This is a very racist (and incorrect) statement. Black people do not perform more crimes but they are arrested at higher rates than an other race. Also, if you knew ANYTHING about Islam you know know that SUICIDE AND MURDER IS AGAINST THEIR RELIGIOUS VALUES. So saying that they are murdering people at higher rates (ie. suicide bombings) is ISLAMOPHOBIC AND RACIST. The only "terrorists" I have seen recently that have been murdering innocent people have been WHITE SUPREMACISTS.
I don't know about you but the world-wide religion that is responsible for the most murder and genocide is CHRISTIANITY.
Im so done with this fucking thread. you all are fucking racists and I'm tired of talking to the wall because you guys are too fucking stupid to listen to FACTS and refuse to read the PROOF I am feeding to you about why this is fucking racist. This inability to take a step back and think about your part in white supremacy and how it BENEFITS YOU proves to me that you guys are too fucking stupid ist and there is no hope for you.
I'm muting this thread now. Y'all are fucking exauhsting and I really don't give enough of a shit about you to sit here and try to educate you if you arent even going to read what I'm saying.
There are 7 billion people on this planet, when one fancies themselves as an educator sent to enlighten the masses they are doomed to failure. Far more simple to educate yourself and be comfortable with the opinion you have and acknowledge with an open mind the opinions of others, if you make sense and are believable people will listen, mission accomplished.
I really don't give enough of a shit about you
murder and genocide is CHRISTIANITY.
you guys are too fucking stupid
you all are fucking racists
there is no hope for you
Unconcious ego is a monster it will undermine you at every turn in life.
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