Just to remind you of what I've already said, I have no interest in comparing Biden's decisions to what Trump's were, or what they might have been if Trump were still President. Amuse yourself on that point.
A President's job, because he is elected but his advisors are not, is not to just receive intelligence and advice, it's to determine what decisions to make, which might involve relying upon some advice and refusing to rely on others. It's an exercise of judgement. If you choose wrong, and serious consequences ensue, you WILL be held accountable. It goes with the job. Since those horrible consequences have already happened, the burden lies on Biden to prove to the public that he made the best choices available to him. That's going to be hard to do, since he's already lied/misled them several times along the way to this disaster, and his advisors are openly contradicting him about the advice he received. It also doesn't look good that he won't take any questions at his press conferences.