Dangerous Delta COVID-19 Variant Infecting Vaccinated Adults In Israel
The World Health Organization is recommending that everyone, even the fully vaccinated, continue to wear masks because of the highly transmissible variant.
Do we?We know they’ve dropped the cycle threshold for vaccinated people, and other fuckery to manipulate the numbers the way they want to.
When you are an incubator for new strains yes. And coukd be a strain on the healthcare system yes. And could add to numbers prolonging it yes.We know they’ve dropped the cycle threshold for vaccinated people, and other fuckery to manipulate the numbers the way they want to.
Great news if your vaxxed I guess. You’re safe therefore my status is not your concern, right?
Your status is not important to me but to my girlfriend who is auto-immune compromised.We know they’ve dropped the cycle threshold for vaccinated people, and other fuckery to manipulate the numbers the way they want to.
Great news if your vaxxed I guess. You’re safe therefore my status is not your concern, right?
I thought they changed the location based names to be less racist.They have to maintain fear to maintain grip. Simple as that. If it was not one thing, it was another. Then there was variants, british one, indian one, now they call them with fancy military name to make them more scary because lets be honest, India is nothing like here, both in population and situation, so always saying "the indian variant blablabla" wasn't as scary as giving it a fancy name.
Next its gonna be something else til fall comes back and natural rise in flu...i mean...covid (wink wink) cases rise again because its just the season and there you go, another winter of control and fear.
Its a sad situation for your friend, but sadly the world can't revolve around a few peoples who pulled the wrong number in life. I mean i know i will not get vaccinated personally because i am young, healthy and i don't need it. I don't want to gamble on it either. Maybe in 5-10 years when i get older and the vaccine proved itself, but in the meantime considering what the governement did, i have 0 TRUST in them. They injected that crap Astrazeneca despite knowing the risks, knowing more Pfizer (wich proved to be more effective, safer) was coming, all of this to meet quotas and keep their promises that everyone could be vaccinated before June 24 (in Quebec). Now some peoples who got AZ have to mix different vaccines and its just a cluster f***.Your status is not important to me but to my girlfriend who is auto-immune compromised.
She can’t get vaccinated and she can’t get COVID or she will die.
I never said to get the vaccine. I have never told a single person to get it.Its a sad situation for your friend, but sadly the world can't revolve around a few peoples who pulled the wrong number in life. I mean i know i will not get vaccinated personally because i am young, healthy and i don't need it. I don't want to gamble on it either. Maybe in 5-10 years when i get older and the vaccine proved itself, but in the meantime considering what the governement did, i have 0 TRUST in them. They injected that crap Astrazena despite knowing the risks, knowing more Pfizer (wich proved to be more effective, safer) was coming, all of this to meet quotas and keep their promises that everyone could be vaccinated before June 24 (in Quebec). Now some peoples who got AZ have to mix different vaccines and its just a cluster f***.
So nah. Me, someone who does not go out often, do not travel anyway, is in my 30s, is healthy, and that never got Covid since the beginning while not being overly "cautious", i am taking my chances with life, natural immunity etc.
John Tory joined us mix and mashers yesterday with his Astraderna cocktail.PS - I have already stated, I got the AZ and will mix and match. I don’t feel dubbed at all. I prefer this outcome. Doesn’t scare me in the least.
I am quite surprised so many peoples decided to go for it. Actually ever since the start of this thing i been surprise at the population of Canada and especially Quebec. I never taught liberty infringements measures would pass like a knife in butter here. I mean not the initial shutdown in March 2020, that was fine, but once we knew Covid was not the Black Plague 2.0 and so few peoples would actually be hurt by it, i was shocked to see peoples accepting mandate masking and especially curfews for that long. I always saw the Quebec peoples as proud and resisting, not docile and submissive. But i guess the governement did a great propaganda job...Thankfully there are enough getting it that my friend should be ok regardless of your personal choice.
PS - I have already stated, I got the AZ and will mix and match. I don’t feel dubbed at all. I prefer this outcome. Doesn’t scare me in the least.
There will always be the free rider problem.I am not surprised at all. Canadians come together when needed. All the time. This is no different.
Wow, we have another one! LMFAOI am quite surprised so many peoples decided to go for it. Actually ever since the start of this thing i been surprise at the population of Canada and especially Quebec. I never taught liberty infringements measures would pass like a knife in butter here. I mean not the initial shutdown in March 2020, that was fine, but once we knew Covid was not the Black Plague 2.0 and so few peoples would actually be hurt by it, i was shocked to see peoples accepting mandate masking and especially curfews for that long. I always saw the Quebec peoples as proud and resisting, not docile and submissive. But i guess the governement did a great propaganda job...
I agree with Duhaime that we should have got the elders and at risk peoples fully vaccinated first. Actually if someone is 55-60 and want to take the vaccine i would say go for it, you should, cause at that age there is more risk. But they want to vaccinate KIDS, freaking kids !! and peoples 18-30. They call the ones deciding to not take it "recalcitrant" in french, holy hell they are in their 20s !! Its not being recalcitrant, its knowing the risk of having life threatening issues from that disease is like 0.002% when you are 18-30. I never took a flu shot in my life, and yet flu CAN KILL too, actually i had a very bad one once when i was younger and its not fun... But its part of life, thats 2 crappy weeks and then you move on.
Now we are at a point in full summer heat time where they still want peoples to mask, still have big restrictions, while there is less than 100 new cases per day in Quebec and barely anyone in hospitals. When will it end?
I am sure cases will rise in fall, because thats how it goes with seasonal viruses. Having peoples vaccinated will mean way less hospitalizations and maybe less cases than fall 2020 but there will be a surge. Will they use it to put/keep crazy restrictions? Thats my fear. Right now its less than 100 per day. So if we get to lets say 300 per day in fall, they will "justify" their restrictions by saying "thats an augmentation of 300%"
Honestly i feel Governement taste power without any opposition and they loved it... they won't let it go that easy.
Not another one minimizing the effect of Covid? Another one saying Covid is just a "flu"?but once we knew Covid was not the Black Plague 2.0 and so few peoples would actually be hurt by it, i was shocked to see peoples accepting mandate masking and especially curfews for that long. I always saw the Quebec peoples as proud and resisting, not docile and submissive.
Flushot has always been optional for 18-30.Its not being recalcitrant, its knowing the risk of having life threatening issues from that disease is like 0.002% when you are 18-30. I never took a flu shot in my life, and yet flu CAN KILL too,
The vaccines are what’s creating escape variants.When you are an incubator for new strains yes. And coukd be a strain on the healthcare system yes. And could add to numbers prolonging it yes.
Just get a shot. Don't be a scaredy cat.
The South African variant happened last summer, the Uk variant happened last September, both before vaccines were ready. Go eat your crayons and shove that Dr. Seuss book you are currently reading up your arse.The vaccines are what’s creating escape variants.
Does anybody on this board read?
Put your crayons down and pick up a real book.