Toronto to rename Dundas Street


Active member
Oct 24, 2010
Seems you are aware of the Evil done here. Many are not! Maybe debate was the wrong word, I meant to say not let others deny or whitewash our history anymore. The official story has been one-sided for too long. Yea sure we cant change the past, but have done a shit job of learning from it. Nothing has been done for so long, any action is better than no action at all.

The Truth and reconciliation findings outlined how to go about much of what you are saying needs to be done. Those findings are a few years old now. No political will to implement the recommendations so far. GOV says we dont have the money. I say the money is there, and if not maybe take those tax evaders to court and bleed them dry, maybe tax corporations that move all the jobs offshore more than 15%, lots of money out there. Look how much they found for covid...

I hate that we boil it all down to this issue is more important/pressing than the other, and then act as if there was not enough money in this country to find solutions for all of the issues. WE HAVE THE MONEY! WE ALWAYS DID!

If the streets were named for Adolf Hitler would you not want the street name changed? Come on! Changing these names is a symbolic start, and will crate a snowball effect of greater changes to come. Gotta start somewhere. Wonscotanach Valley Parkway sounds better than Don Valley Parkway to me.

I like what you said. I like your ideas of this issue, approach and solutions. You are absolutely right, we would need to do something and not just learning the history of ONE SIDE STORY from the western conquers against the natives, indigenous and alike.

Changing the names of streets is truly the FIRST STEP. What I would like to see next is to remove the name and picture of Sir John A. MacDonald from my $10 bills. Recalling the old $10 bills and reprint the new ones WITHOUT the name and picture of Sir John A. MacDonald. Furthermore, having the name and picture of Louis Riel who was one of the Métis leaders whom Sir John A. MacDonald ordered his execution by hanging in Regina in the newly reprinted $10 bills.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
I like what you said. I like your ideas of this issue, approach and solutions. You are absolutely right, we would need to do something and not just learning the history of ONE SIDE STORY from the western conquers against the natives, indigenous and alike.

Changing the names of streets is truly the FIRST STEP. What I would like to see next is to remove the name and picture of Sir John A. MacDonald from my $10 bills. Recalling the old $10 bills and reprint the new ones WITHOUT the name and picture of Sir John A. MacDonald. Furthermore, having the name and picture of Louis Riel who was one of the Métis leaders whom Sir John A. MacDonald ordered his execution by hanging in Regina in the newly reprinted $10 bills.
Riel was a fucking traitor. MacDonald did something that very few have ever accomplished- a bloodless transition from dependency to independence through negotiations and broad compromises- bold experiment that is still the envy of the world. Too bad he wasn't perfect like Joe Brant.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Same with the people involved with building said streets, buildings and statues.
It's important to consider politics before taking a job.


Active member
Jan 23, 2014

Pathetic cowards.
Overpopulation. Climate nightmares. Wealth disparity. Human traffickers. Psycho leaders in Russia, China and the US. viral pandemic. Etc. But yeah, lets change street names and haul down statues because THAT will make things better.


Giver of truth
Jul 26, 2020
Come on! Changing these names is a symbolic start, and will crate a snowball effect of greater changes to come. Gotta start somewhere. Wonscotanach Valley Parkway sounds better than Don Valley Parkway to me.
Beat you to it. I live in a country called Canada.

"The name Canada comes from the word meaning "village" or "settlement" in the Saint-Lawrence Iroquoian[1] language spoken by the inhabitants of Stadacona and the neighbouring region near present-day Quebec City in the 16th century.[2] Another contemporary meaning was "land."

More names:


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Beat you to it. I live in a country called Canada.

"The name Canada comes from the word meaning "village" or "settlement" in the Saint-Lawrence Iroquoian[1] language spoken by the inhabitants of Stadacona and the neighbouring region near present-day Quebec City in the 16th century.[2] Another contemporary meaning was "land."

More names:
Learn something new every day. I always believed the story about the scrabble tiles myself...


Jan 20, 2017
What "official story" are you referring to exactly? How has it been one-sided and white-washed exactly? Feel free to post any articles you've found so that everyone can read and decide for themselves. Until you do, then we're just arguing over nothing. I am asking honestly, but I think it's very important to be precise about the details and more importantly solutions.

We can go after your so-called tax evaders, but who are these people? If you can't define these people or companies in precise terms then you're going after ghosts. "Tax corporations that move all the jobs offshore more than 15%" makes no sense. Maybe you were trying to say that you would tax corporations that move at least 15% of jobs off shore? But then you have to get into some serious debates. Like who decides on the percentage? What countries does it affect? More importantly, how sustainable and practical are those solutions? If you really wan to be "fair" about getting money to the reserves, then you should tax all Canadians. Use a portion of the HST so that it's nearly unavoidable. But then of course, how is that fair for people whose ancestors were not even in Canada at the time or had colonial pasts in their home country?

I would think the goal should be to help the Indigenous on and off reserve to develop educational and job opportunities so they can sustain themselves without having to rely on government subsidies. That does mean involving Indigenous more in modern Canadian life. I know that "involving or "integrating" ware scary words, but some of it must happen. Besides, they already have integrated to modern society to a degree. That also means asking tough questions about the sustainability of the reserve system itself because the cost of food, fuel, etc. are always going to be major constraints.

Addressing these issues are concrete actions. They are hard problems to solve, but we have to solve them first because that affects human life. Renaming things hardly qualifies as action IMO.
Hey just wanted to say I appreciate your responses. Even, if you don’t appreciate mine. And I’m sorry if you didn’t quite follow me. I see the value in what you are saying. And I’m going to skip over some your requests for details or sources. Like you said it’s a waste of time.

I say we let the first people of Canada decide how to go about it all. Wait, they kinda already have said that right? So now we have give them the lead and give them the power to do it their way. Even if we don’t fully agree, or it makes us uncomfortable. They have to be in charge of the final details. Not us, not Justin, not the queen.

I’m not so sure it’s about fairness to others who came after, more so than doing right by our first people, no matter what, no matter the cost. Some of them live in terrible conditions still as you alluded to with the reservation system. That needs to end Immediately. No good reason for them to live worse off than the rest of us. We have the technology, we have the ability to provide a generational change to many. Let’s start with access to safe clean water, equitable food distribution, sustainable housing, on reserve Heath centres, and on reserve education past grade school.

I agree with you calls for concrete measures and more meaningful action. I hope our first people will play a pivotal role in all of that coming to be.

I maintain that many issues can be solved in unison with the right political will. With elections coming up at almost every level I think many politicians will have platforms that will have a greater emphasis on taking detailed actions that benefit our first people.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Hey just wanted to say I appreciate your responses. Even, if you don’t appreciate mine. And I’m sorry if you didn’t quite follow me. I see the value in what you are saying. And I’m going to skip over some your requests for details or sources. Like you said it’s a waste of time.

I say we let the first people of Canada decide how to go about it all. Wait, they kinda already have said that right? So now we have give them the lead and give them the power to do it their way. Even if we don’t fully agree, or it makes us uncomfortable. They have to be in charge of the final details. Not us, not Justin, not the queen.

I’m not so sure it’s about fairness to others who came after, more so than doing right by our first people, no matter what, no matter the cost. Some of them live in terrible conditions still as you alluded to with the reservation system. That needs to end Immediately. No good reason for them to live worse off than the rest of us. We have the technology, we have the ability to provide a generational change to many. Let’s start with access to safe clean water, equitable food distribution, sustainable housing, on reserve Heath centres, and on reserve education past grade school.

I agree with you calls for concrete measures and more meaningful action. I hope our first people will play a pivotal role in all of that coming to be.

I maintain that many issues can be solved in unison with the right political will. With elections coming up at almost every level I think many politicians will have platforms that will have a greater emphasis on taking detailed actions that benefit our first people.
Why do we need to "appreciate" each other's point of view? We're debating issues and I think we've been having a very civil discussion so far. Don't you?

Yes, let's start with the health, safety and sustainability issues on the reserves that need it. Those issues are pervasive and need to be tackled first IMO. Street and places names in cities that are hundreds of kilometers away don't have anything to do with the health and safety of reserves. We can certainly tackle them at some point maybe through a referendum. But let's do the hard work of addressing the health and safety issues first. I've repeated that point many, many times.

That being said, I don't think all reserves are in "terrible"' condition. I'd have to do some research, but I would think that those that have mines or other employers within them are relatively better vs reserves that don't. If they are in the same or worse condition then there should be some hard questions raised. What is happening to the income that the reserves are generating? Those are totally fair questions and it could be a matter of who has decision making power and jurisdiction over water, and energy production and food supply.

Of course First Nations need to be involved. On the other hand, there are many sustainability issues that need to be addressed or else these people are just going to fall behind again. It takes more than money and we always need to be mindful of costs. Costs are part of the sustainability equation. All the systems that need to be put in place need to be built for generations and maintained. All those things need to be supported with economic activity in the region. Economic activity has to be supported with an educated workforce. An educated workforce requires housing, energy, water and food.

In other words, we have to deal with several overlapping "chicken and egg" problems.


Giver of truth
Jul 26, 2020
Nobody wants to do the hard work. Ask the tough questions about sustainability or roll out unpopular but necessary legislation.

They want to re-name some road signs so that they can feel like something has been accomplished and allow them to forget about Indigenous issues for another decade.

Fakes and phonies. The whole lot.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Beat you to it. I live in a country called Canada.

"The name Canada comes from the word meaning "village" or "settlement" in the Saint-Lawrence Iroquoian[1] language spoken by the inhabitants of Stadacona and the neighbouring region near present-day Quebec City in the 16th century.[2] Another contemporary meaning was "land."
Speaking of irony, those people were exterminated, wiped off the face of the earth, maybe by the Hurons but most likely by the Mohawk.
Doesn't stop the Hockey people from saying they are on the traditional hands of the Mohawk.
Doesn't stop regional health units from doing similar.
Doesn't top a dam in the region from having a plaque claiming that the Mohawks have been in the area from time immemorial.

Both the Canadian Encyclopedia (1985) and various publications of the Government of Canada, such as "The Origin of the Name Canada" published by the Department of Canadian Heritage, suggest instead the former theory that the word "Canada" stems from a Huron-Iroquois word, kanata, that also meant "village" or settlement.

Historians now know that Cartier could not have encountered either the Iroquois or Huron, as neither group lived in the St. Lawrence valley in the 16th century. The account of Canada's name origin reflects theories first advanced in the 18th and 19th centuries. General texts have not kept up with the discrediting of such earlier theories by the linguistic comparative studies of the later 20th century. For instance, the "Huron-Iroquois theory" of word origin appeared in the article on "Canada" in the Encyclopædia Britannica of 1996.


Apr 4, 2020
Headline is not accurate. It is under review. Not a done deal. Call your councilor and mayor. Let's not rename any street that offends anyone, ever.
Stupid council and mayor. Seriously. No one even knew the actual origin of the name before. It is not commemorating anyone really.
Wasting millions for what? Virtue signaling? Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.
14,000 signed a petition from a city of 3million.
It will cost MILLIONS of dollars that could be much better spent. Not to mention all the businesses and homes from Toronto to Hamilton.

Edit: they want to change ALL colonizer street names - King St Queen St Yonge Street Victoria Park you name it, it 100% offends someone.
Learn from the past, but do not think for a second that changing a name or destroying public facilities will ever rewind the past.
Yet YOU can be offended with no recourse. Whites just have to sit and take endless attacks and are thoroughly destroyed and erased once they complain or become at all vocal.


Active member
Feb 23, 2004
Believe Kitchener Ontario was Berlin Ontario until mid-way through WW1 and mob sentiments being anti-German forced a name change. Same reason why the royals changed their name from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to "Windsor"....sounded too German at a time when too many young men were getting killed in the war.
You are correct, sir!
A referendum was held at the time and it was a close vote.
Lord Kitchener created the concept of the Concentration Camp during the Boer War, and apparently was a nasty individual.
Should the city be renamed again?🤔
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