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Woman in tight clothes walks around NYC with camera crew, Is shocked men talk to her. :rolleyes:


Giver of truth
Jul 26, 2020
To answer that we have to look at the current state of human courtship.
Men take all the risk.
Men do all the work in the courtship ritual.

Men have to approach. Men have to break the ice. Men have to put their egos on the line, have their sexual desirability be actively judged, and get personally rejected, to their face, again and again and again.

Women play a passive aggressive role. They make themselves look as desirable as possible to the opposite sex, and then wait to be approached in order to pick and choose which person they deems worthy of their attention. Women don't have to put their egos on the line. Women don't have to put themselves in situations where they're being rejected to their faces. In fact if a woman's sexual desirability is rejected by a man, she isn't even aware it happened, because he just doesn't even approach her.

So in understanding this courtship dynamic, I feel the catcalling behaviour some men take part in is simply a reaction to the dynamic. It is an attempt at courtship, but not a fully committed attempt. A "Hail Marie" play. A kin to throwing the ball at the net from across the court at the buzzer. You figure it probably won't go in, but it might. And it's done when men just don't feel like playing the whole involved courtship game they have been forced to play.
Well laid out. I'd love to read a response or rebuttal from a female perspective. I suppose human courtship hasn't evolved over the past 30 years nearly as much as the legal, academic, and employment worlds between sexes.
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Oct 24, 2018



Well-known member
May 8, 2008
You still don't understand the difference in the reactions.
Sure, women may want reactions, but they don't want to be creeped.
So saying 'you look lovely today' or 'that's a lovely outfit' is different from saying 'you're sexy' or 'I like your tits'.
For some reason you don't seem to be able to differentiate between 'courtship' and 'creeping' women.
being a creep is solely based upon if a woman finds a man attractive. if he is not to her standard then he may be designated a creepy.

question is how do men know whether a woman finds him attractive unless he propositions her? propositioning being complimenting, striking up a conversation, etc.

saying you are sexy isnt inappropriate. I would consider it near to calling someone beautiful. as for saying I like your tits, it works for some men. its not my cup of tea but times are a changing and what once was questionable may eventually become a norm and acceptable.


Giver of truth
Jul 26, 2020
saying you are sexy isnt inappropriate. I would consider it near to calling someone beautiful. as for saying I like your tits, it works for some men. its not my cup of tea but times are a changing and what once was questionable may eventually become a norm and acceptable.
It's interesting in light of this thread:

Language and dress codes continue diverging. Women dress more provocatively today than ever before, but the language permitted to describe them has never been more stunted. The skirts got shorter, the underwear became a string, the tops got more revealing but the language more subdued. In Ancient Greece only prostitutes wore makeup but today just about every woman wears it to increase sexual attractiveness. Times certainly change.


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
It's interesting in light of this thread:

In Ancient Greece only prostitutes wore makeup but today just about every woman wears it to increase sexual attractiveness. Times certainly change.
In Ancient Egypt the pharaoh's had eye liner and make up.
I hope times have changed.

I know for a fact that some men who are in the Hollywood industry wear eye liners. I know a few. I have nothing against it. I wasn't expecting to see a friend after 10 years from High school wearing it.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
being a creep is solely based upon if a woman finds a man attractive. if he is not to her standard then he may be designated a creepy.

question is how do men know whether a woman finds him attractive unless he propositions her? propositioning being complimenting, striking up a conversation, etc.

saying you are sexy isnt inappropriate. I would consider it near to calling someone beautiful. as for saying I like your tits, it works for some men. its not my cup of tea but times are a changing and what once was questionable may eventually become a norm and acceptable.
I've heard women describe men they think as attractive as creepy as well.

I think jeangarydiablo may have put it better than I'm able to.
If you can't do that type of behaviour at your work, then its over the line.
(though there's a likely exception for construction workers where apparently being over the line is part of the job)

Sure, I enjoy flirting and enjoy talking with women but there are lines that are too much.
Jenesis articulated it really clearly early in this thread.
So sure, go ahead and keep trying that aggressive, hit on everything, cat call approach.
Just be aware that you are part of the population that make women feel unsafe.
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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
It's interesting in light of this thread:

Language and dress codes continue diverging. Women dress more provocatively today than ever before, but the language permitted to describe them has never been more stunted. The skirts got shorter, the underwear became a string, the tops got more revealing but the language more subdued. In Ancient Greece only prostitutes wore makeup but today just about every woman wears it to increase sexual attractiveness. Times certainly change.
wap lol


Jan 7, 2020
I always walk with my eyes down. The only time I talk to anyone is if they talk to me first. It's almost like I'm a prisoner when going outside, that's how scared I am to offend anyone, especially women.


Jan 7, 2020
Reminds me of the cleaning woman in my building, a very attractive white woman. More attractive then the one in the video.

When I first talked to her, she thought I was creeping on her so she was kind of rude to me. Even though my reason to talk to her was legit.

After, I purposely stopped talking or looking at her directly.

Later she became friendly.

I still never really looked at her anymore, because if I did she would know I found her attractive. The only way for her to be friendly to me is if I avoided looking at her. GEESH.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Reminds me of the cleaning woman in my building, a very attractive white woman. More attractive then the one in the video.

When I first talked to her, she thought I was creeping on her so she was kind of rude to me. Even though my reason to talk to her was legit.

After, I purposely stopped talking or looking at her directly.

Later she became friendly.

I still never really looked at her anymore, because if I did she would know I found her attractive. The only way for her to be friendly to me is if I avoided looking at her. GEESH.
She was making it clear she had no intention of fucking you and for you to never believe you had any chance of fucking her. This is when you go and make a $250-$300 withdrawal and book an escort, it so much easier. ;)


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2013
I have zero interest in this woman's appearance, I wouldn't even notice her, however, women I personally find attractive? would really have to be giving me a strong indication they are interested in me specifically, that does not mean they are just looking at me, it is way more complicated than that, should I choose to make contact with them it is very subtle like just an eyebrow shrug and friendly smile [ don't hold eye contact too long it's creepy ] if they smile back and don't say shit? I don't say shit, and keep walking if they smile maintain eye contact and say hi then I take the next step return the greeting and take it from there, it sounds lame but that's my opener, there are still no guarantees, the guys in this video are just embarrassing especially the last guy what planet are you from where you say things like that to women, I have to wonder if that was staged for this video.

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2013
It's amazing.
You quote what I write, but you don't actually read what I write

You still don't understand the difference in the reactions.
Sure, women may want reactions, but they don't want to be creeped.
So saying 'you look lovely today' or 'that's a lovely outfit' is different from saying 'you're sexy' or 'I like your tits'.
For some reason you don't seem to be able to differentiate between 'courtship' and 'creeping' women.
Did you miss what I finished my post off with? You included it in your quote, but you obviously missed it.

Again, manners and crude statements aside. Insults are not compliments. Compliments are not crimes.
What you seem to be constantly missing, or wilfully ignoring, is my entire argument was against a statement Jenesis said, that Men shouldn't be allowed to say anything at all. Inclusive of Compliments, no matter how respectful they are.

Your other quote of mine, taken out of context I might add, was in answer to another person's question as to why some men cat call. I offered my theory on why it might happen. I never said anywhere in that post that I agreed with the behaviour.
You really need to stop putting words in people's mouths, just to make your own arguments look better.

And just to re-iterate. If a woman, by her own words, is dressing a certain way because she wants to "feel sexy" her words. Then it shouldn't be a problem for a man to tell her she is "sexy".
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Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Reminds me of the cleaning woman in my building, a very attractive white woman. More attractive then the one in the video.

When I first talked to her, she thought I was creeping on her so she was kind of rude to me. Even though my reason to talk to her was legit.

After, I purposely stopped talking or looking at her directly.

Later she became friendly.

I still never really looked at her anymore, because if I did she would know I found her attractive. The only way for her to be friendly to me is if I avoided looking at her. GEESH.
What was your legit reason to talk to her? lol.
I still never really looked at her anymore, because if I did she would know I found her attractive. The only way for her to be friendly to me is if I avoided looking at her.

Words I live by. I find I get along with women fine as long as I don't talk to them and leave them alone.
Sucks being me. lol.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It's amazing.
You quote what I write, but you don't actually read what I write

Did you miss what I finished my post off with? You included it in your quote, but you obviously missed it.

What you seem to be constantly missing, or wilfully ignoring, is my entire argument was against a statement Jenesis said, that Men shouldn't be allowed to say anything at all. Inclusive of Compliments, no matter how respectful they are.

Your other quote of mine, taken out of context I might add, was in answer to another person's question as to why some men cat call. I offered my theory on why it might happen. I never said anywhere in that post that I agreed with the behaviour.
You really need to stop putting words in people's mouths, just to make your own arguments look better.

And just to re-iterate. If a woman, by her own words, is dressing a certain way because she wants to "feel sexy" her words. Then it shouldn't be a problem for a man to tell her she is "sexy".
This is in a thread about catcalls, uncharted.
Jenesis stated that what you seem to call 'courtship' isn't appreciated, which is why it looks like 'creeping' to me.
All I was trying to do was explain why it might not be appreciated through discussing the concept of complimenting beauty vs sexiness.
This discussion has gotten as aggressive as some of the 'courtship' that Jenesis complains about and its clear I can't get you to understand my point so I'll just leave you to your 'courtship' ways.


Jan 7, 2020
What was your legit reason to talk to her? lol.
There was some water under the laundry machine, I thought she could tell the super because I was lazy to do it myself. ( Also I wanted to talk to her, because ... BOOBIES )

She was making it clear she had no intention of fucking you
I'm older then her but I look young. In the future she started to talk to me like I'm a little kid. I used my soft, innocent voice.

I actually 5'2" and 104 pounds. Most people tell me I look like 25 or so - at the time I was 41.

Someone told me I shocked the Pharmacist when I told her my real age - like she thought I was lying. I remember the Pharmacist looking at me funny, but I avoid eye contact usually.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2013
I always walk with my eyes down. The only time I talk to anyone is if they talk to me first. It's almost like I'm a prisoner when going outside, that's how scared I am to offend anyone, especially women.
Deep diving,,,



Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
I always walk with my eyes down. The only time I talk to anyone is if they talk to me first. It's almost like I'm a prisoner when going outside, that's how scared I am to offend anyone, especially women.
LOL! I've been to Hanlan's only twice in the past 4 years. On my last visit 2 years ago, I went to toss some trash in the trash bin. I looked up and saw this naked young woman coming straight at me. I thought to myself: "What have I done now".

When she got within earshot, she asked: "Do you have any pot?" I said: "Sorry, but I don't". We then had a short conversation about things of no import. All that time I made sure not to look at her breasts and/or genitals.
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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
LOL! I've been to Hanlan's only twice in the past 4 years. On my last visit 2 years ago, I went to toss some trash in the trash bin. I looked up and saw this naked young woman coming straight at me. I thought to myself: "What have I done now".

When she got within earshot, she asked: "Do you have any pot?" I said: "Sorry, but I don't". We then had a short conversation about things of no import. All that time I made sure not to look at her breasts and/or genitals.
and since that day you never leave house without ample supply of pot on you? ;)
  • Haha
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