Nice rhetoric, John. But realistically Biden inherits all of Trump's deals - unless he specifically cancels them. So you can post "The Buck stops there" as much as you like, it has no connection to reality.
Specifically cancels trumps deals- like Keystone?- like boarder control? -like rejoining the Paris agreement?- lie banning oil drilling on Federal Lands?
He had no problem cancelling each of these Trump policies as he felt they were flawed
He is going to take credit if his decisions prove to be correct and he will have to wear them if they do not
So Yeah the Buck Stops there and that is the reality of it
Military decisions are even more cut and dry as the lives of military personnel are put at risk and as Commander In Chief he bears the ultimate responsibility as he has final say in approving or canceling operations
So Yeah the Buck Stops there and that is the reality of it
You seem very confused about the responsibilities of
the Commander In Chief
And what's Biden supposed to do in 6 months with a situation which has been a train wreck for 20 years. 6 months is too little time to build an army that didn't get built in 20 years.
He wanted the job
Biden stood up and claimed the Afghan Armed forces were more than capable.
So clearly his assessment was quite different from yours
If he went by your assessment , he would known a pull out now would lead to a disaster
And I'm pretty sure the generals told Biden that the Afghan army would do just fine - because the generals always say that and the president has to rely on that advice.
Do not be so sure about that
Political issues override military doctrine and advise all the time
Biden initially want a pull out by July 4 - A political objective
He got push back and settled for late August., without addressing the fundamental flaw in the plan
And Biden actually put in place a fucking ace plan. They US rushed in the 82 ABN, built a perimeter around Kabul Airport, avoided firefights with the Talis and evacuated over 70,000 people at last count. That's a pretty solid achievement. So he deserves a lot of credit.
Oh Boy
An Ace plan to try and mitigate the problems he created with the last plan he approved ??????
#1 That story has not been fully played out
#2. There will be many who do not get out , they will question your "Ace" rating on Joe's clean up of Joe's mess
A janitor cleaning up a mess he made is not a accomplishment,.
It is really considered a failure
The bullshit here is that the American people always thinks the US has to "win" every shitty little war it's involved in - even where the war can't be won.
Biden has been in the political game forever, he knew exactly what the American people expect
It is part of the responsibilities he accepted when taking the oath of office
The reason the office of the President use to be so revered is there was respect for the man who accepted the responsibilities of being President
Someone has to pick up the little chunks of shit at the end and clean up as best he can.
Well it does not help matters when the Commander and Chief drops a big steaming turd into the game by pulling out too early
And that's Biden and he's doing a solid job. But the media wants the big Victory Parade w the Stars and Stripes flying and looks for people to blame. And folks like you try and score points by riding the media wave.
Too funny, the lefties blaming the media
Gee what ever else have the media been misleading you on?
News/ scientific that you blindly believe as told ?
I darn near wet my self laughing at your hypocrisy
BTW you will not get a consensus that Biden is doing a solid job
His competency to fulfill his responsibilities is being questioned more and more.