost their lives and some were PofC. This year it is to spread division and hate based on skin colour but they have you believe you are fighting for social justice and human rights. What will your overlord rulers instruct your minions to do and target next in the name of social justice?
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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Are you seriously suggesting that you have spoken with every other PoC in the world? How can you say that every PoC has dealt with racism unless you have spoken to all of them?
They have a hive mind and believe they speak for everyone and can make whatever assumptions they want in the name of promoting their ideology.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
I am not white and think this is the stupidest thing i have ever read.

The characterization of a human being based on their genetic makeup is racist by definition.
They don’t care that it contradicts anti racist movement they allegedly claim to be fighting for because it doesn’t fit in their narrative of what their ideology tells them they should be saying and thinking. If it contradicts reason and standard definition they burry their head in sand and project their issues on others.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
What’s happening here is one photo.

These self proclaimed social justice freedom fighters thinking they know what’s best for PofCs, have the license to make assumptions on all their behalf and know the problem is white people, their white supremacy and their fragility and all need to be shamed and guilted for it.



Well-known member
Nov 19, 2004
You are completely missing the point. If you feel bad about being white than thats on you, thats not the fault of people of colour.

People will point it out to educate you on your privilege because white people do have privilege! No matter how much you want to twist what white privilege means, so you can play up the victimization, WHITE PEOPLE ARE PRIVILEGED.

This privilege isnt financial, white people dont necessarily make more money than POC - BUT - the fact that you have white skin gives you much more societal privleges like having an easier time finiding a landlord to rent to you, the ability to interact with the police without them shooting you or arresting you without just cause, doctors listen to you when you tell them you have chronic pain, if you are a white woman giving birth you are less likely to die during childbirth, the list goes on.

If you dont want to accept the fact that you have white privilege then you are incorrect and delusional.

Here is an article, written by a white person about white privlege and how it MOST DEFINITELY exists https://psychology.umbc.edu/files/2016/10/White-Privilege_McIntosh-1989.pdf
You are correct. I have had the privilege of responsible parents who raised me in a responsible manner. Our community had a very high rate of both parents staying to raise their children, making sure they got a proper education, and about being honest(or at least not thinking that it was OK to steal to rape) and working hard to get ahead. Of course, some other communities, the Japanese for example, have even more of this sort of behavior and they are even more privileged, while other communities don't have nearly as much privilege of their culture embedding such ideas at the same rate as I was privileged to have. Their communities are much worse off because there are much more less privileged people being raised responsibly to behave responsibly.

It is all about thought process, no matter how much certain politicalized and irresponsible(mostly due to being exposed to unprivileged behaviour) may try to say differently for their own personal gain.

The privileged communities have been able to thrive despite the most horrific of discrimination that has been thrown at them(Can you spell Israel) while those unprivileged never get ahead as a community no matter how much is given to them.
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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
Read the thread again and take a look at who is attacking/being defensive, and who isn't, and ask yourself why.

They don’t care that it contradicts anti racist movement they allegedly claim to be fighting for because it doesn’t fit in their narrative of what their ideology tells them they should be saying and thinking. If it contradicts reason and standard definition they burry their head in sand and project their issues on others.
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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
You aren't LISTENING. You probably don't listen to your PoC friends, if you have any, either.

What’s happening here is one photo.

These self proclaimed social justice freedom fighters thinking they know what’s best for PofCs, have the license to make assumptions on all their behalf and know the problem is white people, their white supremacy and their fragility and all need to be shamed and guilted for it.

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